At 9/30/07 03:15 PM, spare-jello wrote:
So, I don't know if you guys have talked about them already, but how about the new Ipod Nano? I just ordered a red one... I like red.
You just got fucking jacked. Look at it this way; You spent $199.99 dollars (I'm assuming you got the 8 gig, if you got the 4 gig, you're even more of a dumbass) on something with 8 gigs of memory.
If you have coughed up $50 more, you could have had 80 gigs.
Oh God, it's not colorful. The new iPod Nanos look even more ass ugly than the Nano v2.0s did! Jesus, the only redeemable feature of the new Nano is that it has a real screen! If you managed to buy an old one that has the 1"x1" screen, then you fucking deserve to have yourself swung by your scrotum over a fire.
By all means, I don't think the iPod is shit, i love mine. I don't really care that it's "cool" to have one. They're simple, they have decent memory space, and it runs an average price. I just hate when people opt for the $50 fucking dollars and sacrifice functionality over aesthetics. It's exactly what Apple wants, and you just are a fucking consumer whore.
if you can, cancel your order and get a regular iPod video. It's well worth the extra $50, plus it has edges, so you are less likely to drop it, unlike the iPiss Nano's "nodized aluminum and polished stainless steel" case. Also, it's 6.5 mm thin, which means you could snap it in half like a fucking twig.
Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking? You get 72 gigs for another $50, a bigger screen, and it's more stable. Heaven forbid you buy a $5 skin for your black/white iPod and make it red.