At 4/21/07 08:29 AM, HaroFreak wrote:
Like I mentioned earlier; watch something else then.
You realise I said I watched up to the 27th episode?
Clearly I don't dislike it, rather there are ways I'd prefer it.
In crime stories, I prefer to have the mystery involved in it, not to have the motives and methods layed out to me at the start.
And regarding the whole morals thing, that can easily be played out better without having you delve inside the killers mind.
When you're watching Light, you tend to get to dislike him, because he's not a likable character, and since his motives of him wanting to be god are made clear to you, you're less likely to side with him.
If the killer was just some mysterious paranormal figure, then you could develop a siding for what he's doing alot easier. Watching the show would lead you to know that he was killing off only criminals, they give you the info on how people are supporting him, you can easily side with what he's doing.
It'd be like Paranoia Agent.
Paranoia Agent is helping people out by hurting them, at least in the first few episodes, so you can get the idea that what he's doing is right, but also you know that what he's doing is illegal because he's assaulting people, so by a law perspective what he's doing is wrong.
The show would end up like that in that you could think "Hey, yeah, the world WOULD be better without criminals, perhaps this guy is right after all", but when you're knowing that he's trying to inspire fear in order to get himself to a godlike status you develop less of a liking for him, thus leading to you being far more likely to side with the police.
The show isn't particularly letting you pick a side, it's slowly edging you towards what's considered right by societies standards.