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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 20:34:19

At 9/29/06 04:09 PM, Johnny wrote: You want an art director job? My girlfriend is Senior art director of multimedia and print for Gillespie advertising. Want a job? Move to Jersey. =) You can do ads for all the mcNeil products like motrin and Imodium.

What? Don't offer Luis a job! offer me one! I'm actually studing multimedia and university and my 3rd year (08/09) is in industry i.e. working.

Srsly, johhny hook me up with a job mate!

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 20:52:04

At 9/29/06 08:34 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: What? Don't offer Luis a job! offer me one! I'm actually studing multimedia and university and my 3rd year (08/09) is in industry i.e. working.

Srsly, johhny hook me up with a job mate!

out of all the people you left, you sure post the most

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 20:53:40

At 9/29/06 08:34 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: What? Don't offer Luis a job! offer me one! I'm actually studing multimedia and university and my 3rd year (08/09) is in industry i.e. working.

Srsly, johhny hook me up with a job mate!

I only hope your university didn't suck ass at it's placement system like mine did. I didn't get a third year in industry for my degree...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 20:54:53

At 9/29/06 08:53 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: I only hope your university didn't suck ass at it's placement system like mine did. I didn't get a third year in industry for my degree...

Ouch. What Uni did you go to and what did you study?

At 9/29/06 08:52 PM, ImpotentBoy2 wrote: out of all the people you left, you sure post the most

I never said I was leaving, I just said I'd be around less. Which is true. Over the summer I was never offline!

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 20:57:47

At 9/29/06 07:35 PM, Blaze wrote: well, my biggest flash accomplishment has been... well, getting my game sponsored. Ive never even reached frontpage, so that is mostly my aim for now.

That's a very good accomplishment. I was excited when I got my first game sponsored also.

At 9/29/06 07:40 PM, JoystickX wrote: I was excited when my film made 5th place for the daily heh...and even then, that's probably not a big deal for most.

Another good one... And that IS a big deal. Most people dream of one day getting a daily prize.

At 9/29/06 07:59 PM, Siggy wrote: DFox, I too admired Addicting Games as a 6th grader and still do.

Cool. It's the biggest Flash game site on the web so it's pretty popular.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 21:03:25

At 9/29/06 07:32 PM, DFox wrote: So, what is your biggest accomplishment of getting your Flash on a website?

I've never really had a goal to get my games on any websites... I think it just kind of happened as some of my stuff got a bit more popular. What I really wanted more than anything was just to have people enjoy my work for free and for fun, which is something I think I might have achieved, but would like to achieve more of.

I think I have had two big accomplishments so far. When Ball Revamped 2 released, EbaumsWorld picked it up and killed my bandwidth just off of linked traffic. For me, that was one of the coolest things ever (even with the $40 I had to pay in bandwidth overages that month, I had to take my website down for a few days). The second biggest accomplishment was getting onto BBC World Television, where they featured the game in a small one minute feature.

But yeah, my ultimate goal is to provide anyone and everyone free content that can be enjoyed, that even someone without a computer could go and play at a library or some other public place. In a sense, I feel like I am giving something back to those original developers way back when I was younger, who used to produce free games for the Mac and Apple IIe which killed so much time for me when I used to wait after school for parents to pick me up.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 21:06:08

At 9/29/06 09:03 PM, jmtb02 wrote: I've never really had a goal to get my games on any websites...

I don't know if you heard, but Dark Cut was featured on Maxim's webiste and weekly news letter, last week.

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 21:23:13

At 9/29/06 09:06 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: I don't know if you heard, but Dark Cut was featured on Maxim's webiste and weekly news letter, last week.

I did hear about that, I saw the thread a few days late. Thanks for finding that :).

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 21:24:49

At 9/29/06 09:23 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Thanks for finding that :).

haha, it wasn't really hard to find it, I get the maxim news letter every week anyway! :D

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 21:39:58

An lone acoustic guitar is good for a western. But be sure to use an old honky tonk piano sound for the saloon scenes.

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 21:41:46

At 9/29/06 09:35 PM, JoystickX wrote: Sorry for posting this here, but it is semi flash related. I'm thinking of making a western film, it's something not really done a lot here...I think it's untapped potential. Anyways, I want to make my own score, but I don't know what instruments are typically assosiated with western. I realise this is more audio forum suited, but they're incompitent for the most part there and my thread has just been refered to google, which I obviously checked. Again, I only ask here because I will be making a flash on it, and there is a decent crowd that reads this.

i dont know if this was the right place, even if its accepted for this forum iwould have made a new post.

anyways, it really depends on the mood your going for. im a sucker for acoustic guitars, that might be why im thinking about suggesting it. i say just listen to music in western movies.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 22:09:59

NG Audio Portal - Country
Some songs, I'm not too sure, may be fit for what you're looking for. The first song is choice for an actiony intro, just fish around, maybe you'll find something. :D


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 22:38:02

This is in regards to the previous pages question on what your accomplishments are:

I like your mindset jmtb02, i think you are a rare breed. Many people are now solely getting into the flash scene to make a buck and ignoring its rich history of authors that do it for the fuck of it.
At any rate, I'm right there with you, my ultimate goal in my website and just in general is to provide people with quality entertainment, i do it for the ego stroke.

You see i grew up being the short quiet kid that nobody wanted to pay any attention to, and with flash i have been able to put my name on something and have thousands of people want to pay attention and look forward to things from me. In a way the internet and flash totally changed my life and my self esteem.

I heart all of you.

And my biggest accomplishment to me was finding out about flash. The second biggest was just finding someone who enjoyed my work. Its the greatest feeling in the world to submit your movie and read that first/one positive review.. it somehow makes the 2092352 hours of work worth it... its sick. because you'd think itd get old after being in the scene for so many years but it doesnt.. its like ecstacy.



BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 22:50:42

At 9/29/06 10:38 PM, Luis wrote: In a way the internet and flash totally changed my life and my self esteem.

IMHO, you just brought up one of the things that makes Newgrounds the great site it is...

It's constantly changing people. Of course there's tons of great authors who submit to Newgrounds, but the community is like no other. Many of the people who come to this BBS are Flash industry leaders, like yourself, Utah, Stamper, Afro-Ninja, Fulp, jmtb02, and many many more. Where else can you get a chance to talk to people of that level? You're talking about people who supply some of the top content to the Flash industry, people who have had their games featured on TV like jmtb02, it's awesome.

You just made me think, because I think many successful Flash authors can be attributed to the Newgrounds community. When I started out, I asked questions here, and I know a lot of people who also did.

I don't know what made me think that, but it was something about your post that made me suddenly realize that...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 23:05:11

At 9/29/06 10:54 PM, JoystickX wrote: But setting out to make something for money alone is a terrible way to go about things, and I firmly believe it will shine through your work if you do try for that reason.

Excellent point. I don't think you can name one great in the Flash industry or anything for that matter who started for money. I think Tom is the perfect example. Starting NG as a teenager, not for the money, but to express his opinion and have some fun, and look what it turned into...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 23:14:11

At 9/29/06 10:50 PM, DFox wrote: It's constantly changing people.

Look at my first post compared to my more recent ones.

Newgrounds knocked some damn sense into my internet-disabled head, and now I actually have half of a brain.

Thank you newgrounds!

I heart all of you

We heart you back, man.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 23:28:12

At 9/29/06 11:05 PM, DFox wrote: Excellent point. I don't think you can name one great in the Flash industry or anything for that matter who started for money.

As it is with any art industry. You can't just pick up a brush and paint to earn money, and it shouldn't be about the money.

What makes Flash so satisfying is the process between the first time Flash opens to your latest project. You are constantly learning throughout your flash career, learning how to tween, animate, program, and perfect your work. You are constantly doing your best work, and even though it may not be the best globally, there is a reward for yourself of being able to pat yourself on the back.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 23:56:07

Well, here's my view on it. Along with what jmtb02 said, you don't just start something you want to learn, hopeing to make money out of it. Most of us were pretty young when we started Flash or started to play an instrument, or played football. You don't start playing baseball and go "I can't wait until I get bought by the Yankees when I grow up and start earning millions of dollars."

But, while some people do it NOW and earn money, that doesn't make them any less of an honest flash maker. That person can still make games and have fun and do what they like to do, want to do, and how they want to do what they do and earn some cash on the side. Sometimes, you even WANT to pick up some cash, doing what you know how to do and what you like to do. It's no lie, I've made one game specifically for money. Am I ashamed? Why shoud I be? I still put effort into the game and tried to make the game fun for others to play.

But now, I'm not saying that you go and make games just for money either. Most of my games are made because I want to make them, and because I enjoy making them, and it's fun and exciting and such a great experience for me being a teenager and so young.

So, yeah, that's my input.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 00:14:59

At 9/29/06 10:54 PM, JoystickX wrote: I think if you're part of the animation thing, you HAVE to do it for love.

There will always be people doing it for the money, infact, alot more people make animation for the mulah, but lets face it, its a win-win if you make animations purely to entertain someone, and make a dime in the process.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 07:00:56


What version of flash do you like the most?

I like 8 as it has some featured that are worthy, however, I opened my old MX last week, and when it opened, it felt warmer and more inviting..

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 08:48:31

At 9/30/06 07:00 AM, Claytron wrote: I like 8 as it has some featured that are worthy, however, I opened my old MX last week, and when it opened, it felt warmer and more inviting..

That just cause you used MX for a longer period of time. I like the most recent version, whatever it may be. XD

Come join music competitions on Chips Compo and hang on our Discord!

Good artists copy. Great artists get banned from the Audio Portal.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 08:53:30

Can someone give me a hand quick.

I'm putting together a site for my friends, and for the swf header I want to have a preloader, but one where you don't have to press play, so the NG one wont do.


See the header there, atm it has a 'play' frame to it.

So I was wondering if one of you could possibly get the NG loader, and sort it out so that when it's loaded, it will play, rather than going to the play frame.

Cheers for any help.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 09:03:29

At 9/30/06 08:53 AM, Mogly wrote: Can someone give me a hand quick.

I'm putting together a site for my friends, and for the swf header I want to have a preloader, but one where you don't have to press play, so the NG one wont do.


See the header there, atm it has a 'play' frame to it.

So I was wondering if one of you could possibly get the NG loader, and sort it out so that when it's loaded, it will play, rather than going to the play frame.

Cheers for any help.

actually you can use the ng preloader, all you have to do is open the preloader and go into the mc and on the action layer add a keyframe and on the frame put the action:
_root.play(); and delete the play button and when it is done loading it will just play the header in your case.

LuLz Sanford?!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 09:05:16

im sorry that was the third frame of the mc that you want the keyframe then the action.

LuLz Sanford?!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 09:10:57

At 9/30/06 09:05 AM, SanForD476 wrote: im sorry that was the third frame of the mc that you want the keyframe then the action.

Chey'az, thanks a lot.

Thank to Vegneance too


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 10:03:17

I once had dreams too of making it in this business, but I decided i rather stick to designing buildings.
I'm pretty sure that if I have to make stuff in order to bring bread on the table, that I won't like it as much as when I do it now in my free time when I'm motivated. I like it this way, I have no obligations to anyone and i can work on stuff whenever I want and go in any direction.
Looking back, learning flash and completing my first couple of sucky flash movies was the best time I had. So at the moment I'm a bit busy learning 3d modeling. I love it, since I can start from scratch again. Being a noob is so much fun. Never stop fucking around, learning and experimenting!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 10:11:58

At 9/30/06 10:03 AM, AloneInTheDark wrote: I once had dreams too of making it in this business, but I decided i rather stick to designing buildings.

Didn't realise you were an architect AITD. Might explain why your NG Sketchbook piece was such a technical masterpiece though...

I'm not sure why I fell into Flash. A friend linked me to the Legendary Frog website and I fell back onto Newgrounds through that. Not sure what made me say "Yes, I can do that" and finding that in six months, indeed I COULD do that (Hehe... TSAH's on the November 2004 section of NG History). I knew there was money in it, and I knew there was fun in it. But I'm not sure what drove me to take part in the collabs I have, what's driving me to writing and designing my series/games and what's stopping me from actually making it.

Artistic Drive or something...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 10:23:27

KaynSlamsDykes where or WHAT does your name come from?


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 10:55:33

I think it's Kayn Slam Dyke.... dyke being lesbian in this case?

And this is how I fell into flash... it's stupid, really:

Back in august 2005 (Holy cow, it's been over a year 0.o wtf?) I was searching the internet for something... I forget what it was. I know it was something about video games, because it linked me to Decline of Video Gaming one. I soon watched 2 and found three was on the front page, and they became my favorite series of movies, EVAR.
I then watched RotMK later on, and a mix between seeing all of these good movies, I said to myself, 'Gee, maybe I could make these!'

Boy, was I wrong :D


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-30 13:05:19

ah, very cool topic. Never seen this before! :D