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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 01:23:26

At 7/29/06 01:13 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: I'd give it an 8.5-9 out of ten. It has a bunch of cool characters, and they actually go a little indepth on each character. There are lots of interesting things that add to the story and make you wanna keep watching, like Bloodlines, Jinchuurikis, Akatasuki, and chakra elements. Even now at chapter 317, I can't wait for the next chapters, since there is still a lot left to be revealed. Just make it past some of the first episodes and when they have those constant flashbacks (especially in the Zabuza battle) and you'll probably like it.

Yhea I forgot about that part of it. I read the Manga before the anime so that I already knew most of the storyline so it kind of refined it to "Look at teh funny ninjas" I guess it's probably better to most then it was to me.

I'm right now at chapter 102.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 03:45:24

I don't prefer Naruto, but I'd watch it anyways. If you're looking for some really good anime, there is some site on the internet where you can download (totally safe) every single episode of Yu-yu Hakusho. I love that place....

Also, On the list, I only noticed 1 other person who liked Yu Yu Hakusho....What a shame, its such a good show....

Maybe I can start a crew for it....


NG Naruto RP Crew

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 04:09:21

At 7/29/06 03:45 AM, fremen13 wrote: I don't prefer Naruto, but I'd watch it anyways. If you're looking for some really good anime, there is some site on the internet where you can download (totally safe) every single episode of Yu-yu Hakusho. I love that place....

Also, On the list, I only noticed 1 other person who liked Yu Yu Hakusho....What a shame, its such a good show....

Maybe I can start a crew for it....

Just because only one person chose a Yu Yu Hakusho character to represent them doesn't mean the rest of us hate it. Lots of people here probably like the show. Oh, and even though you didn't give the site, please don't talk about downloading episodes.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 08:40:32

At 7/28/06 11:18 PM, armageddon_keyblade wrote: any one here like amazing nurse nanako

i love that one!

I give Naruto a 9.0-9.5, it would be a perfect 10 if they didnt edit alot of the blood and swearing.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 09:15:16

At 7/29/06 08:40 AM, Dark_orchestra wrote:
At 7/28/06 11:18 PM, armageddon_keyblade wrote:
I give Naruto a 9.0-9.5, it would be a perfect 10 if they didnt edit alot of the blood and swearing.

I agree with that, planning on seeing the uncut version, hopefully itll be way better. It irritates me that some good anime gets edited because of the fact that little kids get interested so I have to wait a few seasons before I can see it with all the gore and swearing, on some random late night block. ex: DBZ.
-- any of you guys have an anime club at school? took me a year but I started one at mine.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 11:48:23

Have any of you guys seen Read or Die I've seen the movie, but I haven't seen the series. I also like Yu Yu Hakusho.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 11:53:07

may I join?

My top 5 Anime:
1) Naruto
2) DNAngel
3) Flame of Recca
4) Getbackers
5) Inuyasha

I'd like to be Hinata.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 11:55:35

Hi sam you plan to join the Anime club as well?

I'm Faust.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 11:57:03

ah-duh I plan on joining. and thanks to digital cable and on demand, im actually familiar with most of the anime you guysve been talking about, seen a few episodes of most of the stuff mentioned.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 11:59:09

heh I just rent most of the anime I see. I have like 150 different shows lined up.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:01:17

well, sir, thats because you have resources. im a hermit. but at least ive seen the first 3 or so episodes of most of em, so I understand whats goin on. besides, i could always just go to your house, with all your netflix thingies and whatnot.......curse you and your nice things.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:04:00

I try my hardest never to mention that and in one fell swoop you destroy the idea that I get them from your local "Extreame amount of anime never have to return" video store.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:05:46

v('.')v suppose im just a fool for advertisements then. wait....i go to your house. im not a hermit. just a turtle. a very lonely turtle. with nunchuks. so i apologize for my advertisements.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:41:28

Sorry I didn't post got to max. if you're a lonely turtle then I'm Sratenel the penguin who shits sadness. Funny you are a turtle and I'm a penguin. Yet our names are Pozzum and Fawks.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:43:31

oooooh!! thats from The Da-- I mean, the occurs-on-a-regular-basis Show. but yeah. the turtle/fox hybrid and possum/constantly sad penguin. how odd. quite a bunch we are.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:46:09

First of all the penguin iis not sad he just shits sadness. You have the speed of a fox and the slowness of a turtle while I can play dead and slowly slide down ice while doing so. I belive we are getting of topic. have you seen any new anime latly?

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:48:40

not to mention you can get rid of all your angst and sadness with a single bowel movement, but yes, back to anime. i watched two episodes of Negima, which was pretty good, a tad perverted (like 4 pantyshots in like 15 minutes in the first episode,) and this one about a gymnast called New Wings, which was entertaining, saw about 5 episodes of that.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:50:27

At 7/29/06 11:48 AM, Pozzum wrote: Have any of you guys seen Read or Die I've seen the movie, but I haven't seen the series. I also like Yu Yu Hakusho.

ive seen the movie and the show and ive read the manga. i <3 ROD. wow that sounds wrong.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:51:10

Thats nothing I've seen a anime with about 25 panty shots in one frame. I saw this anime called Lost Universe I didn't like it all I saw the plot line from a mile away and stoped watching about half-way through the first episode.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:54:43

DAMN YOU Dark_orchestra!! we had a conversation going on, and you ruined it. just, gone. we were going for a full page, but no. that was an 'a' and 'b' conversation, no 'c'. now 'c' ya later. anyway, i saw this one anime i really liked, called mythical detective loki or summin like that, about a kid whose the norse god of chaos and destruction (teh awesomeness) who....solves mysteries. but theyre wierd, magical, ones! with ohter gods who want to kill him!

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:55:59

At 7/29/06 12:51 PM, Pozzum wrote: Thats nothing I've seen a anime with about 25 panty shots in one frame. I saw this anime called Lost Universe I didn't like it all I saw the plot line from a mile away and stoped watching about half-way through the first episode.

Lost Universe is actually related to Slayers, it being like a whole parallel universe thing. There are lots of similarities between the two, though Slayers is a lot funnier and is D&D fantasy while Lost Universe is futuristic.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:57:24

At 7/29/06 12:50 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote: ive seen the movie and the show and ive read the manga. i <3 ROD. wow that sounds wrong.

If you write it RoD it looks better, also don't listen to Fawks she's Crazy. (having a conversation with some one over the internet when they are in the same building as you.)

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 12:59:43

yeah, my ranting at D_O seemed a little on the rude side. anyway, Slayers sounds very familiar, think ive heard/seen some of it before...some...where...hey Doc, can i have a strawberry yoo-hoo? that sounds good.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 13:00:27

At 7/29/06 12:57 PM, Pozzum wrote:
At 7/29/06 12:50 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote: ive seen the movie and the show and ive read the manga. i <3 ROD. wow that sounds wrong.
If you write it RoD it looks better, also don't listen to Fawks she's Crazy. (having a conversation with some one over the internet when they are in the same building as you.)

You should just use Instant Messenger if you are going to have a conversation, especially if you are that close. You could also use the PM service on Newgrounds, and just post things that add to the club in the Club.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 13:02:12

At 7/29/06 12:59 PM, Teh_Fawks wrote:

.hey Doc, can i have a strawberry yoo-hoo? that sounds good.

its from the mini halo series red vs blue my quote is from there too

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 13:06:40

At 7/29/06 01:02 PM, armageddon_keyblade wrote:
At 7/29/06 12:59 PM, Teh_Fawks wrote:
.hey Doc, can i have a strawberry yoo-hoo? that sounds good.

its from the mini halo series red vs blue my quote is from there too

Did you know you have a spelling error in that quote?

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 13:26:09

I didn't know Lost Universe was connected to Slayers oh well.

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 20:11:58

hey guys. A while back in my mad Hellsing phase i found a good pic of Alucard and made some wallpapers. i've zipped it cause it's in three different resolutions:



1280x1024 (or whatever it is)

feel free to download em.


Wallpaper Download

just thought some of you may like em ^^

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 20:29:29

shut up u lv 1

Response to Anime Club 2006-07-29 20:33:44

At 7/29/06 08:29 PM, armageddon_keyblade wrote: shut up u lv 1

Post in the wrong club? Were you wanting to yell at that guy who can't spell Kankuro and probably only watches the American versions, so he doesn't want any japanese spoilers?

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature