At 6/5/07 12:45 PM, Paranoia wrote:
we have a load of scripters here and only one of them is going to be able to effectively work on it.
I disagree. A few regs are quite apt at OOP and with a basic framework or design pattern, each programmer could create stand alone classes that could interact with one another without having to worry about anyone else's variables or functions.
(Until it comes time to pull it all together and then class names could be passed into those functions)
For example, someone could script an entire menu system without ever knowing what frame took them to what part of the game.
class Menu
Menu(instructionsFrame, instructionButton, gameFrame, gameButton){
//pass button names in.
//pass frame numbers in.
Then when everything is pulled together, pass that information into the constructor.
Menu(1, button1, 2, button2)
I have a menu class I use all the time. I just include it and throw the arguments into the constructor. I never have to program a menu again. =)
You would just have to have a decent design pattern to determine things before hand such as how fast things move, or screen locations.
I was going to propose a project like this for the scripters... but never had time to do it.