forgot to mention i'm in his class. we were cracking up the whole time
forgot to mention i'm in his class. we were cracking up the whole time
is the flash reg lounge really turning into a bunch of segwaaaaaaaaayyyysss??????
which reminds me, click on thiiissss liinnnkn
All this talk about skill and so forth makes me realize, I suck at coding.
More so due to that I never actually do it. Even though I've been at it for 3 years mine combined time doing can't be more than an hour a week. Probably less.
Oh well, I enjoy, stuff you guys, I just need to go and do it.
So after reading all this, you guys say pick ToonBoom over flash? I'm gonna start flash seriously this summer and I don't wanna get with the wrong Program.
I am a FAB
At 3/28/10 11:19 PM, Duchednier wrote: OMG im not naming any names but all of you that have been arguing that flash cs4 and onward are bad are just plain dumb k? k heres why.
Flash 6 and onward.
You say "oh they keep adding shit" but the thing is, THEY KEEP ADDING, and they're making it easier for the yung-uns to pick it up too. For example, the new motion tween takes some getting used to, but beleive it or not its actually directly based off of after effects's method of tweening complete with motion editor which is LOVELY!
That's not the point of the argument. The new tweening is a good thing, one of the few useful additions that have been made, along with improvements to Actionscript in v7, filters in v8, AS3 in CS3, stuff like that.
The rest have mostly been useless bullet points to sell new versions. In addition, each new version requires like twice the resources of the previous for no reason, culminating so far in CS4 which initially did not run properly on 4gb computers.
its still the same program as flash MX/04 but with MORE built into it so that you have MORE tools at your disposal.
That's normal. Except for other programs those would be minor versions that don't each need to be purchased, accompanying the annual conferences full of applause.
Now i'm speaking from an animators point of view, as glaiel pointed out they also added alot on the programming side, probably more than the tools side.
Those additions were minor. And they weren't work on Flashes part.
Except PixelBender, which is still however implemented so badly that for serious use you'd want to use the haXe assembler.
my MAIN problem with it is the toonboom-flash intergration, once i figure out how to move a toon-boom made animation INTO flash to work the preloaders and menu's, i'll PROBABLY switch to full toonboom for exile and what not.
Just import the SWF to Flash? Or if that works as badly as always, I think Flash now properly imports it if you pack it as SWC? You can do that for custom files with the 'compc' executable which should be somewhere in your Flash program files.
At 3/29/10 09:28 AM, Farza wrote: So after reading all this, you guys say pick ToonBoom over flash? I'm gonna start flash seriously this summer and I don't wanna get with the wrong Program.
You're going to want to stick with Flash if you're interested at all in making things interactive. If you want to do nothing but animation, go for ToonBoom.
At 3/29/10 07:24 PM, Coolanton wrote: why does this have 1800+ pages?
We are just that cool.
At 3/29/10 07:24 PM, Coolanton wrote: why does this have 1800+ pages?
Actually that is a good question that's almost an average of 10 pages per day. Used to be insane in the membrane all up in here...
At 3/29/10 07:24 PM, Coolanton wrote: why does this have 1800+ pages?
Because this is where all the cool flashers of NG unite.
Except me :(
I am a FAB
At 3/29/10 08:56 PM, Starogre wrote:At 3/29/10 07:24 PM, Coolanton wrote: why does this have 1800+ pages?Actually that is a good question that's almost an average of 10 pages per day
No it's not... 28/9/06 to 30/3/10 is 1279 days.
1856 / 1279 = 1.4 pages per day.
At 3/29/10 09:16 PM, Farza wrote:At 3/29/10 07:24 PM, Coolanton wrote: why does this have 1800+ pages?Because this is where all the cool flashers of NG unite.
Except me :(
Flashers of course in the most LITERAL of the sense
At 3/29/10 09:30 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:At 3/29/10 08:56 PM, Starogre wrote:No it's not... 28/9/06 to 30/3/10 is 1279 days.At 3/29/10 07:24 PM, Coolanton wrote: why does this have 1800+ pages?Actually that is a good question that's almost an average of 10 pages per day
1856 / 1279 = 1.4 pages per day.
lmao oops adding too many zeroes whoa there my bad
I've just started drinking and I must say, Guinness is by far the best drink in the world.
Indeed...especially if you're getting it on tap in the UK. It's still plenty good here, but it's way better over there.
Back me up UK drunks. :)
At 3/30/10 02:17 AM, Penboy wrote: I've just started drinking and I must say, Guinness is by far the best drink in the world.
I disagree. Strongly. I tried drinking it when I was in Dublin for a weekend and I didn't like it one bit. Me not liking a beer is a very rare occurrence, I guess it's an acquired taste. Maybe it requires some sort of Anglo-Guiness-Beer gene which people from the mainland miss. You should try some Dutch or Belgian speciality beers.
We've been having a weird problem with the NG Flash API where the Flash Player would totally hang when an ad loaded -- but only with a debugger attached (e.g. ctrl+shift+enter in the IDE). This was really annoying for people who used Flash Builder or FlashDevelop, because they are usually running in debug mode.
At first I thought it was just a bad ad doing something dumb, but it seemed to happen with most ads, and why only in debug mode? It doesn't help that we don't really have access to the ad FLAs. So I decompiled an ad to try to narrow down what the hell was going on... I was thinking that maybe Flash was choking on the video in an ad for some reason.
After lots of fiddling, here's what it was:
Stage.showMenu = false;
If you load an AS2 movie with that line of code in an AS3 movie using Loader, Flash will hang if a debugger is attached!? :)
So I threw a bug report at Adobe yesterday, and got this e-mail back today:
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your bug report, I can reproduce it, and this bug has been fixed in Argo beta, you can try it.
Hi5 Adobe :)
At 3/30/10 06:33 PM, HDXmike wrote: Plus 1 for the mikes :3
Why don't the Bens get any glory?
I like being able to ace exams/tests without studying at all. It's a nice skill to have.
At 3/30/10 02:17 AM, Penboy wrote: I've just started drinking and I must say, Guinness is by far the best drink in the world.
You crazy.
Vodka and lemonade is awesome as far as drinks go
At 3/30/10 08:11 PM, ForNoReason wrote: Vodka and lemonade is awesome as far as drinks go
Mabye it's the fact that I'm under 16....
But CocaCola ftw
I am a FAB
At 3/30/10 08:13 PM, Farza wrote:At 3/30/10 08:11 PM, ForNoReason wrote: Vodka and lemonade is awesome as far as drinks goMabye it's the fact that I'm under 16....
But CocaCola ftw
Diet Coke FTW you mean.
I like Diet Coke's taste better for some reason.
At 3/30/10 08:11 PM, ForNoReason wrote: Vodka and lemonade is awesome as far as drinks go
Eugh, it's definitely decent, but you can't go a night on them. Your mouth just becomes sore, like you've been to the dentist, or your stepfather's.
At 3/30/10 08:19 PM, NegativeONE wrote:At 3/30/10 08:11 PM, ForNoReason wrote: Vodka and lemonade is awesome as far as drinks goEugh, it's definitely decent, but you can't go a night on them. Your mouth just becomes sore, like you've been to the dentist, or your stepfather's.
Trust you tomshow as soon as booze is mentioned!
learning as3 so i can do little interactive art things for school/whatever else (flash web design, etc)
it's pretty neat-o so far. i haven't used it for all it's OOP glory yet but i'll eventually get there if i do things on a larger scale than little tests
One more day till april fools...I wonder what NG will do THIS year?!!!!??!?!?!??!?!?!
At 3/30/10 10:04 PM, BoMToons wrote: One more day till april fools...I wonder what NG will do THIS year?!!!!??!?!?!??!?!?!
I completely forgot about IT. Mabye they'll put it on maintainence the whole day.
I am a FAB
At 3/30/10 10:04 PM, BoMToons wrote: One more day till april fools...I wonder what NG will do THIS year?!!!!??!?!?!??!?!?!
Heh, you probably already know what with being bff's with lu :P
I'm actually VERY curious if they can top last years, they totally won the internets best april fools that year :D