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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 18:43:58

At 8/1/06 04:33 PM, LLStarks wrote:
At 7/4/06 06:40 AM, mr_trivia wrote:
In other news, I'm upgrading my cable service to Time Warner Digital Cable this Saturday, so by the morning of July 9th, I will have access to a new realm of anime, on G4 and the Anime Network on Demand (Time Warner Cable unfortunately doesn't carry the Anime Network 24/7).

They should have the Anime Network on your On Demand menu. Most of it is free. Anyway, has anyone seen "An Ugly Yet Beautiful World"? I've seen some positive reviews, but I want your input as to wheather or not I should rent it. Thank you.

Formerly Shift7089

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:03:54

I mainly rent my DVD's off of the internet, but I wish I had anime network if only I had better Cable. Also I think that the CN list should be definitive because of how many different anime they have tried for like a month then took off. EX.

LordKooler said:
1.Inu Yasha [AS]
2.Neon Genesis Evangelion [AS]
3.Bleach soon to be on [AS]
4.Naruto Toonami
5.Full Metal Alchemist [AS]
6.Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex [AS]
7.Witch Hunter Robin [AS]
8.hack//SIGN Toonami
9.Gundam Wing I think it was on Toonami
10.Gundam SEED [AS]

At a first glance it looked fine to me but later as I looked at it I realized how many were on Cartoon network.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:04:14

At 8/1/06 06:31 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: That probably isn't a bad idea, since some people have more access to anime, so they know ones that are good that aren't known very well.

Well true, but sometimes i feel as if i should try out animes i might not like, because it's kinda like music, i like to find the bands i like just through checking them out myself and not getting reffered to them. I dunno, it's just me being wierd i guess : P

Was that why your list was so varied? from depressing, to funny, to love story, etc..

Yeah, but mainly it's because everything about anime itself just appeals to me, so I watch anything you throw at me. Anything anyone would suggest I watch? Since I haven't really seen all that much.

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:10:02

I have a good amount of Anime I liked a couple pages back why don't you take a look at that.


Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:12:06

At 8/1/06 07:03 PM, Pozzum wrote: I mainly rent my DVD's off of the internet, but I wish I had anime network if only I had better Cable. Also I think that the CN list should be definitive because of how many different anime they have tried for like a month then took off. EX.

LordKooler said:

At a first glance it looked fine to me but later as I looked at it I realized how many were on Cartoon network.

Lots of animes have been on AS, but if we ever decide to make a rule about it, then either it will probably be current shows or they would have to say if they like the AS version, since it isn't fair to make an older show not allowed just because AS started showing it.

At 8/1/06 07:04 PM, thegreatmorph wrote:
At 8/1/06 06:31 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
Yeah, but mainly it's because everything about anime itself just appeals to me, so I watch anything you throw at me. Anything anyone would suggest I watch? Since I haven't really seen all that much.

I always suggest Slayers.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:12:13

Newgrounds Anime Club Weekly Newsletter

*New website: I am currently making a new MediaWiki-based (MediaWiki is the platform that Wikipedia is based on) website that will replace our current SeedWiki-based website (which was always intended to be temporary). MediaWiki is a stronger platform than SeedWiki and will facilitate an easier editing of pages. MediaWiki does not have a native WYSIWYG editor so I'm doing a bit of hacking to get one implemented using FCKEditor. It's gonna look awesome. Next stop: New message board?

*Draft amendment to club rules: Yesterday, I proposed a draft amendment to the club rules that would significantly alter the requirements to join this club. If approved, the requirements would be raised to at least 10 listed animes, with no more than half of which being animes that are currently being aired on Cartoon Network. The exact wording of this amendment has not been finalized. Once finalized, the draft will be submitted for approval. This new amendment aims to promote a "more mature" discussion of anime that extends far beyond what is seen on American television or DVDs and includes what could otherwise only be seen on fansubs. If passed, this will be only the second time the club rules have been amended since the formal rules were established by the joint approval of the old regime back in late 2003. The first amendment to the club rules was mainly a clarification on this club's stance on illegal activities. Both amendments were proposed by Starks who is exercising his reserved power as the club's chief legislator, a power established by Tink under the Thanksgiving Resolution of 2004.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:12:49

wow you guys are really pushing out posts. I haven't been here in a while, I'm currently in mexico right now and i have yet to see any anime on public tv except one piece ( which in all truth didn't do so bad dubbing) i'll report back if anything new comes up, i think they gor rid of saint seiya again. :(


Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:27:48

That was what I was trying to show. Also I think that thier top 10 can be from Cartoon network but they would have to prove they know other anime in some way, but if they know a good amount all of the top 10 probably will not b from cartoon network.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:40:18

At 8/1/06 07:27 PM, Pozzum wrote: That was what I was trying to show. Also I think that thier top 10 can be from Cartoon network but they would have to prove they know other anime in some way, but if they know a good amount all of the top 10 probably will not b from cartoon network.

That is the logic behind my decision to put this idea on the table. I'm pooling ideas from all of the members in this club. While the amendment proposal has been generally well-received so far, I can foresee some opposition popping up within the next day or two.

I only do things with the best interests for this club in mind. If you weigh the costs and benefits of this amendment, it becomes readily apparent that this is an appropriate course of action to deal with the recent influx of "less mature" members.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 19:46:17

Mabey you could have it if they don't have any non-CN anime you could ask them to name one the have seen(or mabey a couple), then have someone who has seen it ask a trivia question about it, not to hard one and from one of the first couple of episodes and that would make sure they know others.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 20:00:03

At 8/1/06 07:46 PM, Pozzum wrote: Mabey you could have it if they don't have any non-CN anime you could ask them to name one the have seen(or mabey a couple), then have someone who has seen it ask a trivia question about it, not to hard one and from one of the first couple of episodes and that would make sure they know others.

You have to remember a few things...

1. I don't care if people lie about the anime they watch. There is no effective way of enforcing the truth.
2. I really don't want to turn away members.
3. I want admission to the club to stay seamless and quick. Asking specific questions about anime could unnecessarily delay the process.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 20:11:20

I'd just go with only having a max of 5 current AS shows. If they happen to like lots of the animes on adult swim as their favorites, they can just say that after they give their top 10 list....

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 20:39:44

It seems I'm being ignored...
Well, am I, or am I not still in the club?
I posted a looong time ago, and chose Sephiroth as a character.
If we are enforced to change character, seeing as you guys forgot about me and gave Seph to gunslngr or whatever his name is, change my character to Riku, from KH.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 20:56:15

At 8/1/06 08:11 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: I'd just go with only having a max of 5 current AS shows. If they happen to like lots of the animes on adult swim as their favorites, they can just say that after they give their top 10 list....


Now for question as to whether this new rule should be retroactive to current members.

I say no.

But I do believe that a voluntary reaffirmation of membership would be helpful in learning what everyone's tastes are.

Remember, all current members are exempt and grandfathered into the new rules.

Second order of business is establishing criteria that would permit this amendment to be repealed.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 21:05:22

At 8/1/06 08:39 PM, Aleanur wrote:
If we are enforced to change character, seeing as you guys forgot about me and gave Seph to gunslngr or whatever his name is, change my character to Riku, from KH.

Maybe it was because you joining didn't go all that smoothly, and none of the authority figures around didn't add you. Since you were never added to the list, you should probably list your 5 favorite animes (no need to restated Riku again).

Second order of business is establishing criteria that would permit this amendment to be repealed.

Maybe having like atleast 2 Authority Figures and 3 members who are over 1 year old have to sign a petition...Maybe on the new site you are working on or a continuing post..

Those amounts are just examples...

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 21:26:57

Heh I guess I'll put up my top twelve (I can't decide)

1. Kino's Journey
2. Ai Yori Aoshi
3. Paranoia Agent
5. Read Or Die
6. Trigun
7. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
8. Lain
9. Noir
10. Neon Genesis Evangelion
11. Slayers
12. Haibane-Renmei

I just remembered how much I loved Kino's Journey.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 21:27:43

At 8/1/06 09:05 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
At 8/1/06 08:39 PM, Aleanur wrote:
Maybe having like atleast 2 Authority Figures and 3 members who are over 1 year old have to sign a petition...Maybe on the new site you are working on or a continuing post..

Those amounts are just examples...

With regards to the site. I can certainly do that. In addition to the WYSIWYG editing system, I can also implement a commenting system that would allow feedback on the wiki. I could create a petition page and allow open discussion. If people feel strongly negative about the implementation, it can always be repealed.

*The site is based on the MediaWiki 1.6.8 software and will have a few nifty enhancements added. When complete, at the bottom of every page, you'd notice a handy little commenting system (something you don't normally find on a MediaWiki-based wiki). (BTW, the comments system will be powered by HaloScan and will be regulated by me to prevent abuse.)*

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 21:33:01

I have loved anime every since I watched tv! I just want to ask if anyone knows a show so great that everyone should watch it alest once. I believe everyone should watch Inu-yasha but what do you guys think?

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 21:49:24

At 8/1/06 09:33 PM, mirokuneo14 wrote: Wussup,
I have loved anime every since I watched tv! I just want to ask if anyone knows a show so great that everyone should watch it alest once. I believe everyone should watch Inu-yasha but what do you guys think?

Do you want to join the Anime Club? If you do, Post your top ten favourite anime and pick a character that isn't on this list. The character has to be the same gender as you.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 21:53:09

At 8/1/06 09:33 PM, mirokuneo14 wrote: Wussup,
I have loved anime every since I watched tv! I just want to ask if anyone knows a show so great that everyone should watch it alest once. I believe everyone should watch Inu-yasha but what do you guys think?

I can give you a few:

Excel Saga
Saber Marionette J
Chrno Crusade

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 21:56:56

At 8/1/06 09:33 PM, mirokuneo14 wrote: Wussup,
I have loved anime every since I watched tv! I just want to ask if anyone knows a show so great that everyone should watch it alest once. I believe everyone should watch Inu-yasha but what do you guys think?

Always Slayers .

Kooler...if you don't have a link for you sig pic, you could always make it the members list, so you wouldn't have to make a link everytime you give the joining rules.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 21:57:34

At 8/1/06 09:49 PM, LordKooler wrote:
At 8/1/06 09:33 PM, mirokuneo14 wrote: Wussup,
I have loved anime every since I watched tv! I just want to ask if anyone knows a show so great that everyone should watch it alest once. I believe everyone should watch Inu-yasha but what do you guys think?
Do you want to join the Anime Club? If you do, Post your top ten favourite anime and pick a character that isn't on this list. The character has to be the same gender as you.

Kooler, be careful. The amendment is still pending legislature. While I appreciate your enthusiasm by imposing its practice, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 22:22:11

At 8/1/06 09:33 PM, mirokuneo14 wrote: Wussup,
I have loved anime every since I watched tv! I just want to ask if anyone knows a show so great that everyone should watch it alest once.

magic knights rayearth
saint seiya

I believe everyone should watch Inu-yasha but what do you guys think?

i think inuyasha is alright, but after watching it for a year or so I'm beginning to lose interest. still none the less a good anime.


Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 22:33:20

At 8/1/06 07:12 PM, LLStarks wrote: Next stop: New message board?

Definetly. However, only if Trivia is the admin, and you aren't. I'm still reluctant to see you in that much power. And Trivia himself said he'd only take leadership until Tink or myself could come back, so I still have some say here.

Both amendments were proposed by Starks who is exercising his reserved power as the club's chief legislator, a power established by Tink under the Thanksgiving Resolution of 2004.

Like I said, I threw all that shit out when I became sole leader. However, I'm feeling nice, and I'll let you keep that, as long as you present your ideas as that. Ideas. No more deciding and trying to enforce without approval.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 22:45:38

Man this is getting real political. Yhea pretty much everyone thinks they are right and just till they get a rejection to the idea. Has anyone else seen Kino's Journy?

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-01 23:08:30

At 8/1/06 10:33 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:
At 8/1/06 07:12 PM, LLStarks wrote: Next stop: New message board?
Definetly. However, only if Trivia is the admin, and you aren't. I'm still reluctant to see you in that much power. And Trivia himself said he'd only take leadership until Tink or myself could come back, so I still have some say here.
Both amendments were proposed by Starks who is exercising his reserved power as the club's chief legislator, a power established by Tink under the Thanksgiving Resolution of 2004.
Like I said, I threw all that shit out when I became sole leader. However, I'm feeling nice, and I'll let you keep that, as long as you present your ideas as that. Ideas. No more deciding and trying to enforce without approval.

It's not like that you have any say in either the message board or my club position anymore...

Listen, in the course of little over a month, I've put forth over a year's worth ideas. Most of these ideas have already been adopted.

*New wiki-based memberlist
*Anti-piracy clarification amendment
*Otakon meet-up
*Enhanced wiki-based website
*New message board
*Anime requirement amendment

Besides me, who else has the time or power to do all of this?

I'm only able to do all this because you are out of power... Also, the club enjoys what I am doing for it. Compare that to one year ago where I probably would've been chased into hiding again.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-02 00:11:18

At 8/1/06 08:39 PM, Aleanur wrote:

seeing as you guys forgot about me and gave Seph to gunslngr or whatever his name is, change my character to Riku, from KH.

ya srry about that

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-02 00:26:41

ok then... 10 animes...
1.Fullmetal Alchemist
5.Love Hina
7.Gun Frontier or something like that... (I believe it's Wild Frontier)
10.Steel Angel Kurumi

It's not a ranking, just a list.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-02 01:15:52

Wow i havent been here in a long time
whats new their are soo many new people
whatever happend to the old school guys like bigfan, ranma and such
also kagome i remember she had some problems I hope she is still alive :p
also whats up kouga or llstarks
and wonko.
anyway any cool anime around ive already seen a bunch lately so i dont know what to watch any more.
I saw the meloncoly of suzumiya which was good, bleahc which is good, elfen lied =bloody, and naruto which is kick ass.

Response to Anime Club 2006-08-02 05:09:32

At 8/1/06 11:08 PM, LLStarks wrote: It's not like that you have any say in either the message board or my club position anymore...

Uhh... actually, yeah I do. Go check for yourself when I stepped down. Trivia said he'd take leadership only while I was unable to fill the duties due to my going to Iraq. Fucktard.

Listen, in the course of little over a month, I've put forth over a year's worth ideas. Most of these ideas have already been adopted.
*New wiki-based memberlist
*Anti-piracy clarification amendment
*Otakon meet-up
*Enhanced wiki-based website
*New message board
*Anime requirement amendment

I've already stated twice, I like your ideas also, just not you thinking you automatically have the right to force the club to adopt them.

Besides me, who else has the time or power to do all of this?

No one right now, but I have to date given you four chances to come back and be a responsible member. Twice were back as an authority figure. You screwed it up for yourself by overstepping your bounds.

I'm only able to do all this because you are out of power... Also, the club enjoys what I am doing for it. Compare that to one year ago where I probably would've been chased into hiding again.

And for damn good reason. Remember when you made me a leader in the first place? you used to always lie to me and say you, miroku, and tink had all had a meeting without me and decided that I had to do a huge list of things. Usually the crap you didn't want to do, like update the members list. I'd go talk to tink and miroku about it later, and they'd say they hadn't talked to you in days. Since then, I've never trusted a word you've said. And whenever you do come back, it's alway "Waahhhh! I made this thread, I should be the leader, I'm going to call the mods." Guess what, you tried that. Dobio said if you sucked that much as a leader, you didn't deserve it. Now all it seems to me like you're doin is trying to steal leadership away from Trivia, when I remember you saying if I stepped down, you'd quit with all that shit, and that the only reason you were doing it is because you felt the club wasn't safe in my hands. So now it's time to actually follow what you want to say, or I'm taking leadership back, and chasing you away again. I've never had a problem with you being in this club, only you having power here, becasue you've proved five times that you can't be trusted with it.

And don't go trying to prove me wrong, you're forgetting my memory has very rarely been proven wrong.

BBS Signature