At 1/16/14 12:30 PM, egg82 wrote: I probably read the example given incorrectly because again I've never imported SWF files, but I know DisplayObjects can (and in the case of artists, often do) have children. You're sure there's stuff on the stage?
DisplayObjects do not have numChildren get property, getChildAt method and all other interface to interact with the children, so even if they have children, there is no way to find that out in ActionScript.
And I did put two symbols on the stage, one named s1, the other s2, both are exported to linkages "Symbol 1" and "Symbol 2" and both are Movie clips. I cannot access any of them from loader.content. It is impossible.
Here's (an easier-to-understand copy of) the page (which I wish I had read before posting the first time) for the "objects on stage" thing for all those interested, I figure it'd probably come in handy at some point because trying to get that Sprite to sit exactly where you want it to in code is a pain in the ass.
That example does not demonstrate how to access symbols inside the SWF. You can position the whole SWF, but not symbols inside it. AVM1Movie extends DisplayObject and cannot be typecast into DisplayObjectContainer. DisplayObject is not a dynamic class. End of story.