It's just an applet that connects to an IRC server, so if you feel like getting spammed through your own IRC client, it's at in #ngchat
If you're not familiar with IRC, it has a system for channel operators, which isn't being used here for some reason. As well, this server has nickserv, chanserv, and all of those sorts of things to make sure things don't run out of control *cough*
At any rate
Its to reinforce it.. the only reason people give bad things to bad people is to persuade them to not do it again.. thats a pretty good motive imo..
So you're saying that I'm a "bad person" because I don't attend a class I paid over a thousand dollars to be in? Is working to help support my family, my education, and myself "bad", then, because I do that instead of go to school on these occasions? And that, as punishment for being so "bad", I should receive lower grades than the kids who get Mom and Dad to pay for their on-campus apartments, even if they don't actually score as well as I do on assignments?
I know I'm playing a martyr, and I'm not trying to bitch and moan here--I play the hand I'm dealt, and I'm sure I have a VERY cushy life compared to the vast majority of the people in the world--but the point is that it's my money, my education, etc. What difference does it make to a professor (or whoever, as the case may be) whether I attend or not, whether I fail or not, and for what reasons I do those things?