At 11/11/10 08:50 PM, LoliTastic wrote:
Jesus, you don't have to be such a fucking asshole about it, I don't need to have the same tastes as you ya know.
I thought I was being quite civil, really. I don't know where you got the idea that I was trying to force you to like the show. I've spent a reasonable few posts arguing that that sort of thing was pointless. I even named legitimate reasons (or reasons that I think are legitimate, anyway) to dislike the series.
I don't even like it myself. It's watchable, at best. The only reason I watched the first season was to procrastinate from actually doing some work.
Slice of life shows tend to bore me. Especially those set in high schools now that I'm not in high school anymore. If I were to watch a slice of life I'd prefer something like Aria, where the life that they're slicing is actually interesting (if only it weren't for that god damn cat, ugh).
But enough about that. I'm tired of arguing about slice-of-life series as well.
I'm still keeping on watching FMA: Brotherhood. So far it's been almost entirely a retread of the events of the first series, but I guess that's to be expected.
There have been a couple of different episodes to the first series. The first episode was different, though the first episode of the original anime turns up a few episodes later. The episode where they go to the Automail town is also different (I think that one involved an arm wrestling contest of some kind? I don't remember too well) and a lot more action-packed (and child-birth packed).
The humour is still grating, as it is in way too many anime series. But the rest of the show makes up for its faults in that department. I guess you'd probably find the humour funny if you like LOUD NOISES and static images a lot?
It's entertaining enough to keep me watching, anyway. The action is fun.