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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-04 22:31:46

At 11/4/12 06:05 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: So I've been watching Dragon Ball Kai lately (because Dragonball Z is nostalgic for me) and I got to thinking about some of the lessons the Dragonball series teaches, such as "hard work pays off, but people with natural sill are going to have a head start." Granted this is a show aimed at younger boys, so it's fairly obvious about this, but I thought maybe we could get a discussion going about the morality and ethics of various anime.

I usually take shit at face value when it comes to anime, but some anime I've watched have multiple 'layers' that I can notice.

Most of the Gundam series I've seen (both Seed series, 00, G) are usually black-and-white with no in-betweens. There are bad guys and good guys, that's it. Durandal and Master Asia were the most interesting of the bunch and not just batshit crazy like Rau or the Trinity siblings.

LoGH is the best in this regard because it's not just that -- the characters actually seem 'real.'

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-05 04:47:03

At 11/4/12 06:05 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: So I've been watching Dragon Ball Kai lately (because Dragonball Z is nostalgic for me) and I got to thinking about some of the lessons the Dragonball series teaches, such as "hard work pays off, but people with natural sill are going to have a head start." Granted this is a show aimed at younger boys, so it's fairly obvious about this, but I thought maybe we could get a discussion going about the morality and ethics of various anime. At the very least it's a break from the tedium of "I watched (insert anime here) what else should I watch?"

Fooly Cooly has a nice message in it's 6 episode of a series. I found the message to say "It's okay to take your time to grow up, and keep things at your pace". Overall the anime is very symbolic and watching the show one or two times did no justice. More of everything you go rewatch it, you find out a little bit more here and there.

happy, sad....!?

"if you're ever getting buttfucked go with scarlet velvet " - Bantam

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-05 20:19:04

At 10/28/12 06:31 PM, Innermike wrote: Hey guys, I've watched some entry-level anime, Deathnote, FMA(+Brotherhood), Cowboy Bebop, Naruto(+shippuden), DBZ, Elfen Lied, Code Geass, FMP, Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai, Bleach, One Piece and maybe a few others I can't remember

I'm looking for something a little more serious now, any suggestions?

Ghost In The Shell
Ergo Proxy
Neon Genesis

I'm a strong, Independent hentai artist who don't need no man in my life.


Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 02:05:25

At 10/8/12 08:02 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Boo.

Great Effort

It's not that I lost interest in anime, but that I lost interest in this club, as others have stated, if you hang around in this thread for too long it gets stagnant. Well actually, I have kinda lost interest in anime because nothing recent seems interesting to me. Most of the newer stuff I hear about seems aimed at younger girls.

I lost interest in both for a long while. This club mostly just due to the lack of diversity. Mendou has talked to me in the past about getting involved with the community of MyAnimeList and I've thought about it. Thought about dipping my toes into BakaBTs community but I've been glancing and some members are a bit over bearing like a good lot of the members of this club were in their youth.

Actually got back into anime for the most part thanks to Hajime no Ippo. I watched both series, the OVA, and the movie. Might pick up the manga too(shit, probably will). Got caught up with Hellsing Ultimate last night and started Yakitate Japan! after years of wanting to see it.

Watched the Rurouni Kenshin: New Kyoto Arc as well. The storyline differs from the original anime and overall... the character animation is poor. Comparing the background art to the character animation is like a flawed cut diamond to a fresh puddle of crap. The backgrounds are gorgeous and the character animations really help to support my opinion on the animation.

At 11/4/12 06:05 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: So I've been watching Dragon Ball Kai lately (because Dragonball Z is nostalgic for me) and I got to thinking about some of the lessons the Dragonball series teaches, such as "hard work pays off, but people with natural sill are going to have a head start."

The 'Natural Skill VS Hard Work' debate sometimes makes people disheartened about trying something new. Just the fact of the matter that if you keep at something it's going to pay off sooner or later. Just depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into it.

Granted this is a show aimed at younger boys, so it's fairly obvious about this, but I thought maybe we could get a discussion going about the morality and ethics of various anime. At the very least it's a break from the tedium of "I watched (insert anime here) what else should I watch?"

If you think about it most shounens are like that though: Be good and good will come to you/Work hard and it will pay off/etc... Could say that shoujous are the same but just towards girls. Get the boy/man child/romace or most Moe shows these days.

The more interesting ones to see are geared towards a Chaotic Good or a Lawful Evil. Gives a break from the 'goody goody' so to speak. Like the protagonist killing for the right cause even though others don't see his point of view or the mad man killing off everyone to cleanse the world.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 02:11:28

Crunchyroll ppl, lend me your ears!

Making music can fun, but it can also be as challenging as playing the...

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 05:56:14

At 11/6/12 02:11 AM, Quetya wrote: Crunchyroll ppl, lend me your ears!

i'm going to assume that most of the folks here know of that site. and no thanks, i'd rather watch anime for free than pay for it.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 12:18:22

At 11/5/12 04:47 AM, RandomRoarness wrote:
At 11/4/12 06:05 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:
Fooly Cooly has a nice message in it's 6 episode of a series. I found the message to say "It's okay to take your time to grow up, and keep things at your pace".

I really don't see any of that when I watch FLCL, instead I saw 6 episodes of random crap that goes nowhere. The message that people claim about this show comes off as shallow {if there was any to be found}, and there is no point behind it. IMO, this is a show that is popular for all of the wrong reasons.

Overall the anime is very symbolic and watching the show one or two times did no justice. More of everything you go rewatch it, you find out a little bit more here and there.

I've made the mistake of watching this show twice, and I felt like I got dumber both times in the end. As I said before, this show is popular for the wrong reasons, and to deduce any type of serious philosophy or symbolism from FLCL is laughable. Instead, do yourself a favor Wonko, and watch the Ghost in the Shell series, in where the philosophy in the show is actually meaningful, and the message in itself is deep and somewhat relatable.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 13:56:00

At 11/6/12 02:05 AM, Kisuke wrote: I lost interest in both for a long while. This club mostly just due to the lack of diversity. Mendou has talked to me in the past about getting involved with the community of MyAnimeList and I've thought about it. Thought about dipping my toes into BakaBTs community but I've been glancing and some members are a bit over bearing like a good lot of the members of this club were in their youth.

I've dabbled in animebyt.es' community but I find that most anime fans just seem to be a bit too full-on for me. I've never really bought into all the doujinshi, all the figurines, all the waifus and all the kawaii~~ desu stuff, I just watch the anime and leave it at that. Plus there's a lot of stuff that typical anime communities often discuss that i just haven't watched (eg: clannad). Currently trying out reddit/trueanime, which despite its pretentious name is a reasonable bunch of guys, if small and slow.

Actually got back into anime for the most part thanks to Hajime no Ippo. I watched both series, the OVA, and the movie.

Hey, are the 2nd series, ova movie etc as good as the first? I've only seen the orig 70ish eps but loved what I saw.

Lastly, I've finally caught up with the airing ep of space bros, which means I've got some time to start something else. Think I'm gonna watch some of that jazz anime with the bebop director from last winter. I watched the first couple of eps way back but then stopped watching anime for a few months and since have forgotten about it.

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 15:20:16

At 11/6/12 12:18 PM, orangebomb wrote: I've made the mistake of watching this show twice, and I felt like I got dumber both times in the end. As I said before, this show is popular for the wrong reasons, and to deduce any type of serious philosophy or symbolism from FLCL is laughable. Instead, do yourself a favor Wonko, and watch the Ghost in the Shell series, in where the philosophy in the show is actually meaningful, and the message in itself is deep and somewhat relatable.

I'm not the one who made the post about FLCL. I didn't like it either. I haven't watched the Ghost in the Shell series, but I have watched the movies.

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 18:13:09

At 11/6/12 01:56 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: I've dabbled in animebyt.es' community but I find that most anime fans just seem to be a bit too full-on for me. I've never really bought into all the doujinshi, all the figurines, all the waifus and all the kawaii~~ desu stuff, I just watch the anime and leave it at that.

I'm only in it for the anime/manga as well, but strangely enough, I still haven't tired of /a/ and 4chan in general despite them doing that shit all the time. I swear I'll be on that site until it's dead or I'm dead, hopefully the former.

Currently trying out reddit/trueanime, which despite its pretentious name is a reasonable bunch of guys, if small and slow.

I guess another reason why I can stomach /a/ is because it's fast-paced discussion rather than being slow as fuck. I'm pretty patient though.

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 19:48:30

At 11/6/12 06:13 PM, towelie101 wrote:
At 11/6/12 01:56 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: I've dabbled in animebyt.es' community but I find that most anime fans just seem to be a bit too full-on for me. I've never really bought into all the doujinshi, all the figurines, all the waifus and all the kawaii~~ desu stuff, I just watch the anime and leave it at that.
I'm only in it for the anime/manga as well, but strangely enough, I still haven't tired of /a/ and 4chan in general despite them doing that shit all the time. I swear I'll be on that site until it's dead or I'm dead, hopefully the former.

I used to hang around on /a/ quite a bit, but now that I don't really follow the airing anime any more I don't see much point. Most of the interesting discussion seemed to be centered around those threads. I mean lets take a look at the front page atm:

mirai nikki / waifu
mormons (wat) / waifu
kinda cool evangelion interactive thread run by OP, but still just trying to chat up asuka so / waifu
some anime from 90s i haven't heard of / watched (slayers next?)
manga dump
fave mecha discussion
idolmaster thread
evangelion 3.0 discussion
Shinsekai yori (From the new world)
paella magi madoka
some discussion about copyright and intellectual property after someone tried to kickstart some strike witches fan stuff.
mirai nikki
sound thread

okay so out of these the copyright discussion was cool, the anime i didnt know discussion looked aight, but the real problem is i don't have a waifu, i don't have an opinion over the best homura moment in puella maho magi madoka, i dont watch mirai nikki or bleach or k or shinsekai yori or the previous evangelions.

more importantly my 4chanx script or whatever has broken and doesn't expand images inline any more or embed youtube and the "what replies to this" bits aren't working quite right and aaaaaaagh

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 20:23:08

At 11/6/12 07:48 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: okay so out of these the copyright discussion was cool, the anime i didnt know discussion looked aight, etc etc

Yeah I know what you mean. Only a fourth of the threads actually interest me, but after five years of browsing the damn website, I can't stop lurking/posting on it.

more importantly my 4chanx script or whatever has broken and doesn't expand images inline any more or embed youtube and the "what replies to this" bits aren't working quite right and aaaaaaagh

I'm glad moot added the all of the features to the site itself because I lost the extension the last time I reset my laptop. Shows that he still cares for 4chan.

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-06 22:59:16

I've never looked at /r/trueanime, but my god is /r/anime awful.

Wonko, Stand Alone Complex is fantastic.

At 11/6/12 02:05 AM, Kisuke wrote: I lost interest in both for a long while. This club mostly just due to the lack of diversity. Mendou has talked to me in the past about getting involved with the community of MyAnimeList and I've thought about it.

I used to be a database mod for MAL, but that was revoked after I became inactive.

And I agree. not much variety here anymore.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-08 05:28:55

I love Anime, would love to join this club

Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-08 08:26:59

At 11/8/12 05:28 AM, Dangerous-D wrote: I love Anime, would love to join this club

Tekkaman Blade is amazing, man. What's your favorite part of the anime?

Blade vs. Evil is definitely at the top for me.

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-08 13:31:24

Hey again, guys.
Listen, I haven't really been watching to much animu lately, and I haven't exactly been the most contributive to the group, but uh...
Would anyone be kind enough to list me off some animu that recently finished airing? I wanna hit up AB and download some new series, but I just have no idea what to choose from.

fuck yuo idiote

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-09 05:42:16

At 11/8/12 08:26 AM, towelie101 wrote: Tekkaman Blade is amazing, man. What's your favorite part of the anime?

Blade vs. Evil is definitely at the top for me.

Blade Vs Dagger, wish they had more story on Dagger

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-09 06:27:32

This is my anime list

I've always liked anime, sailor moon and pokemon were of course my first animes.
The Inuyasha came on the air and I became addicted.
I like the genres: horror, romance, slice of life, drama, and psychological.
I absolutely am bored with action.

"Man, I nearly snapped my twig. Then again I nearly snapped A few of you"- Alice in Chains

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-10 00:05:36

At 11/9/12 10:56 AM, Lasse wrote: no haruhi on that list, fix that

The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, right? I think I watched that season, but not the disappearance one.

"Man, I nearly snapped my twig. Then again I nearly snapped A few of you"- Alice in Chains

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-10 02:10:27

Anyone a nexflixer like me? I've found and watched some really good anime.

-The Sacred Blacksmith -Good, short watch.-
-Chobits -Recommend-
-KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (EXPIRES 11/16/12 HURRY) -I highly recommend-

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-10 04:13:00

At 11/10/12 02:10 AM, TehFayth wrote: Anyone a nexflixer like me? I've found and watched some really good anime.

-The Sacred Blacksmith -Good, short watch.-
-Chobits -Recommend-
-KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (EXPIRES 11/16/12 HURRY) -I highly recommend-

I am, thanks to netflix, I watched both Clannad and Clannad after story(which made my eays dry out from all the crying)...and I saw Shuffle!, Chobits, and Demon King Daemo(or something like that). I thought they had Honey and Clover on netflix..but I guess they got rid of it. Now I am forced to watch it using a slow anime website..

"Man, I nearly snapped my twig. Then again I nearly snapped A few of you"- Alice in Chains

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-10 18:07:55

At 11/8/12 01:31 PM, Sevkat wrote: Hey again, guys.
Listen, I haven't really been watching to much animu lately, and I haven't exactly been the most contributive to the group, but uh...
Would anyone be kind enough to list me off some animu that recently finished airing? I wanna hit up AB and download some new series, but I just have no idea what to choose from.



Anime Club

fuck yuo idiote

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-11 04:26:43

At 11/6/12 10:59 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: And I agree. not much variety here anymore.

indeed. one of the reasons why i don't venture here much anymore. i do check in like Wonko and Trivia have mentioned though, i just don't really post too often.

At 11/6/12 01:56 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: I've dabbled in animebyt.es' community but I find that most anime fans just seem to be a bit too full-on for me. I've never really bought into all the doujinshi, all the figurines, all the waifus and all the kawaii~~ desu stuff, I just watch the anime and leave it at that. Plus there's a lot of stuff that typical anime communities often discuss that i just haven't watched (eg: clannad). Currently trying out reddit/trueanime, which despite its pretentious name is a reasonable bunch of guys, if small and slow.

i'm the same way honestly. i know a few people who are close friends that have figurines and the like or are really into the Moe~ stuff but that just doesn't suit me. sure, i love Rozen Maiden, Potemayo and other animes like that but i don't have the feelings to buy the figures or whatever. i have some gundam figures and DBZ but that goes with saying what i really first saw anime wise. now that i'm older, the girly animes and buying the figures seems silly. not going to judge or i try not to but it's jsut not for me. i've heard of clannad and it just throws up red flags everywhere for me. just like K-on and Lucky Star. just... No. No.

Actually got back into anime for the most part thanks to Hajime no Ippo. I watched both series, the OVA, and the movie.
Hey, are the 2nd series, ova movie etc as good as the first? I've only seen the orig 70ish eps but loved what I saw.

the second series 'New Challenger' is really good. it's a continuation of the original series but takes place after the movie and OVA. i'd say it's at least worth a try if you enjoyed the first tv series since New Challenger is only 26 episodes. there were talks of something after it but that was in 2009.

but yeah, give it a shot. you can find the first few episodes on youtube. it's actually what made me give the entire Ippo line a shot and man, one of my new favorites in the past 8 years.

At 11/10/12 06:07 PM, Sevkat wrote:
At 11/8/12 01:31 PM, Sevkat wrote: Hey again, guys.
Listen, I haven't really been watching to much animu lately, and I haven't exactly been the most contributive to the group, but uh...
Would anyone be kind enough to list me off some animu that recently finished airing? I wanna hit up AB and download some new series, but I just have no idea what to choose from.
mfw yfw

Anime Club

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-11 15:18:30

At 3/21/03 08:22 PM, SIn-in-a-Half wrote:
At 3/21/03 08:07 PM, LLivingLarge wrote: I know sex sells, what else sells (efficiently)?
oh I know we could go to the crap clubs(not including anime club) that didn't make it 30 replies yet and tell them there life is meaning less so join anime club...

I support this notion! >:3

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-12 00:01:56

At 11/11/12 04:26 AM, Kisuke wrote:
At 11/10/12 06:07 PM, Sevkat wrote: Anyone?
mfw yfw

mfw yfw mfw

Anime Club

fuck yuo idiote

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-12 00:11:02

At 11/10/12 04:13 AM, xxxcreep wrote:
I am, thanks to netflix, I watched both Clannad and Clannad after story(which made my eays dry out from all the crying)...and I saw Shuffle!, Chobits, and Demon King Daemo(or something like that). I thought they had Honey and Clover on netflix..but I guess they got rid of it. Now I am forced to watch it using a slow anime website..

OH I almost forgot, Fruits Basket is a REALLY good anime as well. Definitely worth a checkout.

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-12 00:12:36

Sorry for double post, but Angel Beats! is also a very good watch.

Response to Anime Club 2012-11-12 16:08:41

At 11/12/12 12:12 AM, TehFayth wrote: Sorry for double post, but Angel Beats! is also a very good watch.

fuck yea, definitely one of my top 3 favourite anime of all time, along with K-On! and Darker than Black.

Also, made a new MAL. My Animu HDD crashed, so I can only watch what I've downloaded recently, until I buy a new HDD to back it up. So I'm currently watching Toradora! and Kore wa Zombie Desu ka. They're both... Decent, I guess. Downloaded Yosuga no Sora and Binbougami ga!... To be completely honest, they both look like shit. I can't bring myself to find ANY anime I haven't seen before that isn't shit, so I'm probably gonna re-watch something I haven't seen in a while.

fuck yuo idiote

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-12 16:46:01

Turns out this Binbougami ga! show is pretty fuckin' good.

fuck yuo idiote

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Response to Anime Club 2012-11-12 17:02:25

Since everyone else seems to be posting their's, here's my anime/manga list. Feel free to hate.

I've noticed MAL has started relisting more shows with their romanized japanese titles, as if any one is actually going to recognize them. Wish they'd stop doing that shit.

šŸ“š Newgrounds Reading Challenge šŸ“š

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