Krieg! I don't want a time-out :'(. Well, I didn't realize that referral links are bad. I think that they can be kinda funny. I don't really get the harm in something as small as it being in my sig. There are SO few people who actually want to go to the NG Mafia though through that link. I've max seen like 6 people do it. Anyways, I didn't realize he actually wanted me to take it out, I thought he was just pissed that he got tricked.
AS Help
Okay, can someone help me with some actionscript. Here's my quick question. I have some script in this character (stupid movement that barely works since I spend like 3 minutes) and for some reason I can't figure out how to make it so that you can click space to make him jump, but if you hold space, it doesn't keep my variable as jump = true. Script so far is...
Inside the Character
var grav = 15
_root.jumppress = true;
if(_root.jumppress == false){
_root.jumppress = true;
} else {
_root.jumppress = false;
I know that there's no jumping script in there yet, but still, if I have it so that when you click it, you go up for gravity and gravity goes down, it doesn't work, since if you hold space you just always go down (jumppress never goes false if held). I don't know how I can fix this and I've done a lot of AS in flash, yet I've tried numerous ways, none which work. I don't know if anyone cares if I post AS in the Reg's lounge, and I'm sorry if you do. But too bad, I already did.