I didn't understand the rotatable vCam at all. I used it the same exact way I would the vCam, and I tweened those grey boxed every which way to no effect. I was very disappointed. Sure, how often are you going to use an oblique angle in your Flash? Not very...but it does add a little something. annoys me that it didn't work...if anyone can explain it better...please let me know.
Perhaps a combination of tweens and vCams is necessary. :) Best of both worlds.
Group vs Individual
I do not like music video collabs at all. Even if they follow the same story, for the most part they can be boring. Before you get your knickers in a twist, there are some fantastic music video collabs out just seems that the mass populous of them...and that being MOST collabs's pretty lame.
However, such collabs like the late NG Battlegrounds are great. Luis's battle with Squeezy is still one of my favorite pieces ever. There are definitely a bunch of creative ideas out there, it is probably unfortunate that the best animators like to stick to their own things.
Also, the Four Second series collabs are ingenious. Those are so much fun...I have absolutely nothing wrong with them.
I like animating for myself. As great as the success of a group of people is, when I work alone, then I have complete control over every aspect of the flash. If it sucks, then it's my own damn fault, and I'll just have to deal with it.