WTF Emotional Roller Coaster!
I have an extremely crap day at school, find out my BEST girlfriend EVER is moving to Mission (City a few hours of a drive away), get home to find my stash empty, and then I check NG.
Right away I noticed my newest game was on the front page and I nearly shit myself from the shock.
I was miserable the entire day from all the bad news and disappointment. Seeing that game on FP made me a very happy camper. Then I read the reviews and ya... BAM! Incredably wave of guilt, disappointment in myself, sadness, and blah blah blah ALL hit me. I started going through it all in my head. "Fuck, the games a bomb. I screwed up, poeple hate it, hate me, and still hate The Duders." after a few moments I came to the conclusion that I simply don't cut it.
I can't say it ANYMORE better then that - I don't cut it. It's like the Portal is picking a basketball team. I'm tall, I'm fit, I know my stuff, but I just can't make it for some dang reason!
And here I was all depressed, then I come here... to this dang thread, and I see the posts saying congrats and etc...
Never... has a forum brought me to tears.
Truly... thank you... thank you all so much.
NG may not like me all that much, but I'm goin' to creep around here and upload my dang stupid lil' stoner toons/games until I either win 100 awards or retire!