At 4/24/07 11:20 PM, SlipperyMooseCakes wrote:
I actually Watched Full Metal Alchemist, do you guys consider that shit or a decent anime?
I considered it decent enough for me to watch it all, but I hated the ending more than any ending of any show ever.
It all seemed so unresolved, and left me wanting more.
And you had to watch an obscure video to find out what happened after the series.
At 4/24/07 10:29 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:
At 4/24/07 09:04 PM, Gendo wrote:
At 4/24/07 09:00 PM, Kuro wrote:
By creeped the fuck outta you, you do mean gave you a huge erection right?
Now guro, for some unexplainable reason, makes me smile from ear to ear.
God, I love you.
I don't care what it does to you, this is not a goddamn hentai club. He have a hentai section on our forums for that kind of thing.
Hey, it was censored, thus making it completely okay by this forums standards.
Oh shit, right, I forgot.
Serious discussion only, fun is not allowed.