Aww...But it was so much more fun when so little people could achieve Diety. It was like..Almost a finding a new God, but a really really shitty and disapointing kind.
RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead
Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear
I didn't lose my silver whistle, wewt. I bet I feel like a special little Spartan now huh.
I have some questions then,
Does the faq need to be change to reflect the change in the whistle system?
Are all the whistles on scale now and not the level system on who has the most?
You think Washu Chan is pissed off? LOL
At 10/9/06 11:35 AM, WadeFulp wrote:At 10/9/06 11:31 AM, RenegadeGirl wrote: I still have gold, luckely ^_^.Still have gold? If you had gold before the change you should be Diety now. If you're gold now, it should have been silver before. When did you notice it was gold?
I had silver before, but today it became gold. But then I heard about the glitch, so I thought I would be silver again, but to hear this news.
At 10/9/06 12:04 PM, TITROTU wrote: I think the main reason so many people lost their Silver whistle is because they didn't bother to earn any more points once they reached it. They knew that Gold and Diety were the "impossible" whistles, so they didn't see a point in continuing. It's kind of the same rule with some level 9 users who've stopped depositing, knowing that the gap to level 10 is pretty big.
Yeah, I remember not flagging so much when I got silver whistle. However, a few times, I did try and flag loads of abusive reviews to see if I could get to a gold whistle and unfortunately, I didn't back then. But now, I have a deity whistle. :O Good to have that whistle, but now it doesn't feel so special. Also, I didn't notice my whistle changed until I read the threads about this and the other thread about whistles. :P
NNNOOOOOOO!!!! My whistle is down to bronze now... ;_;
Oh well, guess it's time to go see what people are writing in the reviews!!!
Man my whitle didn't change any -_- I have to ask this as well so there will be no new whistle for the best user anymore will there?
At 10/9/06 12:14 PM, Washu-chan wrote: Man my whitle didn't change any -_- I have to ask this as well so there will be no new whistle for the best user anymore will there?
Nope. Finally, you can't brag, as there are people who are in the same Whistle place as you are.
At 10/9/06 12:10 PM, RenegadeGirl wrote: I had silver before, but today it became gold. But then I heard about the glitch, so I thought I would be silver again, but to hear this news.
You're an example of someone who was working hard, but weren't being rewarded, but now you are.
We have also adjusted the levels a bit so it's a little easier to get Bronze (really easy actually) and Silver is also a little easier to get to. So check your levels again.
At 10/9/06 12:18 PM, Ryan wrote: I cried when I saw my profile this morning.
I did to but it was tiers of joy. I flaged my ass off to get were I am now and it was worth it
Hey Wade you should make a page that lists the Diety Whistle Level in the Users section
At 10/9/06 12:14 PM, Washu-chan wrote: Man my whitle didn't change any -_- I have to ask this as well so there will be no new whistle for the best user anymore will there?
Well, she just answered my third question. Well, you can still say you have the most whistle points. If that makes you feel any better, probably not since having the most now just means you have the biggest margin of error (for the slow people, she can be wrong and not get punished as hard). Besides, be happy now though. You dont have to spend 2 hours out of the day to keep your status, your free to do other things on newgrounds or life without losing what you worked hard for.
At 10/9/06 12:06 PM, ShitOnAStick wrote: Aww...But it was so much more fun when so little people could achieve Diety. It was like..Almost a finding a new God, but a really really shitty and disapointing kind.
yeah no Kidding before the system change only 4 or 5 people was able o get the deity whistle. this fix scale really sucks the fun out of it but it is for the good on NG so I say go Wade.
At 10/9/06 11:20 AM, WadeFulp wrote: . How is that fucking fair?!
Why do you so fucking swear all the fucking time?...fucker
"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity." - Albert Einstein
Yes, Newgrounds, that quote is dedicated 4 you.
At 10/9/06 12:21 PM, milinko959 wrote: So now I really have a deity whistle?
Yes, you do. :) Congratulations and thank you for contributing to the site.
At 10/9/06 12:29 PM, FullyLoaded wrote: Why do you so fucking swear all the fucking time?...fucker
Sorry, I'm just a dirty old man.
Cool i was'nt aware of the glitch though, also i'm trying to get a higher whistle level how many point's do i need to advance?
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
At 10/9/06 12:26 PM, Suicidal-kid wrote: Still silver. Damn it!
Yes, but now your silver whistle has more value, because not every joe smoe with 10-20 whistle points will be silver as well.
At 10/9/06 12:30 PM, WadeFulp wrote:At 10/9/06 12:29 PM, FullyLoaded wrote: Why do you so fucking swear all the fucking time?...fuckerSorry, I'm just a dirty old man.
Lol, no need to explain yourself to me :), it was a joke.
"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity." - Albert Einstein
Yes, Newgrounds, that quote is dedicated 4 you.
At 10/9/06 12:33 PM, Onnet wrote:At 10/9/06 12:30 PM, WadeFulp wrote:Hahaha, why not wash?At 10/9/06 12:29 PM, FullyLoaded wrote: Why do you so fucking swear all the fucking time?...fuckerSorry, I'm just a dirty old man.
No warm water lol
"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity." - Albert Einstein
Yes, Newgrounds, that quote is dedicated 4 you.
At 10/9/06 12:27 PM, kidray76 wrote:At 10/9/06 12:14 PM, Washu-chan wrote: Man my whitle didn't change any -_- I have to ask this as well so there will be no new whistle for the best user anymore will there?Well, she just answered my third question. Well, you can still say you have the most whistle points. If that makes you feel any better, probably not since having the most now just means you have the biggest margin of error (for the slow people, she can be wrong and not get punished as hard). Besides, be happy now though. You dont have to spend 2 hours out of the day to keep your status, your free to do other things on newgrounds or life without losing what you worked hard for.
I didn't Flag for 2 hours a day to keep my whistle shiny, I Flagged abusive review because I fiound it fun to do. While others flagged just for the whistle level of gold/deity and stopped because they thought they could never get it I kept going just for fun and to get the abuse off NG. Besides When I first leveled up from silver I did give people hope by proving that gold wasn't impossible. But yeah I can still say that I have the most whistle points as well plus I am one of the few who reached it to he top on the old system. So I am still going to keep flagging so to help NG.
"Wait its been fixed?" *looks at profile* "NOOO my silver whistle is gone, now im back to bronze", oh well i'll still help flag abusive reviews and whistle flashes that are breaking the rules.
At 10/9/06 12:35 PM, Washu-chan wrote:At 10/9/06 12:27 PM, kidray76 wrote:At 10/9/06 12:14 PM, Washu-chan wrote:
I didn't Flag for 2 hours a day to keep my whistle shiny, I Flagged abusive review because I fiound it fun to do. While others flagged just for the whistle level of gold/deity and stopped because they thought they could never get it I kept going just for fun and to get the abuse off NG. Besides When I first leveled up from silver I did give people hope by proving that gold wasn't impossible. But yeah I can still say that I have the most whistle points as well plus I am one of the few who reached it to he top on the old system. So I am still going to keep flagging so to help NG.
I'm sure Tom and Wade appreciate your loyalty to the site. You really were an idle a small group of people. (Not me though, no offense, don't have the time to actually spend 2 hours like you did). In any event, there will always be abuse, and your the best person for the job of getting rid of it. And since you have alot more help, it will be cut drastically down. Are you still going to spend 2 hours a day though?