At 10/18/06 05:19 PM, Depredation wrote: New Topic!
Allright, abit of a controversial topic here. Do you think that sites that take games and don't credit the athors until they are contacted are bad? Or do you think it's allright aslong as they credit if the author wishes?
Also, have you ever had one of your flashes stolen :O.
I have :(.
tts theft basically. no other words for it. Just because it's digital doesnt make it any less worse. Sites like ebaumsworld deserve to be sued for millions of dollars since they basically generate alot of money on stolen flash. If they really want to showcase flash they should do it like armorgames and pay the authors or at least ask permission. It pisses me off so much when big sites use content without permission, even if its not my own. And yeah my flash has been stolen too quite some times