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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 17:24:44

..::touch typing::..

Haaa... I'm a terrible typist, I can't stick to the form required for touch typing I'm always using the wrong finger or using the shift key with the same hand I'm using to type the capital letter.

I do have to give props to "The Typing of the Dead," as the most brilliant typing game evar.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 17:24:47

At 6/19/07 05:20 PM, BritishMoose wrote:
I don't because I don't want anyone I know to find this site and find my e-personality.

That's terrible. You should take pride in your animations and ur E-personality. What are you scared of? The fact they'll think your wiered? Come on man you wouldn't do this shit if you didn't like it. Dont be so shallow.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 17:27:30

I was religously Harassed >=(

Before I tell you my story and my impending opinions on all major religion anyone who reads a holy text and takes it literally should stop here....

So I was standing in a pretty bad part of san francisco waiting for a ride from my brother with two of my friends (just for background 2 of us are white and the other is japanese we're the only people who aren't black there). So there's this older woman and someone who looks maybe 23 walking around looking scared as fuck holding a bible. She walks up to us, and the first question goes something like this...

"Have you guys lost... Wait why aren't you in school?" at this point one of the men we're near ask us if she's bothering us, I say no then answer that school is out.

continuing with her question she asks
"Have you guys lost hope" before we answer there's a follow up question "Do you think violence will ever come to an end in this world"... I answer no hoping that would be the end of it my friends figure out whats going on and all answer no.
"So you don't think there will ever be peace on Earth... Are any of you religious"
A friend of mine goes to church and truthfully answer "he goes to church" even if he isn't one of the many morons who take the bible literally.

At this point she opens up her bible to a page marke by a tassle and begins to read us scripture.... yes scripture... that went something like.

"Blah blah blah then peace on earth blah blah blah yay god" then she tells us that we shouldn't lose hope because it says in the bible that there will be peace on earth.

By this point being the only interesting thing that's going on in the vacinity everyone is glaring at these two scripture preaching women. In a scared state she hands us invitations to "accept christ as our saviour" and then it gives and adress to a churh with a time and date that we need to attend in order to be converted. Aparently she was thoroughly convincecd that by reading us some scripture and telling us the world will have piece that she's succesfully mde us want to conver to whatever sect of christianity she is a part of. And everyone who stopped reading at the top should be taken to a barn and locked inside with another bunch of "our holy text is the word of god" people, I understand taking morals from them but just no.

I feel so violated

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 17:28:30

Finger work

At 6/19/07 05:24 PM, BlackmarketKraig wrote: I do have to give props to "The Typing of the Dead," as the most brilliant typing game evar.

lol, i got that ont he dreamcast ( got he orignal one aswell) it is silly..

though whats even better:

Typing of the Date
.. oh yea..t hose japanese are funny people.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 17:30:48

NextToNothing ... wow sorry. i mean i go to church and pray... just wow..... sorry....

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 17:31:36

At 6/19/07 05:27 PM, NextToNothing wrote: I was religously Harassed >=(

Belongs in general i'm afraid ;)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 17:36:19

Profile pics
I dont put my pic because i could be kidnapped by any of you, horny guys.

and i dont have a camera... yet...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 17:53:28

At 6/19/07 05:31 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote:
At 6/19/07 05:27 PM, NextToNothing wrote: I was religously Harassed >=(
Belongs in general i'm afraid ;)

They're so much less understanding... hold me..

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 18:03:27

Touch Typing

when i first started learning to touch type, i could do it for most text, but for programming, i was presented with a unique challenge. characters like parenthesis and underscores are not common in text, but commonplace in coding. so i had to adjust my touch typing habits. ill admit, i never learned to touch type the numbers, but i can code without looking at my hands much.

thats my touch typing story...

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 18:05:31

At 6/19/07 05:53 PM, NextToNothing wrote: hold me..

Sorry, busy holding somehtign else at the moment.


Worst in cartoons taken from japan, especially if 4kids does the redub..

although sometimes the cartoon in question is not for children..

like Dexters lab's lost episode, dexters rude removal. and the scenes in dragonball with boobs..

but sometiems it's just adult jokes in childrens cartoons wtaht kids wontget..

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 18:15:59

although sometimes the cartoon in question is not for children..

Like some japanese cartoons, that they think that just for being cartoons they are for children, when they really aren't

like Dexters lab's lost episode, dexters rude removal.

Ther is a dexter's lab lost episode...?

and the scenes in dragonball with boobs..

There once was in here the dragonball stamp album, and one of the stamps had kid goku naked, with no censorship...

but sometiems it's just adult jokes in childrens cartoons wtaht kids wontget..

There are kids movies with adult jokes that kids dont get, so you go to the movies thinking you are watching a cartoon with you little brother, and adults laugh more than kids, i guess that's from the translators, tho.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 18:16:08

At 6/19/07 11:02 AM, BlackmarketKraig wrote: Skaijo?

Yeah, that's the bint. Where did she go?

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 18:16:58

At 6/18/07 07:02 PM, Luis wrote: Wisconsin

More pics of that bargain-barn for sale. I like this picture. The air is crisp clean and nobody to bother you for miles but the cows grazing.

Most of my town is like that :) It's surrounded by miles of hilly fields and forests. Awesome for a long walk if you can avoid the stereotypical angreh farmers and cow pats. Theres loads of 'secret' hide-out type places in the forests as well, where people have made platforms out of branches, and rope swings, etc. Although I'm fairly sure some of the hanging ropes are where people have hung themselves, they're too high to reach from the ground.
My town (Portishead, near Bristol, England) (yes Portishead is a TOWN not just a band) is a small town of about 14000 people, It's on the coast and it's very hilly and the beaches are shit. Really pebbly, and if you want to get to the sand you have to wade through really deep mud. There are loads of chav hangouts here, but they usually don't come out much during the day. You can walk to and from any part of my town in about 45 minutes, not that there's much to walk to, just a lake, playing fields, shops, and hangouts. I give away too much about where I live on the internet :(


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 18:19:54


At 6/19/07 06:13 PM, DarkMana wrote: Imposing religion on people is retarded. Let everyone believe whatever they want to believe. Fucking Jehovah's Witnesses. >:(

i gave blood once so they dont bother me :)

Reg Drawing

Somebody draw me kthxbai.

i drew u ages ago you foolish fool!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 18:37:50

At 6/19/07 06:20 PM, BritishMoose wrote: Where you live sounds like a really interesting place. London is, of course, the complete opposite. In my town, there's quite a big park, but it's nothing when compared to woodland and such.

Did you change your gender in your profile in order to get more attention? I'm sure you haven't always been female.

I changed it about 2 months ago to see if anyone would notice. You're the first. Ima change it back now.

And London's always seemed like a more fun place than my town to me, I suppose it's just because I've never really been in a big city, not even for a day trip. I don't think I've ever so much as seen a building more than 10 storeys high, in real life. The woodland gets dull after a while, but I suppose I've never really taken time to appreciate it... there's wild deers and rabbits and stuff in it, but they chased me once and I've never gone back to that place :p

<e-sex change>


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 19:00:22

Profile editing

At 6/19/07 06:37 PM, edit-undo wrote: <e-sex change>

lst time i chnaged my profile seetings was laster year.. never see the potin really..

although i did change nearly all of Redcoins settings.. :P

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 19:37:11


I definetly take the cake (or so I assume) on living in woodland areas... Middle of a forest.... No T.V... didn't know what internet was had one neighbor and there were 2 other houses within a square mile of mine... Although in a 15 mile drive you got to a town of 3000 which was a big tourist attraction, and I did live near a beach. Then I moved to where I am now after 9 years, biggest culture shock ever.

Definetly a really good way to grow up and I plan on doing something similar with my kids

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 20:01:58

RE: Woodlands

Definetly a really good way to grow up and I plan on doing something similar with my kids

I've always been torn about if it would be better if my future kids would grow in a realistic world with smutt and drugs and rhomba vacuum cleaners to do your chores or in a world thats very free from the 'comforts' of living in 2007. Youre so virgin to the world NexttoNothing that i would fear that when you come to realize how fucked up of an evironment the rest of us lived in .. you may snap and kill us all. :(

In other news heres another pic from my outting:

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 20:10:08

and 6 years later I still haven't snapped =P...

I just think that if I lived like I do now through my whole life I wouldn't know what to do with myself at times when there aren't things like T.V and computers to keep me entertained.

School definetly limited shock to people though only 100 kids per grade and a 45 minute busride but it keeps from becoming completely isolated

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 20:32:19


just watched Epic movie.. this is pretty much what is wrong with america... now imust go kill myself for volenteeringly watching thsi shit

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 20:34:04

At 6/19/07 08:32 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote: America

just watched Epic movie.. this is pretty much what is wrong with america... now imust go kill myself for volenteeringly watching thsi shit

Ya a lot of people have killed themselves after watching that movie.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 21:01:02

She's working on "Taste of Snow" http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/55518199/
?qo=8&q=by%3Askaijo&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascra ps
which is looking really cool. And shes almost done I think. ANd by almost I mean, could be months. lol

Nextonothings religious rants

If someone is trying to impose religious beliefs on you, simply tell them up front, that if they want to explain their beliefs to you, then you get to explain your beliefs first. Because nobody has the right religion if they don't ackowledge everyone elses beliefs and that they too could be right, it is simply a choice. While most of us who are religious were somewhat born into it, it is still in the end our choice which one we choose to accept.

People who take the bible seriously are not morons, they are PEOPLE WITH AN OPINION just like you. You look stupidest because right off the bat your putting down a belief, open your horizons.

I'm a born Christain who is looking into budhism and catholicism because I am un-happy with the modern christain traditions that are man made and take no real hints from the Bible. But I still like to believe theres a god simply because it gives me an answer and something to look to when I'm down, rather then nothing at all. I love mythology and the bible has some great stuff, but your being influenced by the modern (somewhat extremist, depending on how you look at it) christain.

Same with Muslims, though they do seem to have a hate on everyone and everything, not all of them are terrorists or extremists, and simply have an opinion. I can respect that as long as they respect my opinion.

So if someone is trying to share their religion with you, just nodd politely or ask to share your belief with them as well. To imediatley express a total distaste for an overall belief or a specific religion is retarded. People are born to learn and its knowledge that we should take in. And I learned this first hand with political beliefs myself, that I expressed without thinking first.

So when someone is trying to impose a religion on you, don't rush to conclusions ok, they may be wasting their time, but you should keep your mind open to an opinion so you can understand why you disapprove of it. Otherwise your a moron.


I live right beside a nice forest, but during the summer theres a ton of mosquitoes and I'm allergic to mosquitoe bites, and then during winter the forest is all naked... so its hard for me to enjoy it : (

Whoa its me!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 21:12:22

At 6/19/07 09:04 PM, BritishMoose wrote:
At 6/19/07 09:01 PM, pixelz wrote:
I believe that Next to Nothing meant that he doesn't need someone (cosmic entity or otherwise) to tell him how to lead his life and think. One can believe in god without being religious and find morals and strength through other means - such as friends or family.

I'm an athiest.

True. I suppose the right to not be subjected to constant yammering about a belief is important too. For future reference though, next to nothing, ease up on calling people who are religious morons. Thats what cought my attention.

I think I actually fall under that catagory of believing in God, but not truly religious as I no longer go to church (the one my mom goes to is extremists and is very creepy... and stereotypical).

Whoa its me!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 21:22:49

Touch typing

I don't think I ever look at the keyboard, even while programming. Really, I would say the only time I look at it is if something is horribly screwed up, like I'm not on home row, or if I have to hit some of the seldom used symbols on the keyboard, such as ~~ .

I even use the little nubbies for the index finger locators. I know in High school (which was over eight years ago) I was up to about 70 words per minute. I'd probably say I'm at about 90 now if I'm really plugging along.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 21:31:37

At 6/19/07 09:01 PM, pixelz wrote:
So when someone is trying to impose a religion on you, don't rush to conclusions ok, they may be wasting their time, but you should keep your mind open to an opinion so you can understand why you disapprove of it. Otherwise your a moron.

The rest of my non-immediate family is irish catholic my dad had 9 brothers and sisters =P

I completely understand people who read the bible for morals and for somewhat entertainment even a sense of community through going to church... but it's much harder for me to respect someone who is telling me that because a book I believe is a cause of many of the worlds problems says that peace will come some day, it makes me rather angry. I understand if you do take the bibles stories literally I just don't have the ability to believe a book written down by man is the word of god or the end all be all of truth... or any "truth" for that matter.

I'd go into my issues with organized religion in general but I suppose this will cause enough of you to look down upon me anyway, so I'll save that for another day.


I live right beside a nice forest, but during the summer theres a ton of mosquitoes and I'm allergic to mosquitoe bites, and then during winter the forest is all naked... so its hard for me to enjoy it : (

Ever greens are such the shit when it comes to trees

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 21:34:44


I have to look at the keyboard whilst typing. Look, I'll type the next sentence without looking at the keyboard:

My name is Penboy and I come from Newgrounds. I cannot trtpe froppelrt without looking at the kjeybotarf, it is very annoying

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 21:39:22

At 6/19/07 09:34 PM, Penboy wrote: typing

I have to look at the keyboard whilst typing. Look, I'll type the next sentence without looking at the keyboard:

My name is Penboy and I come from Newgrounds. I cannot trtpe froppelrt without looking at the kjeybotarf, it is very annoying

I can thank Mevis Becon Teaches Typing 9, for any typing that I can do without looking at a key board, 5th+6th grade 3 times a week an hour a day... that stupid program got repetive but I did learn how to type fairly well...

The public schools in my area sure have their priorities

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 21:44:52

Touch Typing

The only time I actually glance at the keyboard when typing is if I have to use those funny seldom-used keys, like ] or |. I hate using the stupid number keys at the top of the keyboard; I always either hold Shift while pressing them, or I press a different number key than intended. >.<

I think playing Mario Teaches Typing as a small child (Grade 1) helped improve my typing skills. :D

postcount +=1;

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 21:55:57


After I was kicked out of normal highschool and sent to the 'bad kids' school, typing was pretty much the only thing we were taught to do. Every fucking day typing bullshit, it was repetitive and annoying. It was like we were being trained to do data entry or what-ever-the fuck they thought was within our grasp of comprehesion.

That school pissed me off, because a lot of us were way smarter than they gave us credit for. Just because someone is troubled, a nonlinear thinker and does not excel in normal areas of academic learning, for whatever reason, doesn't mean they are a total waste of human potential. I dropped out after a very short stay there. Sickening, the whole public school system is a joke.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2007-06-19 22:13:42

At 6/19/07 10:03 PM, DarkMana wrote: RE: Religion

RE: Epic Movie

Hah! The other day I was about to watch it at a friend's house, but the DVD player wouldn't read the disc. It was a sign.

Sure sounds like it. These paradies of other movies are fine as long as the movie itself is not relying on other movies scripts and characters, like an allusion to a famous movie is good, but an entire movie making fun of another movie (or group of movies) is useless, because A) We've probably already watched the original and B) We probably already thought of some of these jokes.

Whoa its me!