At 2/20/07 02:38 PM, fuzz wrote: Graphics for game
That looks brilliant. A nice simple menu with a touch of detail. Looks great so far, I'm sure the game will be great :).
At 2/20/07 02:38 PM, fuzz wrote: Graphics for game
That looks brilliant. A nice simple menu with a touch of detail. Looks great so far, I'm sure the game will be great :).
Make a Control+U reference, Cybex. Duh. :P
It's like the first thing I hit when I come across an online riddle. It's influence.
At 2/20/07 02:49 PM, GustTheASGuy wrote: Make a Control+U reference, Cybex. Duh. :P
It's like the first thing I hit when I come across an online riddle. It's influence.
Control+U? What does that do? It doesn't seem to do anything for me (I use ie).
Page source shortcut. Easiest way around wannabe source-viewing blockers. Or you can add a 'view-source' protocol to the adress.
:3 Firefox
At 2/20/07 03:09 PM, GustTheASGuy wrote: Page source shortcut. Easiest way around wannabe source-viewing blockers. Or you can add a 'view-source' protocol to the adress.
3 Firefox
Yeah, i saw a few other 'riddle' sites that hid clues in the source, but to be honest i don't think it really makes the clue any more hidden or special. It takes about 10 seconds to realise that theres a clue hidden in the source, and then after that, every level you just spend a bit longer looking in the source for your clue instead of just being able to read it straight off the page.
I might have one or two clues hidden in the source, but i won't do it to an extent where people make a habbit of searching through the source all the time. If people start expecting to look in the source, the clues won't exactly be hidden and so they might as well just be shown on the page.
I had more fun at that site, though. But that's because there was some smarty-pants stuff to it.
RE: Riddles
At 2/20/07 03:34 PM, GustTheASGuy wrote: I had more fun at that site, though. But that's because there was some smarty-pants stuff to it.
Trying it now. Doesn't seem that good so far. I'm only on level 2, but it seems like it's more just reading through script til you get your answer than actually thinking. It will probably get better as i get further though.
Well I got to level seven of eleven, but I was somewhat stupid back then. Encouraged me to look into stuff more then.
At 2/20/07 04:27 PM, ArthurGhostly wrote: Riddle
This is my favorit
Hey! thats really fun and addictive :D
ok, what the hell its acht?
At 2/20/07 02:51 PM, GustTheASGuy wrote: Oopsie me.
I can't even get past level one on that :(
And I'm supposed to be the 3rd cleverest in my year... o__O
And that binary riddle is really getting to me now. I know several people have practicially given the answer, but still nothing seems to work...
At 2/20/07 05:00 PM, edit-undo wrote:At 2/20/07 02:51 PM, GustTheASGuy wrote: Oopsie me. can't even get past level one on that :(
And I'm supposed to be the 3rd cleverest in my year... o__O
I can't get passed level 2. I've found the passwor,d but i have no idea what to put as the username. I've tried the mysterious letters in the filename, but it didn't work.
And that binary riddle is really getting to me now. I know several people have practicially given the answer, but still nothing seems to work...
Lawl, that hacker puzzle took me twenty minutes.
Reminded me of how awesome OCaml is too. :D
The fib thing took like thirty seconds.
Objective Caml version 3.09.3
# let rec fib n = if n > 2 then fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) else 1;;
val fib : int -> int = <fun>
# fib 20;;
- : int = 6765
# fib 21;;
- : int = 10946
# fib 22;;
- : int = 17711
RE: Line of best fit tool
Since Gust thinks he rocks too much, i'd like to show off my line of best fit tool again, which even if Gust decomplied it, i'm sure he'd have no idea what's oing on :P
I've improved it with a feature where integration is used to calculate the area (in pixels^2) of the area under the line of best fit. (All area under the y=0 line is counted as negative area).
I challenge Gust to recreate a similar tool, or else admit I can do something with AS that he can't. :P
Indeed I have managed to live without a statistics course and have no idea what the fuck you can do with a line drawn between dots so I'll accept the decompilation challenge.
At 2/20/07 08:23 AM, fuzz wrote: Anyone whos on that yellow one, hint: caps lock >:(
That's just not fair. I was stuck on that for a while, and now that I see what you say... i didn't realize it would make a difference >:(
...Straightforward code. I don't understand the formula though, and also boy do you suck at stack optimization.
At 2/20/07 05:33 PM, GustTheASGuy wrote: ...Straightforward code. I don't understand the formula though, and also boy do you suck at stack optimization.
Har har, you didn't understand the formula. To tell you the truth, nor do I, but i still have to remember it for my A level :(
y = a +bx
a= mean of y - b*mean of x
sxy=Exy - (ExEy)/n
Ex=sum of x values
Ey=sum of y values
Ex^2=sum of the squares of the x values
Ey^2=sum of the squares of the y values
Exy=sum of each x value multiplied by equivelat y value
n=number of points.
Sucks to do statistics :(
Oh, and stack optimization is for noobs.
At 2/18/07 11:33 AM, Lord-Sonx wrote: 1 post till 6K... Your thoughts, if any.
Still 1 post till 6K!
Flash as Art
There's been a few flashes/flash type sites/movies that have been well, arty.. or at least visuely interesting (Such as 99Rooms and a few of the mvoies over in the 'experimental' collection>.
I am acutlly< still> working on an artyish movie but i know that when i uplaod it it won't be recived as well as it could due to the huge amount of ppeople on Ng without artistic taste who just come on for hentai, stick violence and such. i for one love to see arty experimental stuff, helps show that creativity and origonalty arn't dead.
What are your opinions on this matter? and would you create an arty movie, knowing it might not be recived well?
Forgive the typing, got an emence headache and realyl cna't be arsed fixing the typing at all.. It's one of those days..
oh.. congrats to whoever got 10k post
At 2/20/07 05:42 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote:
Arty farty
What are your opinions on this matter? and would you create an arty movie, knowing it might not be recived well?
If the art's good, you'll get a good score. If it's shit it'll get a crappy score. You don't need to be an arty person to appreciate art. I reckon if the art is good, it will be received well. If it's not received well, i think it's more likely that the art sucks rather than having the wrng target audience. (I'm not trying to say your art sucks, i'm trying to say i'm sure it will be received well).
Artistic Appreciation
I would have to say Cybex is completely off base on that. No one appreciates art. Look how few people actually goto art galleries. As an art major I know that hardly anyone even in my major goes to gallery openings. For artistic flash its about 10 times worse because of the whole 13-year-old matter that Sonx mentioned.
Personally, artist flash is pretty cool. Depends the style really, I mean we all have our own taste. I've fallen in love in Remove Police. Its not too artistic, but its certainly stylistic.
Riddle 9
Hey, I got up to 9 with Trunks, but now I don't get it, there are so many games with that. Also, you should make it so all of the things have to either not be capital or something, because I'm scared that I have it and its going wrong. Some help on this would be appreciated by the way.
...and this is my fag...
Riddle 9
That one is a snap once you figure out what came it is. To narrow down your search, think about the letter number sequence. A grid of some sort perhaps?
Riddle 10
This one is getting me hardcore. All I see are lines of random length strewed together to create cocky philosophy >:I Oh and two typos if that has anything to do with anything.
left to right... left to right... *continues to work it out*
Yeah, ten is a real biatch. Are the typos on purpose or are they just mistakes by you Cybex :P. I am really starting to get annoyed by these.
...and this is my fag...
Sorry for the double post, but I got 10. I'm so happy. Clue: Think about the title closely.
...and this is my fag...
At 2/20/07 04:27 PM, ArthurGhostly wrote: This is my favorit
My god. What does the word 'sept' have to do with the ninth question? >:(
Artistic Appreciation
I agree with MethodMinus. Try naming a whole bunch of people you know who regularly go to art museums. It's impossible. Plus, with Newgrounds, it's going to be even worse. But, at least some people will have an eye for art, so, submit it anyway. Anything stylish is good. Go for it.
postcount +=1;
Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!
At 2/20/07 07:49 PM, Kart-Man wrote: Riddle
At 2/20/07 04:27 PM, ArthurGhostly wrote: This is my favoritMy god. What does the word 'sept' have to do with the ninth question? >:(
...and this is my fag...
At 2/20/07 07:46 PM, fuhQ2 wrote: Sorry for the double post, but I got 10. I'm so happy. Clue: Think about the title closely.
Lol, maybe I'm just a noob, but I've toyed with the title meaning countlessly. Everything from reading the text from right to left to finding which languages read right to left. I've tried copy/pasting the text and realigning it for a different effect. I've tried taking only the left-most and right-most words and making something of it. I've also tried interpreting the title as if 'read' was past tense. Still nothing ):
Think about it in all different aspects, like reading it backwards, also don't pay as much attention to the words as a full. It's hard to understand, but when you get it, it becomes really obvious and sometimes you have to see more than 1 of these suggestions at once (not necessarily these by the way).
...and this is my fag...
Cybex's Riddle
Wow, eleven really sucks.
I'm stuck. Cybex, gimme a damn clue! :)