I got openfl to work. Never before has making a green square made me so proud of myself. Code completion still gives an error every time I press "." but whatever.
Meanwhile I have a java test tomorrow I haven't studied for
I got openfl to work. Never before has making a green square made me so proud of myself. Code completion still gives an error every time I press "." but whatever.
Meanwhile I have a java test tomorrow I haven't studied for
At 6/5/13 05:26 PM, MSGhero wrote: I got openfl to work. Never before has making a green square made me so proud of myself. Code completion still gives an error every time I press "." but whatever.
I know, right?! I shouted at the top of my lungs when I got my red square to work. Unfortunately it was in the middle of class and everyone looked at me like I was crazy >.>
Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)
PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.
thank Skaren for the sig :P
At 6/5/13 10:46 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: i make webcomic http://imgur.com/a/NlPDq
Ohh, THAT'S what the swf renderer is for.
At 6/5/13 10:46 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: i make webcomic http://imgur.com/a/NlPDq
that last panel is from a currently-running web comic by the name of control-alt-delete. The author ended the original series last year and started a new one. It'd been running for a very, very long time and I had a pretty deep emotional investment by that time.
He ended the series twice, the second because people were complaining about the first ending. The first ending ripped my heart out and shred it to bits :'(
Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)
PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.
thank Skaren for the sig :P
At 6/6/13 09:58 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: more webcomicz
https://twitter.com/tylerglaiel/status/342799895977156608/ph oto/1
im impressed with your ability to draw bewbs
At 6/6/13 09:58 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: https://twitter.com/tylerglaiel/status/342799895977156608/ph oto/1
Ohhh, I remember this one, too! Not sure what it is or where, but I remember seeing a small comic floating around the interwebs years ago. It had two versions, one where peach sends him a note about cupcakes and he asks where they are when she's naked with whipped topping all over her, and one where he's getting cake (I think) his skeleton is in a cell and there's tick marks along the wall with the phrase "the cake is a lie" written everywhere.
Was also much better drawn.
No offense, glaiel :P
Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)
PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.
thank Skaren for the sig :P
more comics, i'll just post the whole album http://imgur.com/a/LBYH1
That magical moment when you add art to your prototype and have a game on your hands~
Also, my rpg is finally published. Gonna wait till after the initial reactions before finishing up the post mortem.
At 6/8/13 12:47 AM, MSGhero wrote: That magical moment when you add art to your prototype and have a game on your hands~
At 6/8/13 12:47 AM, MSGhero wrote: That magical moment when you add art to your prototype and have a game on your hands~
Also, my rpg is finally published. Gonna wait till after the initial reactions before finishing up the post mortem.
Congrats on front page!
At 6/8/13 07:37 AM, nitokov wrote: Congrats on front page!
Zach put in a good word for me cuz I'm helping him make a game lol... Also pics later, I just got on quickly to change the difficulty of the game cuz it was "way harder than final fantasy."
UI mockup
Couple sprites, setup procedure for spritesheet exporter.
Color switching bullet hell/shooter. The main character is an octopus for some unknown reason. I'll have a demo once I get all the colors so nothing breaks.
I'm using haxe openfl, and the grapefrukt exporter to convert mc->spritesheet. It's really cool, a bit annoying to set up (code goes in the fla), but it creates pngs + xml from the instance names, which I have as octoRed, octoBlue, and the linkage name is octopi. Then in the actual code, the path to each spritesheet is "octopi/octo" + currentColor + ".png". There's a built-in tilesheet class which is basically what I did for the rpg, and I use a map (dictionary) with the color as a key to get to each sheet.
var bmd = Assets.getBitmapData(imgPath);
At 6/8/13 05:01 PM, MSGhero wrote: UI mockup
Couple sprites, setup procedure for spritesheet exporter.
Have you ever tried Zoe? Also texture packer was recommended to me by a friend but I've yet to use it
At 6/8/13 08:28 PM, Rustygames wrote: Have you ever tried Zoe? Also texture packer was recommended to me by a friend but I've yet to use it
Yeah actually, I tried Zoe right before. My regis points are all near the center, and there were no options to set its position. I downloaded it from their front page, and it said setting the regis pt was in the latest version, so idk.
The tiles are all the same size rect which means the regis pt doesn't change per frame. TP would be good, but I'd have to tell it for each frame where the regis pt is relative to the top left, unless I leave big alpha=0 gaps which would basically be what I'm doing now. Like if the octopus shot out its left(est) leg, regisX relative to the left boundary would have to increase to prevent a jerky animation. But yeah, angry birds uses it, so it must be good.
the domain was available http://gamewebcomic.com/
Awesome RPG. MSGhero! I haven't really been checking the lounge for the past week, but seeing your RPG up there was great. :) I'll try playing through it when I get the time.
At 6/8/13 09:50 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: the domain was available http://gamewebcomic.com/
Have you gone insane?
These are hilarious and awesome though
hi, anyone know good link where i could learn state machine and such things?
At 6/9/13 01:52 PM, nitokov wrote: hi, anyone know good link where i could learn state machine and such things?
http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play.php?id=154 if you mean to control your game flow.
At 6/8/13 05:57 AM, Rustygames wrote: Pics
SWF qwe/asd and combinations to make colors (roygbpw, w = all 3)
His internet has been dropping a lot lately, which means I've actually seen art from him lately. You have to hold the keys to keep the 2ndary colors unless you let both go at the same time (does it feel ok? bullets will fire without a button being pressed).
I still don't know why it's an octopus.
Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)
PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.
thank Skaren for the sig :P
At 6/9/13 02:10 PM, MSGhero wrote:At 6/9/13 01:52 PM, nitokov wrote: hi, anyone know good link where i could learn state machine and such things?http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play.php?id=154 if you mean to control your game flow.
wow thanks, i just realized that i was doing same thing, and i thought its some complicate thingy lol
Playing your own game over and over again is the worst part of development. Also, hai.
At 6/10/13 09:24 AM, Xeptic wrote: Playing your own game over and over again is the worst part of development. Also, hai.
Once it is finished i will never ever play it again :D
At 6/10/13 10:04 AM, nitokov wrote:At 6/10/13 09:24 AM, Xeptic wrote: Playing your own game over and over again is the worst part of development. Also, hai.Once it is finished i will never ever play it again :D
That is exactly my plan :)
At 6/10/13 10:04 AM, nitokov wrote:At 6/10/13 09:24 AM, Xeptic wrote: Playing your own game over and over again is the worst part of development. Also, hai.Once it is finished i will never ever play it again :D
That is exactly my plan :)
At 6/10/13 10:04 AM, nitokov wrote:At 6/10/13 09:24 AM, Xeptic wrote: Playing your own game over and over again is the worst part of development. Also, hai.Once it is finished i will never ever play it again :D
Pretty much.