At 2/11/10 06:23 PM, Toast wrote:
Who's forcing you to wait? Just pick up a damn book and start reading. If you're advanced compared to the rest of the class, you could save yourself a ton of time by learning on your own.
What use is that? I'd be even farther ahead and school would be ten times as dull as it currently is. I want to learn what I need to in order to pass. I may not be content with the minute quantity of material we cover, but I sure as hell am not going to waste even more of my time reading all of the history and math books I can manage to dig up. I want the time I am forced to waste during school hours to be somewhat useful, meaning it would be great to see the curriculum sped up and to see the material become more challenging.
Being a good student at school and finishing stuff early is cute, but it's not gonna help at all. I pretty much ruled out the idea that school is for learning in the beginning of year 9.
Oh, I had that same idea far before grade 9, which I am currently in.
One of the main reasons why I still bother going to school is that in no other point in your life will you be surrounded by so many good looking single girls. Maybe that's not true for you, either because the girls in your school aren't good looking, or because in uni you're not gonna choose pure math major in a nerdy school which will surround you in a 90% male and 10% not-really-sure-if-its-a-guy-or-a-girl population.
Those are shallow reasons and your attitude is exactly that of the people I have come to despise in my years of schooling. If I were to be separate from the people with your simple-minded and careless attitude, things would seem much less pointless and sure enough the challenge would be greater.
It's also terrible how the schools refuse to separate students based on grades or even attitude. I am stuck in the same classes with the "burnouts" (if you will) who have a negative attitude towards learning and who ruin their lives by drinking and doing drugs. By simply sifting out the students who apply themselves from those who don't, the entire education system would be a thousand times better.
Hah, I thought exactly the same thing when I was your age (except the "people who apply themselves" part, because I never was one of those). Turns out I couldn't have been more wrong. Those dumb fucks who drown themselves with alcohol are the most fun people to hang out with. Students who do their homework and study seriously are so fucking boring, with a few rare exceptions. Those exceptions might be fun to hang out with because you can share their wit and humor in general. But they also have a large and blunt object stuck up their anus which makes them walk funny. Those burnouts you talk about, are at least fun and outgoing. Last year I hated every single one of them. This year I regret every single time I thought that. Give it some thought.
Clearly you're not at the top of your class, or else your attitude would be much different. The drunks and the stoners may an appealing crowd to you now, but is that really how you want to spend the rest of your life? Hanging out with the drug dealers, criminals, and scumbags of the world?
It's also obvious that you're misunderstanding my position. My entire circle of friends and I have never studied for a single minute in our entire lives, yet we glide through school on straight A's and perfect or near-perfect GPAs. We're not boring fucks who spend every waking minute reading through a textbook or doing homework. We have fun, we screw around, and we enjoy ourselves just as much as "burnouts" do. We just have a positive attitude towards learning and we find a balance between schoolwork and enjoyment. We find more...erm...'healthy' ways to blow off steam and have a laugh. Getting so drunk you can't remember the difference between a pedestrian and a traffic cone is not the only way to have fun.
people need to step up and take action before it is too late.
You mean before the alien invasion, or before doomsday?
Whenever you start a sentence with "people need to take action", you already know it's bullshit. Don't shit yourself.
What are you talking about? Steps need to be taken and it's our generation that needs to do it.