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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 20:41:24

At 7/29/06 08:33 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: Post in the wrong club? Were you wanting to yell at that guy who can't spell Kankuro and probably only watches the American versions, so he doesn't want any japanese spoilers?

i prefer japanese ones myself. something about the language and voices. and vash's WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH XD

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 23:32:02

Yu Yu Hakusho!!!

I've seen every episode made.....

And for DBZ almost all except some of the Garlic JR. and Android/early Cell Saga.

Glad to see some people acknowledging these two great animes....


NG Naruto RP Crew

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 00:17:38

At 7/29/06 12:50 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote:
At 7/29/06 11:48 AM, Pozzum wrote: Have any of you guys seen Read or Die I've seen the movie, but I haven't seen the series. I also like Yu Yu Hakusho.
ive seen the movie and the show and ive read the manga. i <3 ROD. wow that sounds wrong.

im watching R.O.D series right now... i've already seen the movie. The movie i think is a bit better than the series.... (I think personally). The series is still worth watching cuz its pretty good... i'm only half way through the series so, i cant say it'll stay this good through-out.

My brother has watched the whole series of R.O.D and the movie. He says that series is good but gets a bit.... weird... (cant think of the word). U guys will just have to finish the series urself to clarify that.

overall ill rate R.O.D (read or die) - 8.5/10

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 01:15:27

Sup everyone, I've had the first volume of the Wild Arms series for over a year now, and the other day I went to FYE for a cd when out of the corner of my eye I noticed Anime written on the wall. So I mosey on over to look and three things catch my eye. The first was Recourd of Lodoss War. I have the Cronicles of the heroic knight, but not the original, so I scooped it up right quickly. Second was Orphen, the 2nd season. I had seen and really enjoyed the first season so I say what the hell and grab that up too. The third thing was hentai. I mean tenticles really stick out in a section with DBZ on one side and Full metal Alchemist on the other. Anyways, I pushed it aside and found Wild Arms the complete season. Now came the tough part. I only had enough cash for two of the three Items. I eventually chose to get Wild arms to complete the season, and get Lodoss because you cant just own part two of anything without getting the first part.

Wild arms is VERY childish, but it gets better and more serious as you watch. I thought it had one of the best endings I've ever seen in an anime.


well, heres the plot: http://www.answers.c../wild-arms-tv-series

in the end, sheyenne's body, with an artificial brain blows off his own head just to keep it from it's former owner. Twilight venom, occurs, which is a like a localized apocalypse hits the area, and Sheyene has to use ARMS to save the area so his friends can escape. But ARMS are a huge strain on the body, and Sheyenne's 10 year old body just isnt srtong enough to handle the weapon so he dies.


well I recoment it fully to those who havent seen it.

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 01:30:02

At 7/30/06 01:15 AM, MasterStalker wrote:


well I recoment it fully to those who havent seen it.

That's kind of sad. The first I heard of Wild Arms was in a Wild Arms game review on X Play...the thing I remember most was that red balloon.......

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 01:51:31

At 7/30/06 01:30 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
At 7/30/06 01:15 AM, MasterStalker wrote:


well I recoment it fully to those who havent seen it.
That's kind of sad. The first I heard of Wild Arms was in a Wild Arms game review on X Play...the thing I remember most was that red balloon.......

well than I guess I should hit you with another spoiler...


In the epiloge, Sheyenne, and the girl of his dreams, also the one the originally shot him down in his real body insidentally, were reborn. They arent the same people entirely, but they lived on in the next life.


though they dont show you that untill after the end credits. I'm the only one in my house smart enough to fast forward past the credits to look for extra footage, so I'm the only one who's seen it where I live.

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 02:07:03

At 7/30/06 01:51 AM, MasterStalker wrote:
At 7/30/06 01:30 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
At 7/30/06 01:15 AM, MasterStalker wrote:

though they dont show you that untill after the end credits. I'm the only one in my house smart enough to fast forward past the credits to look for extra footage, so I'm the only one who's seen it where I live.

Good ol' deus ex machina, getting characters out of tough situations since ancient times.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 02:28:52

At 7/30/06 02:07 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
At 7/30/06 01:51 AM, MasterStalker wrote:
At 7/30/06 01:30 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
At 7/30/06 01:15 AM, MasterStalker wrote:

though they dont show you that untill after the end credits. I'm the only one in my house smart enough to fast forward past the credits to look for extra footage, so I'm the only one who's seen it where I live.
Good ol' deus ex machina, getting characters out of tough situations since ancient times.

I second that. Actually, I wouldnt have understood what you just sdaid if it wasnt for the good ol' wikipidia encyclopedia.

I think the games are pretty good too, though I heard the 4th one isnt a westerm, which takes away the whole essence of the game. Thats like taking Alchemy out of FMA.

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 12:20:44

At 7/30/06 01:15 AM, MasterStalker wrote: Second was Orphen, the 2nd season. I had seen and really enjoyed the first season so I say what the hell and grab that up too.

Orphen is fantastic. It's one of my favorite anime series.

So you got Wild Arms Twilight Venom? I never got into the games. I played the first one years ago and got stuck at the beginning....Well, I didn't really try hard, anyway. I don't remember anything about it, though. The theme song for the show is catchy. I tend to hum it when I see the trailer even though I've never seen the show.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 13:15:17

Gus, the new website will be done very soon.

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 20:23:16

At 7/29/06 12:55 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
At 7/29/06 12:51 PM, Pozzum wrote: Thats nothing I've seen a anime with about 25 panty shots in one frame. I saw this anime called Lost Universe I didn't like it all I saw the plot line from a mile away and stoped watching about half-way through the first episode.
Lost Universe is actually related to Slayers, it being like a whole parallel universe thing. There are lots of similarities between the two, though Slayers is a lot funnier and is D&D fantasy while Lost Universe is futuristic.

I figured you'd be one of the ones who'd have figured that out, Hyaku. Even if I'd never seen that they were connected on a Slayers website I was at, I'd have guessed it when they started mentioning some familiar names. Maybe not right off with Volfield's name, but when they started mentioning names like Dark Star, Gorun Nova, and Raguud Mezegis, I'd have figured it out. :P

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 20:39:39

Hey i need some help with something.

Okay, my friend claims that on night he fell asleep while watching cartoon network. He says that a little while later he wakes up and the TV is still on and an anime was on it. He said that the only part he saw in the anime was a man walking up to a little kid in a dark alley and saying to the kid "Hey kid, theres alot of scary people in this world..............PENIS PENIS PENIS!" and then he runs away. If anybody has seen anything like that in any anime, please tell me.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 21:04:34

Hey guys can I join I like all lot of anime like Naruto, Black Cat, Hikaru No Go, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, Excel Saga, Fooly Cooly, Love Hina, Inyuasha, FMA, and Paranoia Angent. So is it all right if I can join?

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 21:07:02

At 7/30/06 09:04 PM, WhitedragonofHeaven wrote: Hey guys can I join I like all lot of anime like Naruto, Black Cat, Hikaru No Go, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, Excel Saga, Fooly Cooly, Love Hina, Inyuasha, FMA, and Paranoia Angent. So is it all right if I can join?

List your five favorite anime and a character of the same gender as your self as a representative (there a list of taken ones somewhere)

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 21:07:49

At 7/30/06 09:04 PM, WhitedragonofHeaven wrote: Hey guys can I join I like all lot of anime like Naruto, Black Cat, Hikaru No Go, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, Excel Saga, Fooly Cooly, Love Hina, Inyuasha, FMA, and Paranoia Angent. So is it all right if I can join?

I dont see a single bas anime in your list! Post a charachter representative and you should be all set.

speaking of charachter reps., i was wondering if it is possible to change yours? If not that fine, because chamo rox, but i was wondering.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 21:26:44

Gene Starwind 1. Outlaw Star 2. Naruto 3. Black Cat 4. Excel Saga 5. Tenchi Muyo those are my top five animes. So it is all right that I can join now right?

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 21:34:22

At 7/30/06 09:26 PM, WhitedragonofHeaven wrote: Gene Starwind 1. Outlaw Star 2. Naruto 3. Black Cat 4. Excel Saga 5. Tenchi Muyo those are my top five animes. So it is all right that I can join now right?

Well, you need a character to rep you. (ex: I wanna be Duo maxwell from Gundam Wing)

Formerly Shift7089

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 21:35:29

At 7/30/06 09:26 PM, WhitedragonofHeaven wrote: Gene Starwind 1. Outlaw Star 2. Naruto 3. Black Cat 4. Excel Saga 5. Tenchi Muyo those are my top five animes. So it is all right that I can join now right?

Hate 2 say it, but gene starwind is already taken. Click on the word "Club" in The doctors sig(sorry doc, i really cant remember your name!).

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 22:07:06

Then how about Nandaba Kamon Naota's father from FLCL.

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 22:09:33

At 7/30/06 10:07 PM, WhitedragonofHeaven wrote: Then how about Nandaba Kamon Naota's father from FLCL.

Ummmm.... i dont THINK hes taken.... not really sure.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 22:21:41

hey may i join

top fav anime picks:
full metal alchemist
one pecie
bo bo bo

and i would like to be Nara Shikamaru

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 23:27:28

At 7/30/06 10:21 PM, shadow_of_shikamaru wrote: hey may i join

top fav anime picks:
full metal alchemist
one pecie
bo bo bo

and i would like to be Nara Shikamaru

Ummm..... everything appears to be in order here.

Trivia or whoever runs the recrutments SHOULD let you on.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 23:42:12

At 7/30/06 08:39 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote: Hey i need some help with something.

"Hey kid, theres alot of scary people in this world..............PENIS PENIS PENIS!" and then he runs away. If anybody has seen anything like that in any anime, please tell me.

that would have been the funniest thing i had ever seen wow i wish i hadn't have missed that

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 23:46:29

At 7/30/06 09:07 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote:

speaking of charachter reps., i was wondering if it is possible to change yours? If not that fine, because chamo rox, but i was wondering.

Just re-list your top five animes and the character to you want to change to.

The good thing about the new Club List site is that anyone can change it, so adding members can be done by anyone. (Just update it correctly. Like don't put the member in red at the top of the page.....)

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 23:53:34

At 7/30/06 11:46 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
Just re-list your top five animes and the character to you want to change to.

cool. Okay, lets see. i think my list has changed a bit, just so ya know.

3.Love Hina
4. Read or Die(movie)

*NEW* Charachter rep.:

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 23:54:45

At 7/30/06 11:42 PM, gunslingr19 wrote:
At 7/30/06 08:39 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote: Hey i need some help with something.
"Hey kid, theres alot of scary people in this world..............PENIS PENIS PENIS!" and then he runs away. If anybody has seen anything like that in any anime, please tell me.

that would have been the funniest thing i had ever seen wow i wish i hadn't have missed that

yeah, it sound funny! I wish i was there when it happend.
sorry 4 the double post.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 23:57:25

At 7/30/06 11:53 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote:
At 7/30/06 11:46 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
Just re-list your top five animes and the character to you want to change to.
cool. Okay, lets see. i think my list has changed a bit, just so ya know.

3.Love Hina
4. Read or Die(movie)

*NEW* Charachter rep.:

you know what, screw it. Im gunna stick with Chamo..... BTW this is Dark_orchestra, im just using my alt. profile so im not technocaly tripple posting, because that would suck.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-30 23:57:59

At 7/30/06 08:39 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote: "Hey kid, theres alot of scary people in this world..............PENIS PENIS PENIS!" and then he runs away. If anybody has seen anything like that in any anime, please tell me.

That was on Mission Hill, which is on late...but it isn't an anime.

Clip of it

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-31 01:16:37

Okay guys...

I have announcement.

Here are the vitals...

What: Otakon 2006: Newgrounds Anime Club Meet-up

Who: Myself and all you guys

Where: Digital Fansubbing panel, panel room #3 (It's the only place that I know I will DEFINITELY BE AT)

When: Friday, August 4th, 10PM EDT

Why: Cuz I said so...

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-31 01:36:50

At 7/31/06 01:16 AM, LLStarks wrote: Okay guys...

I have announcement.

Here are the vitals...

What: Otakon 2006: Newgrounds Anime Club Meet-up

Who: Myself and all you guys

could you supply a ticket to okaton i am poor