Unfair review deletes
I reviewed 9/11/01 a long time ago, and it got deleted because I spoke the truth. I said:
Overall Score: 1 / 10
Summary: not good
Review: 2 be honest, all it was was a slide show with music. you probably dont even have flash. also, i found it funny that a person who made a (crap) movie about the 9/11 attacks had on their profile their occupation "Terrorist". just shows you dont actually care.
I'm scared about the lack of capitals. Siriously.
Do you think that that should have been deleted? Its completely unfair that it gets grossly overrated because everyone is touched by this meant-to-be phylosophical crap that the movie is ladened with. They also 5en it because f the events, and saying anything bad about this crap movie would be:insulting to the people who died; or because they just hate terrorists. Like this guy:
Action was taken against the people who did this but not the right action. The was also a certain amount of for knolage to go with this attack.
Review Score: 10 / 10
10 outa 10 - and the review wasnt even about the movie.
But the author must be quite funny though, read some of the responces to reviews. I remeber him replying to mine with something like "Oh no, you've sussed me out. Well done, you ignorant fuck" . Made me laugh, to be honest.
And dont get me started on B.