Sup everyone, I've had the first volume of the Wild Arms series for over a year now, and the other day I went to FYE for a cd when out of the corner of my eye I noticed Anime written on the wall. So I mosey on over to look and three things catch my eye. The first was Recourd of Lodoss War. I have the Cronicles of the heroic knight, but not the original, so I scooped it up right quickly. Second was Orphen, the 2nd season. I had seen and really enjoyed the first season so I say what the hell and grab that up too. The third thing was hentai. I mean tenticles really stick out in a section with DBZ on one side and Full metal Alchemist on the other. Anyways, I pushed it aside and found Wild Arms the complete season. Now came the tough part. I only had enough cash for two of the three Items. I eventually chose to get Wild arms to complete the season, and get Lodoss because you cant just own part two of anything without getting the first part.
Wild arms is VERY childish, but it gets better and more serious as you watch. I thought it had one of the best endings I've ever seen in an anime.
well, heres the plot: http://www.answers.c../wild-arms-tv-series
in the end, sheyenne's body, with an artificial brain blows off his own head just to keep it from it's former owner. Twilight venom, occurs, which is a like a localized apocalypse hits the area, and Sheyene has to use ARMS to save the area so his friends can escape. But ARMS are a huge strain on the body, and Sheyenne's 10 year old body just isnt srtong enough to handle the weapon so he dies.
well I recoment it fully to those who havent seen it.