Probably been discuss before but it was probably a longs back.
Cowboy Bebop VS Outlaw Star
I vote Outlaw Star, it has better crew members
Gene Starwind- Wheres a cape, has a caster that could take down a space small ship.
James "Jim" Hawking- Financial guy and boy hacker (not as good as Ed do) but son of a grate hacker none the less.
Melfina- A bio android that is the key to the Leyline and helps pilot the greatest ship in the universe.
Aisha Clanclan-She is has enormous strength can take a shot from a caster and can morph into a savage beast. She is also hot.
Twilight Suzuka-A deadly assassin that holds a bokken.
Cowboy Bebop
Spike Spiegel-Has an afro
Jet Black-He is bold
Faye Valentine-Prostitute
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV-Boy? Girl? you tell me, either way i am not taking my chances. besides she is 13.
Ein-Probably the most cool one as he rescues everyone in the last second.
Gene isn't obsessed about some chick. Serious Spike, is bros before hoes. He betrays Vicious a war buddy and tries to make a romantic run away.
Gene bangs a chick on the first episode and tries to bang Melfina. He also has a hot waitress chick that lets him grab her ass.