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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-11 22:58:54

At 1/11/08 10:30 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Healthy (NGer) just sent me a link to this.

Next time they should hire people who shave and bathe before appearing on camera. =P

This sig is 100% effective protection from all hexes, curses, evil spirits and bad karma. Guaranteed.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-11 23:29:32

At 1/11/08 10:30 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Healthy (NGer) just sent me a link to this.

Ha, ha, wow, awesome!

"Is that Mario?"

postcount +=1;

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 00:30:24

At 1/11/08 10:58 PM, BlackmarketKraig wrote: Next time they should hire people who shave and bathe before appearing on camera. =P

What are you trying to say :(.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 03:12:59


Anyone know what happened to Stephen Colie? He's been MIA for a while.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 03:44:48

lol, ask ImpendingRiot, he knows all too well.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 05:29:57

At 1/11/08 09:11 PM, ShirtTurtle wrote: I dun like the icons in reviews.
When they weren't there, it felt like, or appeared like, the reviews had a bit of class.
But now i see all these irritating little pictures and it reminds me that this site if filled with dumb kids.

The older layout was classier too. All the reviews that weren't in caps had this reserved calmness about them, but now seeing that giant score there, it feels like every person is obnoxiously screaming out how good or bad the submission is.

so true...

toast that is just sad i agree with you that thing was so easy that it didn't take me even a second and i didn't even had to separate the x...

about user pictures on forum...did it occur to you that it would be a lot slower
to load the page that way...

animation thingy nice animation and art but it was the most boring thing i ever saw...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 06:47:37

At 1/12/08 03:46 AM, Swirling-Venom wrote: Yada yada yada, we all know you are a site affiliate, I wasnt asking for your opinion, and most people arent most times you decide to give it. Please, save your advice for when it is requested. =)

speaking of...


i think it can safely be said that there are some regs that are more "reg" than others. some have just been established longer. some are established in more social circles. and some are just all-around more agreeable people. it can be said, using these statements as axioms, that there is essentially a means of measuring reg-dom. a metric, if you will...

now, i dont condone this view of things, but i acknowledge it as a possible view. there are some people here who are (metrically-speaking, still) lower than others. the problem with this is that this outlook on the "reg" system is usually only held by those in the "upper" caste.

take glaiel for instance. he knows that if there WERE a metric for reg-dom, he would probably be holding a cushy executive position. thank god this is not the case, but i think if we were to make a chart, there would be certain names that would pop up over and over, his probably being in the top 10% for most.

i digress...

all that setup was for this: sometimes, those in the lower reg-caste decide that they dont need to look up to upper caste regs (and they shouldnt. i swear to god, none of you little shits are worth looking up to. you can quote me on that.), and they dish a little backtalk.

like venom right here showed us. it was glorious, and i loved every moment of it. as a matter of fact, the backtalk was so irreverent and concise... i wanted to experience it in slow motion. then i wanted to hear about its upcoming sequel. AND THEN YOU FUCKED IT UP. with your shitty little "i didnt mean it, i was just kidding" emoticon-smile.

in the future, if youre going to stir shit up -- this being an action i DO condone -- dont ruin the moment with cute gimmicky little internet quirks like that turned-smile.

tl;dr, i know. forgive me and the gin. it goes straight to my head.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 06:56:06

At 1/12/08 06:47 AM, authorblues wrote: LEVELS OF REG-DOM

This may or may not be on a related note but site affiliates can be banned now. Nobody is untouchable except mods and the Fulp. just a little fyi for anyone who wants to kno. It's not really recent news but i thought itd be worth mentioning.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 07:08:23

At 1/11/08 06:12 PM, Senti wrote:
At 1/11/08 05:52 PM, Paranoia wrote: I think it'd be best if the top review or so was one of the ones with the closest score to your average. Right now I'm stuck with a top review of '1 - sucks!!!' on some of my stuff >.<
Maybe you should make better Flash submissions...

:P That's my whole point. If the top review or so were the latest to be close to your average (e.g. within a point or so) then it'd give a much better impression of the overall quality of your submission.

For example, if you have an average review score of, say, 6.4, the review system should pick the latest review to give a score of either 6 or 7 for the first displayed review.

Under the current system, a submission with an average score of 8-9 could well have a top review along the lines of "0 - I DIDNT LIKE IT!!!" or, conversely, one with a score of around 5 could end up with some silly fanboy review like "10 - YOU RULE!!!"

Another possibility could be that the reviews voted most useful are displayed first on the submissions page, and to see the crap ones you have to actually click on the list of the submission's reviews. Mind you, that way would probably be a lot more open to abuse.

Either way, I don't think that the top reviews on the main submission page should be based purely on whatever the last person wrote. What are everyone else's views on this?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 07:16:18

At 1/12/08 07:08 AM, Paranoia wrote: Either way, I don't think that the top reviews on the main submission page should be based purely on whatever the last person wrote. What are everyone else's views on this?

I think it should be based on the recent. Nobody (ok maybe its just me) wants to see a review from 1940 that kissed my ass.... id rather have it be from someone who just experienced it 10 mins ago or whatever. One of the interesting things I find about the flash scene is that the bar changes. Like probably alot of my older movies probably get 'worser' reviews nowadays.. the movie itself never changed but the audience and age of it did and so its valid for that to be thrown into the mix.

Id imagine as the My Newgrounds fad fades so will the positive scores on other interpretations. It's cool in a way that even the voting itself evolves and has its own lifespan.

I think it would be neat for flash authors to have settings on their account to be able to filter reviews ... like it would be cool if there was some feature that made reviewing reviews more efficient. like maybe sort the list by reviews voted most helpful. or maybe i want to sort reviews by artists on my favorite artist list. Ok maybe that last one is pushing it but i actually love it when people i respect bothered to watch my movie and leave their feedback on it. It's a shame when a movie has so many reviews that you end up not catching it.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 07:33:18

At 1/12/08 07:16 AM, Luis wrote:
At 1/12/08 07:08 AM, Paranoia wrote: Either way, I don't think that the top reviews on the main submission page should be based purely on whatever the last person wrote. What are everyone else's views on this?
I think it should be based on the recent. Nobody (ok maybe its just me) wants to see a review from 1940 that kissed my ass.... id rather have it be from someone who just experienced it 10 mins ago or whatever. One of the interesting things I find about the flash scene is that the bar changes. Like probably alot of my older movies probably get 'worser' reviews nowadays.. the movie itself never changed but the audience and age of it did and so its valid for that to be thrown into the mix...

I'm not suggesting that completely ancient reviews should float to the top, but peoples first impressions of a submission often come from the latest review, so it's a little annoying to see a completely unreasonable top review giving something like 0 while the average score is floating in the 8 and 9s. I just think it'd be fairer and give users a better idea of the average feeling towards a submission if there was a filter on the top review so it was the latest to be within a certain range of the average score.

Maybe some kind of formula could be made which throws in factors like the average, helpfulness and date on a review to see which should float to the top. That'd probably be a little over the top, though.

Neat coding tricks

Somebody probably already knows this, but I just found this in the Flash documentation:

The curly braces ({}) that enclose the statements to be executed by the if statement are not necessary if only one statement will execute.

I knew this was the case for for() loops, but I didn't realise it worked for other statements as well. Anybody else like to skip unnecessary braces on statements?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 08:04:18

At 1/12/08 06:56 AM, Luis wrote: This may or may not be on a related note but site affiliates can be banned now. Nobody is untouchable except mods and the Fulp. just a little fyi for anyone who wants to kno. It's not really recent news but i thought itd be worth mentioning.

Oh really?

there goes my last privilege except the blue name...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 08:07:55

At 1/12/08 08:00 AM, BritishMoose wrote:
At 1/12/08 03:12 AM, BoMToons wrote: Coaly

Anyone know what happened to Stephen Colie? He's been MIA for a while.
Uni happened. Let's all be silent for a moment in respect of our fallen comrade.

Silence over.. back to binge drinking and partying for those cool enough to be completely done with school
*flashes tits*


Are you all light sleepers or no? I am a fairly light sleeper.. i have like a sense when someone is in my room. I dunno if I acquired it from the times i had a stalker girlfriend but its really annoying... this morning i woke up when my roomate was closing my door... it doesnt even creak or anything but my spidey sense was tingling.. Now im all awake.

I also sleep better on my stomach.. and i like hard mattresses and 3 stacks of pillows.

whats your habitz


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 08:31:50

At 1/12/08 08:07 AM, Luis wrote: Are you all light sleepers or no?

When I fall asleep, it's fairly easy to wake me up. A bright light will do it, some noise will do it.

But I got a weird internal clock going on from waking up at around 6 everyday for school. It ticks around 6:00, and them my very quiet watch alarm goes off. I would never hear that alarm if I didn't have the internal clock half wake me up in the morning.

The side effect is that it makes me wake up early on weekends.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 09:06:39

I get woken up by everything. and I mean everything. If I have a friend sleeping over, and they roll over (not in the same bed, on top bunk) it'll wake me up. I also can't get back to sleep too easily.

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BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 09:48:05

RE: Sleep

I am a heavy sleeper... As soon as I get into a good sleep it takes a lot to wake me up. This was a huge problem when I tried finding an alarm clock that would be able to wake me up... It took a while but I got one that will. It's loud as hell too. But other than that, someone could probably sneak into my house, and I wouldn't even know.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 09:57:59

^^^ LOL. Definately do not give us your home address under any conditions.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 09:59:28


My parents have frequently told me that when I'm asleep it's like a coma.

Which is bad, because pranks can be pulled :S.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 10:03:09


I'm an average sleeper I think... I do have an excellent internal clock though, I usually wake up just a few minutes before my alarm clock goes off.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 10:12:32

At 1/12/08 10:03 AM, Xeptic wrote: I'm an average sleeper I think... I do have an excellent internal clock though, I usually wake up just a few minutes before my alarm clock goes off.

Thats most likely due to habbit. If you can set your alarm clock to a random time and still do it just a few minutes before it goes off then I'll be impressed :P

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BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 10:14:53

At 1/12/08 09:57 AM, Luis wrote: ^^^ LOL. Definately do not give us your home address under any conditions.

Lol! Yea...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 10:25:04

At 1/12/08 10:14 AM, PyroflameProductions wrote:
At 1/12/08 09:57 AM, Luis wrote: ^^^ LOL. Definately do not give us your home address under any conditions.
Lol! Yea...

No. Please do give me your home address. I would like to ermm... send you a prize :)

I don't sleep. I am too great to sleep.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 10:25:43

At 1/12/08 10:12 AM, Vengeance wrote:
At 1/12/08 10:03 AM, Xeptic wrote: I'm an average sleeper I think... I do have an excellent internal clock though, I usually wake up just a few minutes before my alarm clock goes off.
Thats most likely due to habbit. If you can set your alarm clock to a random time and still do it just a few minutes before it goes off then I'll be impressed :P

The times I have to get up vary every day. Maybe I'm just so stressy that even in my sleep I think 'Oh shit, get up, you've got loads of work to do!'. It doesn't work at completely random times but it usually does a pretty good job.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 10:28:23


I'm an alright sleeper. I have to sleep on pretty soft materials though, or else I can't get to sleep or i'll wake up in the middle of the night or something.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 11:53:59

At 1/12/08 07:33 AM, Paranoia wrote: The curly braces ({}) that enclose the statements to be executed by the if statement are not necessary if only one statement will execute.

Yeah, I've seen some people do this, like
if(someCondition) someReaction
But I don't really care for it. I find it hard to skim-read through.


My internal alarm clock is over anxious. I wake up several times in the half an hour before I actually have to get up for work.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 12:17:36


I guess I'm a heavy sleeper, alarm clocks only work for me if i set them to wake me up after 12 hours of sleep. Usually no kind of noise ever wakes me unless it's really loud, many times i go to sleep in the morning just before the sun rises and no noise from my family can wake me up until the evening when the sun is gone, like those zombies in "I am legend".

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 13:06:51

12 HOURS OF SLEEP! WTF... the luxuries of being 13... how i miss it....

sleep masturbate sleep masturbate. spam on the board.. sleep masturbate.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 13:22:20

At 1/12/08 01:06 PM, Luis wrote: 12 HOURS OF SLEEP! WTF... the luxuries of being 13... how i miss it....

sleep masturbate sleep masturbate. spam on the board.. sleep masturbate.

Without commas, it seems like you're saying 'sleep masturbate'. Like sleep walking, except with more of a mess to wake up to.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 13:24:25

At 1/12/08 11:53 AM, NegativeONE wrote:
What the heck is this? What have we done to bring back the almighty NegativeOne for several days in a row now :)?

I don't like sleep. I feel like a third of my life is being wasted in a coma, and I have other stuff I want to do. I usually try to limit my sleep to being a necessity.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-01-12 13:27:17

At 1/12/08 01:06 PM, Luis wrote: 12 HOURS OF SLEEP! WTF... the luxuries of being 13... how i miss it....

I'm 15 and i only get like.. 9hours sleep? If that. 11pm-8am on a weekend, 11pm-7am on a weekday. Then I spend my time coding, flashing or schooling. What a fun fun fun life i have.

Mod posting spree is ruined by me.