The 'hard to find' part of Ng comes down to a few things. Firstly the search bar, it is just useless really, it can't recognise short words in the forums and it makes it hard to find users, especially if they have not submitted games or animations, I had to type in their name into the address bar to go to their page. Some sort of suggestive system for games may sort this out. Kongregate does not have an intuitive voting system, it just gives 1 point per vote, at NG you can revote making you revisit games when updated and refresh your rating giving you blam points etc, updating your rating at kong gives you nothing extra. The medal system is not linked to the levels that you can get on NG, on kongreate the achievements are linked to your account. I also think that the width of page on NG is smaller than kong, this makes less content viewable. There are also things like game CHAT that newgrounds lacks.
We have had the Kongregate/NG arguement before, I'm with NG and I hope you are I only go to Kong to get achievements, their forums are not as active and it seems a lot less personal, I can say we prefer Tom over Jim?