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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 11:47:56

At 8/3/06 12:12 AM, LLStarks wrote:
At 8/3/06 12:02 AM, LLStarks wrote: Okay guys, I've been reading your reactions to the proposed amendment and I MIGHT be willing to make a concession. While I am adamant in raising the requirement to 10 listed animes, I may just be willing to bend on the stipulation that no more than 4 of those animes can be currently airing on Cartoon Network. I will simply not allow the 5 anime requirement to remain in effect, it is not an option.

I leave you with 2 options.

1. Implement a 10 favorite anime listing requirement.
2. Implement a 10 favorite anime listing requirement with the "non-CN majority"

Hey, ive got no problem with either of those. I dont generaly like most of the animes on CN.... i dislike: One Piece, IGPX, and some others. I do, on the other hand, like naruto and Zatchbell(i atleast kind of like zatchbell).

Does Adult Swin count, though? Because THAT would suck.

Most of the anime i like isnt really anime, but mangas... so i like #2(Implement a 10 favorite anime listing requirement with the "non-CN majority")

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 11:52:04

At 8/3/06 11:42 AM, MP5_9mm wrote:
At 8/2/06 10:48 PM, Kite2014 wrote: Hey I was wondering if I could join if I can I want to be Itachi my top 5 favorite animes are 1. Naruto 2. Inyuasha 3. Black Cat 4. Love Hina 5.FLCL.
thank you someone on 5 top favorites has love hina :) i love to watch their shows and read their books (but i don't like english dubs)

Love hina is #3 on my list. Ken Akamatsu is defiantly my favorite manga author so far.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 11:53:46

At 8/3/06 11:38 AM, Yusuke-Urameshi wrote:
At 8/2/06 08:00 PM, mirokuneo14 wrote: Tv only has english acting, and dvds cost money unless you download (takes forever), and why You Tube destroy? ENGLISH VOICES DESTROY IT! Youtube is just a new way of watching anime for free.
because of super crappy quality lol and lets why else? true its free but the quality sucks

Go to the AnimeSuki forums, click on the Fansub Groups forum, and search that forum for a topic called "Youtube and anime".

You'll see why Youtube is not that popular among fansubbers like myself.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 12:03:04

At 7/31/06 04:12 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: I've been uploading stuff to Spikedhumor.com, mainly out of boredom...

Bleach Bankai! Some bankai clips. I just put in the ones I thought were worth it.

Scene from Bleach 54 I just like this part the best, one of my favorites of the anime so far.

i love that scene too... best out of the whole anime... except the fight he has wif the.... captains... Best part is the part at the end of that scene...

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 12:10:52

At 8/3/06 10:48 AM, LLStarks wrote: The 10 anime requirement is now official.

Rule 1 of the anime club shall now read as follows...

1. To join the NG Anime Club, you must post your 10 favorite anime (manga is also acceptable), a character to represent you and the anime (or manga) that character is from. You must make sure that the character you choose is not taken by looking for it on this page. The requirements for admission to this club are subject to review and can be changed.

question about these terms...

1) Does this mean that current members still have to post 10 animes? or r we safe?
2) also.... cant ppl just copy other post's anime suggestions, just so that they have 10 anime lists, and can join?
3) Can new members also list some manga's as suggestions? or ONLY anime?

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 13:57:43

At 8/3/06 12:10 PM, xhybridx wrote: question about these terms...

1) Does this mean that current members still have to post 10 animes? or r we safe?
2) also.... cant ppl just copy other post's anime suggestions, just so that they have 10 anime lists, and can join?
3) Can new members also list some manga's as suggestions? or ONLY anime?

1. No. You can if you want.
2. It's not my job to care about that. I made the rule loose for a reason.
3. Manga's fine.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 15:42:02

Might as well list my top 10

1. Full Metal Panic!
2. Slayers
3. Gungrave
4. Hellsing
5. Trigun
6. Ghost In The Shell
7. Gasaraki
8. Read or Die
9. .Hack//Sign
10. Ai Yori Aoshi

I'm quite happy with Shadow representing me.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 15:53:52

heres my 10 for the hell of it:
1) naruto,2) Inuyasha, 3)samurai champloo, 4)getbackers, 5)dnangel, 6)new wings
7) mythical detective loki (yhink thats what its called) 8)robot chicken, 9)negima and 10)moonphase

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 15:58:37

At 8/3/06 03:53 PM, Teh_Fawks wrote: heres my 10 for the hell of it:
1) naruto,2) Inuyasha, 3)samurai champloo, 4)getbackers, 5)dnangel, 6)new wings
7) mythical detective loki (yhink thats what its called) 8)robot chicken, 9)negima and 10)moonphase

when did robot chicken turn into an anime...... dosent that use action figures and clay people...... not drawings/anime?????

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 17:14:28

At 8/3/06 03:53 PM, Teh_Fawks wrote: heres my 10 for the hell of it:
8)robot chicken

Robot Chicken is not an Anime, dearie. It is a cartoon.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 17:45:59

At 8/3/06 03:53 PM, Teh_Fawks wrote: heres my 10 for the hell of it:
1) naruto,2) Inuyasha, 3)samurai champloo, 4)getbackers, 5)dnangel, 6)new wings
7) mythical detective loki (yhink thats what its called) 8)robot chicken, 9)negima and 10)moonphase

err the robot chicken has to be a joke -_- it just has to lol cause theres no way anyone can make that mistake lol

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 18:10:03

who is your favorite character in love hina? mine is shinobu and motoko.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 18:23:59

At 8/1/06 07:32 AM, mr_trivia wrote: It's been a while, so I think I should post a fresh top 10 list:

Oh, what the Hell, I'll hop on this bandwagon too!

1. Akira
2. Cowboy Bebop
3. Samurai Champloo
4. Ranma 1/2
5. Neon Genesis Evangelion
6. Cromartie High School
7. The Slayers
8. Macross
9. Urusei Yatsura
10. Mononoke Hime

I'm still sticking with Volaju, though. I love underrated villains!

P.S. I have also finally purchased The Animatrix and found it consists of one piece of PG-13 eye-candy(Final Flight Of The Osris), two disturbing apocalyptic classics(Second Renaissance Parts I & II), a kickass piece of film-noir awesomeness(A Detective Story), three beauties about regular people caught in the chaos of The Matrix universe(Beyond, World Record and Kid's Story), one distinctly Japanese short(Program) and a beautiful piece of mumbo jumbo from Peter Chung(Matriculated). Needless to say, it was worth the price of $25.83 i paid for it, and I got the widescreen edition of V for Vendetta for free! God, I love Wal-Mart's "two great movies, one great price" promotions!

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 18:31:38

O crap I forgot to add love hina in my top 10 fave! I need to make a new list again. Heres my new (old) list of anime faves.
1. Inu-yasha
2. BlackCat
3. Bleach
4. Love Hina
5. Naruto
6. Eye-shield 21
7. Fruit basket
8. Tsubasa
9. Dn Angel
10. FMA

And my fave love hina charector is Kanako from Love Hina Again. The 3 sequel episodes. She loves her bigger brother so much. I totally forgot about this great show and for my shame, I will band my head againts the wall for 10 times!

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 18:37:40

At 8/3/06 06:10 PM, MP5_9mm wrote: who is your favorite character in love hina? mine is shinobu and motoko.

Mine is Motoko. But I was wondering if I'm allowed to join my thing is on page 1217.

Sig made by, Bruute.

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Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 19:18:57

At 8/3/06 06:37 PM, Kite2014 wrote:
At 8/3/06 06:10 PM, MP5_9mm wrote: who is your favorite character in love hina? mine is shinobu and motoko.
Mine is Motoko. But I was wondering if I'm allowed to join my thing is on page 1217.

Gnoe, you need to list 10 Anime, and an Animecharacter the same gender as ytou to represent you.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 19:52:53

At 8/3/06 01:57 PM, LLStarks wrote: Rule Stuff, blah blah blah.

Ah, yeah was just wondering.. why are we going all political? Waaah, it hurts my soft pink thing in my head. :( And I didn't think teh top10 was really necessary to promote the things you were talking aboot, eh. What's this all aboot eh? I'm Canadian, eh. >.> <.< Okay, not really.

... eh.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 21:30:55

At 8/3/06 06:37 PM, Kite2014 wrote:
At 8/3/06 06:10 PM, MP5_9mm wrote: who is your favorite character in love hina? mine is shinobu and motoko.
Mine is Motoko. But I was wondering if I'm allowed to join my thing is on page 1217.

Hope you join cause i like Motoko too she is one of my favorite characters in Love Hina.
Good luck with joining.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 21:35:17

I must say, I'm already impressed with the results of the new 10 anime requirement...

I don't know why it took my 3 years to figure it out.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 21:39:31

At 8/3/06 09:35 PM, LLStarks wrote: I don't know why it took my 3 years to figure it out.

Maybe it slipped your mind a few times. Or more than a few times, as three years is a long time.

too many 'time's in my post : /

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 21:59:03

At 8/3/06 07:52 PM, ProtoBassX wrote:
At 8/3/06 01:57 PM, LLStarks wrote: Rule Stuff, blah blah blah.
Ah, yeah was just wondering.. why are we going all political? Waaah, it hurts my soft pink thing in my head. :( And I didn't think teh top10 was really necessary to promote the things you were talking aboot, eh. What's this all aboot eh? I'm Canadian, eh. >.> <.< Okay, not really.

... eh.

Ummm, why not be political?

How else would I keep myself busy at night? (Well, 4chan doesn't count...)

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 22:08:02

yeah im going to list my 10 fav

3.full metal panic
4.full metal alchemist
5.the slayers
7.love hina
9.cowboy bebop
10.samurai champloo

and could i change my character inuzuka kiba (naruto)

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 22:22:10

Trivia... Do you give this new amendment your seal of approval?

I'll give it mine.

Anime Club

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 22:25:03

hell sign me up!!!

-=Xfire=-=Steam=-=Myspace=-=JewTube =-

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Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 22:27:22

At 8/3/06 06:10 PM, MP5_9mm wrote: who is your favorite character in love hina? mine is shinobu and motoko.

Either Naru or Mutsumi. I dont know why, but mutsumi is prbably my favorite.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 22:58:08

I want to be Yondaime my top 5 favorite animes are 1. Naruto 2. Inyuasha 3. Black Cat 4. Love Hina 5.FLCL 6.Outlaw Star 7. Trigun 8. .Hack//Sign 9. Samurai Champloo 10 Zatch Bell. Those are my top ten animes so is Yondaime avaiable?

Sig made by, Bruute.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 23:23:32

At 8/3/06 10:27 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote:
At 8/3/06 06:10 PM, MP5_9mm wrote: who is your favorite character in love hina? mine is shinobu and motoko.
Either Naru or Mutsumi. I dont know why, but mutsumi is prbably my favorite.

I am a bad person for having a taste in young girls like Sara and Shinobu?

(Of course not... Lolis kick ass...)

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-03 23:36:15

At 8/3/06 11:23 PM, LLStarks wrote:
At 8/3/06 10:27 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote:
At 8/3/06 06:10 PM, MP5_9mm wrote:
I am a bad person for having a taste in young girls like Sara and Shinobu?

(Of course not... Lolis kick ass...)

I like sara's dad hes always bleeding from his forehead from car crashes. And Shinobu is an awesome character she's one of my favorite she's good at Cooking and drawing and being nice.

You know what this anime reminds me of, its sort of like Megatokyo, because Piro is like kentaro because hes always being bullied and is have problems with girls.

Things in common he can draw like him, loses his sketch book and some girl gives it back to him and has a crush on him.

So it is very similar to love hina.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-04 02:09:13

Meh, Comedy Anime isn't my favourite genre, but there are a few good ones here, and there Like Girls Bravo, Ai Yori Aoshi, Chobits, Tenchi Muyo, and Excel Saga (though, I haven't really seen it yet, but I hear it's pretty good).

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-04 08:07:28

At 8/3/06 10:22 PM, LLStarks wrote: Trivia... Do you give this new amendment your seal of approval?

I'll give it mine.

I approve of the 'top 10 anime list' bill, and sign it into law.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

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