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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:00:52

At 4/29/07 07:11 PM, death32320 wrote: what is these anime charaters from?anime ppls ... my friend wants to no the song if u no it..

Well the song is Caramelldansen by Caramell and the anime is Popotan. About 5 minutes of searching found that out.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:01:17

At 4/29/07 08:45 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: I just got done watching Akane goes to the hospital episode. Even though it was filler i liked it and it was rather touching at the end.

Ranma Filler > Any other filler

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:04:27

What was the name of Itachi's move again? I mean the one with the black flames. I heard him say its name I just forgot it.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:13:30

Mangnekyo sharigan?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:14:11

At 4/29/07 09:04 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: What was the name of Itachi's move again? I mean the one with the black flames. I heard him say its name I just forgot it.

You mean Amaterasu? You could probably have found that out pretty quick.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:20:56

At 4/29/07 09:01 PM, uhnoesanoob wrote: Ranma Filler > Any other filler

Fuck. Yes.

I could watch them again and again, they also make great ambient noise for when you're typing up documents.

Yes, I play DVDs just for the sake of listening to them whilst doing important work and such, shut up.

At 4/29/07 09:02 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Nope i watch anime through means on the net, The other click dude. (yep im a filthy pirate)

Way to ignore the goddamned rules of this club.


Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:26:57

At 4/29/07 09:24 PM, ElementalSoldier wrote: O really I do the same thing why pay for somtehing free.

Because it's the right thing to do, you illiterate fool.

If you truly wanted to watch something, you should at least make the attempt to obtain it legally.

As usual, GTFO.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:31:43

At 4/29/07 09:28 PM, ElementalSoldier wrote: Yes but the NEW subbed naruto is not l on DVD.

Get some fucking patience.

At 4/29/07 09:29 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Good point


but then again we can't discuss such things here (i learned my lesson gendo)

You damn well better have.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:42:23

At 4/29/07 09:38 PM, ElementalSoldier wrote: I will when you get some manners.
but that will never happen.

Manners is not the issue here. I don't need to be polite, because this is probably the second or third time this month I've told you to leave the club for breaking a rule.

Fuck off.

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 21:49:51

ES, stop faggin' up the internets.


/ Accomplishments: first 1000 comment news post.

/ عثكغ ʘⒺⒸⓀⒺʘ

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 22:07:10

I found myself watching a bunch of the newer Naruto anime today. I don't know why.

I am left with a void of feeling on it.

Sense is made.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 22:15:23

At 4/29/07 10:07 PM, ElementalSoldier wrote: Some one start talking about anime I'm tired of him crying.

How about you just grow a brain and leave already?

boowho gendo your not the dictator of NG so stop your little girly whining.

No, but I am the dictator of this fucking club, as such, MY WORD IS TO BE OBEYED, DON'T LIKE THAT? THEN LEAVE!!!!

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 22:25:13

At 4/29/07 10:15 PM, Gendo wrote:
At 4/29/07 10:07 PM, ElementalSoldier wrote:
boowho gendo your not the dictator of NG so stop your little girly whining.
No, but I am the dictator of this fucking club, as such, MY WORD IS TO BE OBEYED, DON'T LIKE THAT? THEN LEAVE!!!!

Excuse me? Gendo is dictator? When did I get overthrown?

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 22:28:18

At 4/29/07 10:25 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Excuse me? Gendo is dictator? When did I get overthrown?

I thought you were more the God-king of the club.

Also, are the authority figures still the big decision makers here or has control returned to you?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-29 23:07:31

At 4/29/07 10:28 PM, Gendo wrote:
At 4/29/07 10:25 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Excuse me? Gendo is dictator? When did I get overthrown?
I thought you were more the God-king of the club.

Your response is acceptable.

Also, are the authority figures still the big decision makers here or has control returned to you?

Yeah, I just put a stop to things that piss me off, you guys are still big decision makers.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 00:05:43

At 4/29/07 10:28 PM, Gendo wrote: I thought you were more the God-king of the club.

Also, are the authority figures still the big decision makers here or has control returned to you?

I don't get the whole rankings thing in a thread.

It's not as if you have any tangible power is it?

Oh well, e-people will have their labels.

Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 00:23:54

At 4/30/07 12:05 AM, Kuro wrote:

Oh well, e-people will have their labels.

Well, we can go to mods if we have to. That is usually reserved for spammers/ inappropriate picture spammers.

Clubs need a hierarchy, and since this is an online forum it needs more people with "power". If people just did what they were supposed to and stuck to anime talk then leadership talk wouldn't be needed.

Just go with it...

Anywho.... I'm trying to get GaoGaiGar Final. I can only seem to get a few of the Grand Glorious Gathering episodes, but I can get all of the Final with subtitles I hope.

Anime Club

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 01:03:43

At 4/30/07 12:23 AM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Clubs need a hierarchy, and since this is an online forum it needs more people with "power".

By that you do mean figureheads, right?

If someone was spamming, it wouldn't exactly take the person who supposedly "controls" the club to go and ask a mod to get them off your case.

Any old person in the club could take notice of that and carry out the action.

IT's not as if the mods will only listen to people who've been dubbed higher on the hierarchy.

Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 01:12:15

At 4/30/07 01:03 AM, Kuro wrote:

If someone was spamming, it wouldn't exactly take the person who supposedly "controls" the club to go and ask a mod to get them off your case.

Yeah, but how often does that happen? You can't just let people look after themselves, cus if the world worked like that their wouldn't be speed limits or laws.

Their are plenty of anime forums...we are just an anime club inside of a larger forum...so it is annoying when people act stupid when they don't have to post here.

Well I'm done talking about how the damn club works.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 04:10:35

At 4/29/07 09:24 PM, ElementalSoldier wrote: O really I do the same thing why pay for somtehing free.

Because you are a whore?

boowho gendo your not the dictator of NG so stop your little girly whining.

Are you his superior or a person who holds any authority in NG/A/? I don't fucking think so.
Oh, and if no one has told you yet; shut the fuck up already.

At 4/30/07 12:23 AM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: If people just did what they were supposed to and stuck to anime talk then leadership talk wouldn't be needed.

But I trust that we, as the Authority Figures of NG/A/ are all generally self-dignified people who like maintaining good standards because this is no typical club run by disorganised kiddies.

Anywho.... I'm trying to get GaoGaiGar Final. I can only seem to get a few of the Grand Glorious Gathering episodes, but I can get all of the Final with subtitles I hope.

Grand Glorious Gathering adds more ties to fit GGG and Betterman together, which is similar to the pre-settings of the new Project Z (Previewed and recorded discussions in the GGGFGGG Boxset Disc Z).

I had to buy the special release of GGGFGGG which included posable action figures of all three (GaoGaiGar, GaoFighGar and Genesic GaoGaiGar). And knowing Sunrise's recording and development quality (and proven by marathoning all 12 episodes), Courage in High Definition has never looked better.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 04:57:18

At 4/28/07 10:58 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
At 4/28/07 10:46 PM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote:
At 4/28/07 10:15 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
At 4/28/07 10:12 PM, Llama0wn3d wrote:
gagaga! gagaga! GaoGaiGar!!
......I don't like that song at all.Im sorry to offend a certain someone but It just doesn't get to me.

Genesic doesn't like you either.

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 05:06:46

At 4/29/07 09:49 PM, Ecke wrote: Seven.

Don't worry about it, as long as your post makes its intended point.

At 4/29/07 09:39 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Oh jesus,let the flame war begin....

Just step away.

At 4/29/07 09:38 PM, ElementalSoldier wrote: I will when you get some manners.

And you, ES, needs to know when to stop throwing your stupidity around.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 05:09:01

At 4/30/07 05:04 AM, jbermeister wrote: GUYS! IVE MADE A FORUM FOR US!



Is that not what this is for?

Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 05:12:47

At 4/30/07 05:04 AM, jbermeister wrote: here

As Kuro has pointed out, we already have an independent Forum system active and (infrequently) in use at the moment.

I do not like its apparent limited functionality compared to Invision Boards though.

Oh, and your colour scheme is far too mixed and bright, it is not good for prolonged reading.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 06:38:36

At 4/30/07 05:12 AM, HaroFreak wrote: Oh, and your colour scheme is far too mixed and bright, it is not good for prolonged reading.

Agreed, but prolonged reading?

I couldn't stand it for more than 10 seconds.

Cyan is just not a good layout colour.

Especially if it's attempting to mix with bright pink and black.

Alongside an irritating repeating image.

Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 07:05:39

At 4/30/07 06:38 AM, Kuro wrote: Agreed, but prolonged reading?

I lowered the standards to the typical reader length, in which anything beyond ten seconds worth of uninterrupted reading is considered 'prolonged' to their standards.

I couldn't stand it for more than 10 seconds.
Cyan is just not a good layout colour.
Especially if it's attempting to mix with bright pink and black.
Alongside an irritating repeating image.

A prime example of an F at ergonomics.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 07:38:48

Hellsing the OVA is officially awesome.

Spoiler I guess.

Not only does it have vampire's, but it also has Nazi's!

I haven't read much of the manga, only up to the 3rd, but I'm hoping that there are more decent vampire battles in the future of the OVA, as that's what I'm watching it for.

Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 08:36:22

I IS TEH REGISTERED ON TEH TEH TEH FORUMS LOLZ0RS!!!!!1111oneshifteleventyone!

And in my anime-related news, I finally got to sit down and see the newest episode of Vampire Princess Miyu, and the two newest episodes of Shingu.


My fucking God, are the Xyglians actually the ONLY ones invading the Earth? You'd think from all the ships we were seeing earlier that there were more aliens attacking.


Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 08:48:31

At 4/30/07 07:38 AM, Kuro wrote: Hellsing the OVA is officially awesome.

Spoiler I guess.

Not only does it have vampire's, but it also has Nazi's!

Silly man, I don't think Nazis are spoilers. In fact, Nazis should be in every anime.

I'm gonna go back to my room and be awesome.

Desert Punk of the NG /A/|My VA Demo Reel|Audio Portal|

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-04-30 09:02:08

At 4/30/07 08:48 AM, TacticalShoe wrote: Silly man, I don't think Nazis are spoilers. In fact, Nazis should be in every anime.

Even in lighter-hearted titles like Azumanga Daioh?


Anime Club

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?