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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 21:27:01

At 6/2/08 09:23 PM, Cryoma wrote: Can somebody link me to that thread where you advertise yourself as a scripter or post looking for one?

Naw, I created that thread years ago, and it failed after about 9 pages. Truthfully, it's not worth looking for, but instead just make your own new thread about trying to find someone. If you do want to look though, it's called the Animator/ASer Seeker's Thread. If you look back in my posts I'm sure it's somewhere on page like 50.



...and this is my fag...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 21:27:33

At 6/2/08 04:02 PM, Rudy wrote: Kidney Stones...

Suck it up! Your fault for gettin' it. Ya should watch your diet more. :P
Also, the reason you threw up was probably cause of stress - not the stone, I ain't never heard of kidney stones doin' that, and believe me I've heard my grandparents bitch a fair amount 'bout 'em.
Also, morphines an awesome drug - enjoy doin' it legally. Then once your done with it - never do it again. ^^

Opiums much better then morphine anyway. :3

I admit, I feel for ya. They'd remove a 4 mm for a grown man. They should've token in account of your young age and "underdeveloped" parts. Boy it's gonna hurt a lot more then they told ya it would.

Don't feel too bad though. Did you know when your in a car accident and can't move well by yourself they'll cut your clothes right off, pop an oxygen mask or hose in your face, and shove a yellow fuckin' hose as thick as your finger up your piss-hole! ...THAT HURTS!


www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 21:28:15

the only thing i'm sure of doing is making tons of movies with my friends and going on a week-long camping trip to a lake in Utah - Flaming Gorge.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 21:41:21

Gee I sure wish I had some Duder fan arts...
...poor fan art page is all empty almost...
...lonely lil' page with a few pics....
...dieing atmosphere...

I like pie.

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 22:02:58

At 6/2/08 09:27 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote:
shove a yellow fuckin' hose as thick as your finger up your piss-hole! ...THAT HURTS!


lol, sounds like a cathader, I've had do experience a few of those in my day :c

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 22:04:17

At 6/2/08 09:27 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Naw...

Fine, last time I made a thread about it I was facepunched with a ban so I was just playing it safe.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 22:05:22

At 6/2/08 09:27 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Naw...

Fine, last time I made a thread about it I was facepunched with a ban so I was just playing it safe.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 22:14:06

9 Mind Blowing Flash's

http://www.webupon.com/Web-Design/How-Do -They-Do-That-Ten-Mind-Blowing-Flash-Ani mations.132648

I didn't watch them all, however I did notice Dustball's "Play" on the list. I'm also not sure if any of the others are on NG or not. That one stood out though.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 22:22:36

At 6/2/08 10:04 PM, Cryoma wrote: Fine, last time I made a thread about it I was facepunched with a ban so I was just playing it safe.

Yeah, I don't know why that happened, but you should be safe now. If you're wanting to be ultra-cautious then just talk to one of the mods. Also, when I said years ago, I meant months....it just gave it that emphasis.



...and this is my fag...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-02 22:46:04

At 6/2/08 09:27 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Suck it up! Your fault for gettin' it. Ya should watch your diet more. :P
Also, the reason you threw up was probably cause of stress - not the stone,

Honestly, I heard that those are some side effects of kidney stones. I wikipedia searched it.

Symptoms of kidney stones include:[16][3]

* Colicky pain: "loin to groin". Often described as "the worst pain [...] ever experienced".[17]
* Hematuria: blood in the urine, due to minor damage to inside wall of kidney, ureter and/or urethra.
* Pyuria: pus in the urine.
* Dysuria: burning on urination when passing stones (rare). More typical of infection.
* Oliguria: reduced urinary volume caused by obstruction of the bladder or urethra by stone, or extremely rarely, simultaneous obstruction of both ureters by a stone.
* Abdominal distention.
* Nausea/vomiting: embryological link with intestine-stimulates the vomiting center.
* Fever and chills.

Okay enough about my dick.
Anyways, ...

Summer Activities
For the most part, I'm hoping to get a summer job. I need a few extra bucks because I want to buy a Cintiq tablet so that'll be pleasing -- After doing so, I'll release more Flash animations. I plan on finishing some animations that I pushed aside a while back due to alot of shit going on in my life. Fuck the emo shit. Everyone has problems.

Anyways, I am thinking about working at Staples or something. Anyone recommend anywheres to work?

Also, Anyone planning on going on a diet or exercising this summer? I really don't need to since I'm thin as a board but I recommend myself eating more healthier. I'm kinda a junk-food picky eater kinda teenager. Fag, I know.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 00:37:08

Anyways, I am thinking about working at Staples or something. Anyone recommend anywheres to work?

I was gonna try and grab a part time job at borders or barnes and nobles, but they weren't hiring. I will basically work anywhere that doesn't deal with food.

I am not doing shit this summer, just gonna hang with friends, and hopefully get a good flash out.

"Is this not a reasonable place to park?"

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 00:45:57

At 6/2/08 10:14 PM, CrazyChihuahua wrote: 9 Mind Blowing Flash's

http://www.webupon.com/Web-Design/How-Do -They-Do-That-Ten-Mind-Blowing-Flash-Ani mations.132648

I didn't watch them all, however I did notice Dustball's "Play" on the list. I'm also not sure if any of the others are on NG or not. That one stood out though.

Pascal is a brilliant animator. I recommend going through all his movies on his site.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 03:45:04

Another patent
I just discovered this patent, registered 2001 by some Singapore country.

Basically, what it is, is that they have patent on showing smaller preview images that, when clicked, opens up a new page with the big picture.

If this actually goes through they could probably sue ALOT of companies and websites, including Google (Image Search, anyone?).

Not sure if it would also apply to Newgrounds, but you do see a little preview icon next to the 'Play this game' button.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 03:47:23

At 6/3/08 03:45 AM, GuyWithHisComp wrote: ... some Singapore country ...

some Singapore company*

Also, apparently they've already got some huge money from websites who are too afraid to say no because of the patent.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 07:00:59

Vuestar owns all < a>< img> tags on the Interweb

At 6/3/08 03:45 AM, GuyWithHisComp wrote: Basically, what it is, is that they have patent on showing smaller preview images that, when clicked, opens up a new page with the big picture.

Yeah. I've seen this before. But personally I think the patent can be retroactively revoked if it's proven the idea is basic common sense or infringes on prior art. And this is just pure common sense here. Especially since from what I can find, the patent was applied for a good ten or so years after this became an industry standard. It's safely ignorable, and wouldn't stand in a civil court in any country.

Okay. So here's the plan for what I want to try next summer. With the assistance of my programming and arty buddies on the forum who are now chasing me up for content, I plan to grind some slush money from sponsorships. After putting 20% safely aside for Mr Darling, I'd like to end up with enough to buy a decent bike over here and a drum kit. But I'd also like, if possible, to put aside enough money to fund a Road Trip.

The plan would be simple. Sit on Craigslist or Ebay for a few months and find a cheap cruiser bike in the SF Bay area, and get someone I know over there to pick it up and make sure the thing's not held together by rust and paint. Get it insured and make sure I can drive over in the States on a UK license. Then jet over to there, pick up said bike, and drive it vaguely Eastwards over a few months, stopping when I see the Atlantic.

Alternative is of course start in NYC and drive until I can see the Pacific. I think it'd be more fun to do West to East though - I could potentially end the thing in Glenside that way.

Anyone got an idea how much money this'd set me back if I was to aim for about a month and a half of time? Just looking at Craigslist makes me think I can get a bike that'll last three months for about $1500, and then it's just a matter of gasoline, foods, and motel fees. Oh and funds for Vegas


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 12:52:08

RE: Vuestar

it seems odd that they could patent something that was made by Google 3 years prior. wouldn't Google be able to do something about that? or are patents a sort of "first-come, first-serve" kind of thing that would basically screw Google over if Vuestar decided to take legal action?


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 13:38:52

At 6/3/08 12:52 PM, Rammer wrote: RE: Vuestar

it seems odd that they could patent something that was made by Google 3 years prior. wouldn't Google be able to do something about that? or are patents a sort of "first-come, first-serve" kind of thing that would basically screw Google over if Vuestar decided to take legal action?

Actually, you're not allowed to patent something unless it's a new idea.

Looking closer at the patent specifications it actually says the patent is an image link to a website. And since almost everyone uses that nowadays things could turn ugly. I'm not sure about this though.

And you're also not allowed to patent obvious things. If the above paragraph is true, it's like they patent the combination: <a href=""><img src="" /></a>

I think I'm gonna try to patent ActionScript's if statements...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 13:47:36

At 6/3/08 01:38 PM, GuyWithHisComp wrote: I think I'm gonna try to patent ActionScript's if statements...

Then we will all be forced to use switch case statements :u

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 14:07:52

At 6/3/08 01:47 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote:
At 6/3/08 01:38 PM, GuyWithHisComp wrote: I think I'm gonna try to patent ActionScript's if statements...
Then we will all be forced to use switch case statements :u

Yep, unless you want to pay the monthly fee for every if statement.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 14:25:54

Copyright, trademark, and patent law makes John sad :(.

Anyone collect stuff? I know people collect spoons or baseball cards or whatever, but does anyone make a hobby out of it?

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 14:33:28

RE: Patents
i think i'll patent the use of "var" in ActionScript. fuck your if's i'll just use while() and switch(). :P

RE: Collectibles
i used to collect nifty rocks, and then i started collecting hats from places i went, but now they're just collecting dust. i don't really collect stuff anymore.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 14:35:46

At 6/3/08 02:33 PM, Rammer wrote: RE: Patents
i think i'll patent the use of "var" in ActionScript. fuck your if's i'll just use while() and switch(). :P
this["var1"] = true; while(this["var1"]==true) { break; }

I might patent array access.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 15:07:09

At 6/3/08 02:34 PM, yhar wrote: IINAMEGSAAYXSIULAALXSO - Re-arrange those letters into what it's meant to say and I'll give the winner free hosting, or a domain or something.

Good luck looking through the possibilties, people.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 15:12:23

RE: Patents
I have a patent!!
Its probly the only reason I got into college :)

Its a phone antenna that is used as a game cartridge...look up "gametenna" on google

thats me! :D

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 15:12:51

Happy birthday to Me!

Todays mah birthday. its pretty fun so far, im looking forward to the rest of the dayy =)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 15:21:46

At 6/3/08 03:12 PM, Blackfang wrote: Happy birthday to Me!

Todays mah birthday. its pretty fun so far, im looking forward to the rest of the dayy =)

Happy Burfday.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 15:23:15

At 6/3/08 03:12 PM, Blackfang wrote: Happy birthday to Me!

Todays mah birthday. its pretty fun so far, im looking forward to the rest of the dayy =)

meant to make you a thread. I've just been extremely busy today. :*(


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 15:26:21

At 6/3/08 03:21 PM, Slodd wrote:
At 6/3/08 03:12 PM, Blackfang wrote: Happy birthday to Me!

Todays mah birthday. its pretty fun so far, im looking forward to the rest of the dayy =)
Happy Burfday.

Yer happy birthday :D


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 15:26:53

At 6/3/08 03:23 PM, Luis wrote:
At 6/3/08 03:12 PM, Blackfang wrote: Happy birthday to Me!

Todays mah birthday. its pretty fun so far, im looking forward to the rest of the dayy =)
meant to make you a thread. I've just been extremely busy today. :*(

do it =D

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-06-03 15:33:32

Happy B'day Blackfang!

BBS Signature