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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 14:15:38

At 8/27/07 01:46 PM, Coaly wrote:
At 8/27/07 01:34 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: You're pretty much in the same boat as our original friend Mr.167 Posts. Also, you made no fucking sense. The reason I seem angry is because I'm thorough. When I flame, I flame to kill. You fuck with me, I will rape your shit like a steel bladed dildo.
And beer is for faggots. Drink higher proof shit.
You're stupid, this is just a forum, pm him or something, but no one cares if you like to rape people's shit or if you're a level 54 flamer.

Aw :C I used to like you back when you had the Blackheart sig and weren't gay. Respect-o-meter dropped a bit. I know it's a forum. Everyone has to vent somewhere.

It's not healthy to keep shit in.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 14:33:47

I'm tryin' to decide which to get first. :P
I make $200 from orphan fund right now. $85 goes toward payin' off my computer. $50 goes toward the cell phoune bill. So I get about $65 left per month. It would take 2 months to save up for the Angry Faic one unless I bum money off friends and promise to pay 'em back.

Wow man get a job! And btw eating is more important than tatoo!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 14:41:16

You're pretty much in the same boat as our original friend Mr.167 Posts. Also, you made no fucking sense. The reason I seem angry is because I'm thorough. When I flame, I flame to kill. You fuck with me, I will rape your shit like a steel bladed dildo.

Omg! I never seen anyone like you before... Honestly i was giving you an advice but damn... Its border line to get reported .... In fact i hope for you that luis dont read that cause your 8000kkkk post will not help you if you know what i mean... So I suguest you once again to follow my advice and to STOP DOING LIKE THE GUY WHO CARE!!! This forum is not your life and who cares if someone say u r a noob? In annyway the next time you have something like that that you want to say, pm me i'll be happy to know that someone in the world want to rape me... A bit disturbed but indeed i'll have a great time lmao!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 14:44:22

At 8/27/07 02:33 PM, MrGlad wrote:
Wow man get a job! And btw eating is more important than tatoo!

I'd rather spend my time pullin' all nighters slavin' on a computer making flashes in hopes of winning cash then get a job in the city I live in. Not much work in the slums where everyones either a drug dealer or crackwhore. :P

This last month I've aten maybe 1 or 2 meals a day. Usually KD, chips, or Mr.Noodles. It's one of the reasons I'm a skinny guy like Neg. :P
Once school starts though it'll be all good. I can bum food off friends at lunch. They all usually bring like 30 cents each to give to me for food. :)
In my family tattoos are a big thing. Everyone on the family tree on my fathers side has had over 20+ tats. It's kinda expected from a biker family though I guess. lol But yeah I realize food is more important. I just get exicted 'bout stuff like tats. and shit.

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 15:12:47

At 8/27/07 02:07 PM, SACP wrote: lolz....Dumbass, n00b, or alt? Must be a dumbass.

Actually he's a mod. Just not around these parts.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 15:34:51

At 8/27/07 02:15 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: Aw :C I used to like you back when you had the Blackheart sig and weren't gay. Respect-o-meter dropped a bit. I know it's a forum. Everyone has to vent somewhere.

Yes, a witty response, I was waiting for it. What blackheart sig are you talking about? And don't lie, you still love me.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 15:41:09

I'm scanning over the last few pages, and this place seems bitcher than usual. Come on guys - show some love! Everyone - now - group hug!

also I found pokemon blue :D :D :D

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 16:17:24

Well then it's 1:12 PM here right now, I'm on my second all-nighter, just had a bowl of KD, yup... time to pass out for a few hours. Then tomorrow morning or tonight when I wake up it's back to work on the flash until the afternoon. Then I'll talk to Logan (the guy at the tattoo place I always go to) about the Angry Faic tattoo on the inside of my lip. :) When I come back I'll let ya'll know the scoop.

Till then...
Be excellent to eachother, and...
*que air-guitar*

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 16:26:05

At 8/27/07 03:41 PM, Paranoia wrote: I'm scanning over the last few pages, and this place seems bitcher than usual. Come on guys - show some love! Everyone - now - group hug!

also I found pokemon blue :D :D :D

Hugs. :3

I lost count of how many Pokemon there were after the second generation. :/ Anyone here dislike the new Pokemon as well?

postcount +=1;

Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 16:29:55

At 8/27/07 03:34 PM, Coaly wrote:
At 8/27/07 02:15 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: Aw :C I used to like you back when you had the Blackheart sig and weren't gay. Respect-o-meter dropped a bit. I know it's a forum. Everyone has to vent somewhere.
Yes, a witty response, I was waiting for it. What blackheart sig are you talking about? And don't lie, you still love me.

Blackheart was a villan from Either Capcom or Marvel (he was in one of the fighters).

http://guidesarchive.ign.com/guides/1473 6/characters/blackheart.gif

I was pretty damn sure it was you who had it, it was even animated. It rocked dick.

Also, to the noob, I still can't understand your ENGRISH, but you're being kindof a bitch. If you can't take the heat, exit stage left.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 17:28:50

At 8/27/07 04:29 PM, Radioactive24 wrote: Also, to the noob, I still can't understand your ENGRISH, but you're being kindof a bitch. If you can't take the heat, exit stage left.

How about all of you who are continuing this pointless argument shut the fuck up this is my thread. move on or be removed by force. if you are gonna argue shit you better damn sure it doesnt bleed onto a new page cause itll just piss off me or any other mods who check in to babysit you guys.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 17:32:23

whats happening... there are no headers... :S

I just shaved for the first time :D

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 17:34:30

At 8/27/07 05:32 PM, crushy wrote: whats happening... there are no headers... :S

I just shaved for the first time :D

lol youre 13 why are you shaving your precious 2 pubes?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 17:34:59

So I attended Fan Expo on saturday. Got some pictures that I'll upload to my site later with me and some star wars characters. It is Canada's largest expo, it had comicon, gaming expo, anime north, sci-fi convetion and Fear Festival. I saw Adam West, he was cool. Alot of Narutos and characters from kingdom hearts were the top costumes. I got high score on Rayman Raving Rabbids. It was awsome to see the guitar hero II competition, some guy played blind folded, another guy played with his forehead and tongue.

Then went home, rented Friday the 13th and Resident Evil 4 Wii edition.

Whoa its me!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 18:24:05

Fan Expo thing

Hey, my sister was there this weekend too pixelz. Mostly for the Comiccon part. However, she said Adam West was a dick, but I think it was moreso for the fact that he appeared grumpy, and he was charging a lot for an autograph and a photo. She tends to exaggerate things though. Also, apparently Hayden Panettierre was there, and had a huge line-up (which makes sense). I kinda wish I could've gone.

Alrighty, might as well get a Flash topic going.

Borrowing from inspiration

Say you play a game you really love, and it inspires you to work on a game. How much, from the game that gave you the original inspiration, would you borrow? It could be in terms of gameplay, setting, story, style, or anything. Would you try to recreate a Flash version (assuming it wasn't a Flash game)? Would you use a few gameplay elements? Or perhaps you'd make something completely different, but the original game just made you want to work on a game of your own.

Personally, if it's something I find really cool, I'd try to kind of maybe borrow some gameplay elements, but change them enough to make them unique and stand out.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 18:30:06

Kids at my school let it go out of hand, they started shaving at 15 when they had a mexican tash where there top lip could not be seen, i started shaving at like 14, but i only need to shave once a week, quite lucky : D. I hate shaving, its boring. So i just leave it till i need to go somewhere where i need to look respectable. Shaving at 13 is stupid, unless your like a monkey.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 19:25:12

Game Inspiration

Well for me personally, I don't get too inspired by Flash games because they all are very generic. The most action you get is from those side scrolling shooters (which are good) but they don't have good storylines. Last Stand is good in graphics and in some details, but could use a better storyline and cut scenes. I think with everyone now, they see a Flash game, then make their own version but add a little shop between levels to buy new weapons and health. After that breakthrough, we haven't really advanced much in terms of gameplay. There are those good physics games (you can get linked to some through my site eg. Falling Sand Game, flOw...) and those do somewhat inspire, but I have really wanted to see some breakthroughs in adapting console gameplay to Flash, not with 3D graphics and all, but some similarities.

I will use Resident Evil 4 as an example. For a good 2D Flash Shooting game now, I would like to see some more strategy or maybe even physics that can tell where exactley you have hit the enemy, so if you shoot them in the foot, I want them to fall to the ground or limp. Or you could have a box, and then push like "Z" to duck behind it and when ever you press shoot, the character just pops up slightly enough to shoot then ducks back down. Strategy is what inspires me. It requires thinking and makes victory all the more satisfying. I was so happy with myself after shooting the zombies trying to throw grenades, while they held up their arm to throw, I shot the arm and they dropped the grenade and ended up blowing themselves up.

In short, console games inspire me with gameplay ideas for Flash. But Flash games are becomming carbon coppies of each other in terms of the recycled gameplay.


Yeah, I didn't get any autographs cuz they was expensive. Adam West seemed pretty happy to me sitting there getting all the attention.


I have like no facial hair at all, I don't know when it is gonna happen, I mean all my friends at least have that stupid stache coming.

Whoa its me!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 19:26:33

At 8/27/07 06:30 PM, SweetSkater wrote: Shaving
Kids at my school let it go out of hand, they started shaving at 15 when they had a mexican tash where there top lip could not be seen, i started shaving at like 14, but i only need to shave once a week, quite lucky : D. I hate shaving, its boring. So i just leave it till i need to go somewhere where i need to look respectable. Shaving at 13 is stupid, unless your like a monkey.

RE: Shaving

I agree.. 13 yr olds shouldnt be shaving unless they have deep italian roots and already have their genuine unibrow growing or they are arab..

Glaiels baby mustache is so annoying i want to shave it someday.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 19:33:33

At 8/27/07 06:24 PM, CrazyChihuahua wrote: Personally, if it's something I find really cool, I'd try to kind of maybe borrow some gameplay elements, but change them enough to make them unique and stand out.

RE: borrowing inspiration

I think people get bent out of shape about the concept of borrowing inspiration.. its a normal part of the creative process... when im thinking up a new site design ill spend a good week just poking around different websites and seeing how they've handled concepts im interested in.. maybe i want a subtle color palette so i see how some sites have dealt with a subtle palette... etc.
Same with animation. I saw this artists work the other day and I'm interested in trying that style when i get around to doing murray the monkey ep 2 http://www.allandye.com/jane/secretprevi ew/

While im on the subject of animation.. alot of people approached me in the past and ask if they can 'borrow' my photoshop still style.. i never created that style.. that was a direct inspiration from ren and stimpy cartoons.. i borrowed that storytelling device and its become the staple of what makes 'my style' same with my drawing style.. some of my toons borrow directly from the disney/snow white way of coloring...where the outline is a slightly darker shade of the color it is outlining.. i think that you just need to stop thinking about style or trends as things belonging to anyone.. we're all humans that absorb their environment.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 19:55:20

jeez, I was just saying, you dont need a debate. I had an annoying tash thing, I shaved it off. end.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 20:13:38

Re: Shaving

I fucking hate shaving. I grow enough beard that I could shave if I wanted to (I don't), but when I have to do a little grooming, my face freaks out because I rarely shave. And It's like BUJBHJKB JLBHJKBBHI SHUT THE FUCK UP FACE, I DON'T LIKE IT EITHER >:O

I just wish I had enough facial hair for a Jesus beard :C

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 20:42:51


Honestly who cares how many times you need to shave a week Something interesting must have happened while that went on...
Now a story...

So I was sitting on our families deck thing last night at around duskish, when a fucking massive bee is crawling towards my feet I mean a good 2 inches long. I'm bare foot at the time so instead of being a man and smashing it with my foot I grab a magazine and slam the little shit into the deck. As I was walking down to my room I thought it was odd that this massive bee was crawling rather than flying, I don't really question it so I go on with the rest of the night.

So I wake up the next morning thinking about the bee when it clicks in my mind it was the fucking queen. Now if anyone has ever killed a queen the hive swarms around its body once they find it for some unkown reason to me. I run to the door hoping they haven't found it and that i can scoop up whats left and flush it then hose the rest down... to late.

A swarm of bees outside on our back porch thing was the first living thing I saw today. Bees and spiders freek me out so I slam the door. Turns out we had a very large hive on our roof , hasn't really been solved yet, but thought it was more interesting then how many times a shave a week.

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 21:22:48

RE: Shaving Bees

I shave my bees atleast twice a day.. it makes my penis look bigger..

wait what are we talkin bout?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 21:28:45

Woah, woah! Come on, have you guys been talking about shaving your balls this whole time??

lol, twice a day, luis?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 22:27:42

At 8/27/07 09:28 PM, Siggy0501 wrote: Woah, woah! Come on, have you guys been talking about shaving your balls this whole time??

lol, twice a day, luis?

Haha i lol'd XD And for the borrowing inspiration paragraph that luis wrote, its funny to see that someone who actualy took the time to write a whole paragraph about something serious get no comment and when you say i shaved my balls yesterday, you'll make people talk for at least 3 pages XD For all the 13 yo kid that shave their balls YOU DONT HAVE ANNYONE TO SHOW EM SO WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 22:54:58


Besides, it itches like HELL when they grow back.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 23:03:55

back to flash discussion

I hinted earlier that I got my inspiration for some of my techniques from ren & stimpy toons.. where did you get some of your style from? Sorry back to flash talk now... new page.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 23:08:16

Flash Inspiration

I know this sounds cliché, but I'm really inspired by Adam Phillip's work. Besides Luis' of course.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-27 23:23:10

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/7662 99

thought I should post this.

Hosting games is one thing but selling them in a package is just wrong.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-08-28 00:05:27

At 8/27/07 11:23 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: thought I should post this.:
Hosting games is one thing but selling them in a package is just wrong.

That's just ridiculous.
Sue him :P

..::Flash For Breakfast::....::Indie::...::Albino Cop::....::Epic Riffs::..

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