At 10/30/05 03:46 PM, LLStarks wrote:
Also, did anyone watch Inuyasha's Halloween on the portal the other day
Bah, I can't watch flash at the library. : (
On a completely different note...
Yeah I hear you, but it seems like everyone who is a leader is off doing stuff off the internet. Trivia, from my assumption, is swamped with school work, same for PBX. Red isn't around all that much due to looking for work, Tink is still caught up in her life mess and I'm saving up for internet equiptment.
I know that list is almost two months old by now... I'll try and come to my library on one of my off days [depends if someone doesn't call out. My work is shorthanded as is.] and up-date the list.
As for anything else related.
I don't know how many of you keep up with Shonen Jump.
Decembers issue was pretty good, One Piece is much better in manga form than anime form IMHO. I'd like to purchase the first volume of Death Note due to being caught up in the preview SJ had a month or so back.
Hakaru no Go is now, or say soon to be out on DVD. The manga is fantastic and if you are a fan of anime based on games this is a series you will most definetly enjoy.
As to anything on the television I noticed that the usuall bit of .//hack: Twilight of the Bracelet and Gundam SEED, they have been pushed back, WAY back to start at 5am Friday nights/early Saturday mornings. Now, not this past Friday[28th] but the 21st had Gundam SEED than Yu-Yu Hakusho. This past Firday[28th]had .//hack: Twilight of the Bracelet and Yu-Yu Hakusho. Now from all of this it seems like they might swap out Gundam SEED and .//hack: Twilight of the Bracelet every other Friday. I hope so, I never got to see how SEED and Twilight ended, nor how this saga of Yu-Yu ended either, SO NO SPOILERS FOR ME PLEASE.
As to [Adult Swim] I'm sure you all know about Neon Genisis Evangelion with the new episodes airing Thursday nights at 12:30am followed by Full Metal Alchemist and s-CRY-ed. Saturdays are the best nights of [AS] but they want to put re-runs of Boondocks on there which pisses me off. If they are going to air Boondocks on Saturday I want some anime on Sunday. I WANT COMPENSATION DAMN IT!
Kakurenbo which took FLCLs place turned out to be actually quite good even though it was all renedered in what appeared to be 3-D. Not to bad of a series. Not to mention that the new episodes of Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist and s-CRY-ed were fantastic. s-CRY-ed is probably one of the better animes you will ever see.
And we all know of Naruto on at 9pm on Toonami and IGPX will air on the 6th of November at 10pm. Which reminds me that if anyone is a fan of Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone Complex, they are running the series on [AS] at 1:30am meaning that it took Parinoia Agents spot. I WAS hoping that they would re-run Blue Gender due to it being a good series from the first few episodes I saw. Yes, Super Milk Chan is still running at 5am followed by S.G.C.T.C at 5:30am. I wish they would take those two off and put something more entertaining on, like BLUE GENDER!
Anyway, that's pretty much all from me.