At 2/11/10 04:25 PM, BoMToons wrote: I'm thinking that the education system, at least in the US, is SO bad that an alternative is inevitable...I see Internet technology as the foundation for the revolution.
Many of the social experiences, at least for elementary school kids who live mostly in their own world, can be fairly well replicated with online avatars in a virtual environment...of course there is the problem of teaching kids how to use hardware and software to access those experiences, but even little kids are surprisingly good at using a computer now.
Responsible parents will also realize that getting their kids playing with other kids is easily accomplished outside of a rigid "real-life" school program, especially if their kid is able to accomplish his normal 7-8 hours of school learning in an online environment in a fraction of the time.
It all comes down to flexibility. In a brick an mortar school, everyone in the classroom is required to learn at the pace of the slowest student in the class. I could have learned everything in my 6 year elementary school education in 2 years tops if I had a custom-tailored program. What a waste of 4 years...yes, social development is important, but with true web 2.0 apps a lot of the interaction and collaboration can be done online, and the rest can be accomplished by responsible parents who get their kids involved in sports, play groups, clubs, siblings, etc.
The education revolution is coming!
I absolutely hate having to wait for the dumbest kids in my classes to catch up to everyone else. I am one of the smartest in my entire grade, and I am furious when we spend days on material I could cover myself in ten or twenty minutes. I can't even imagine what I could accomplish if given the freedom to move at my own pace. There is so much time in the day where I am completely finished with all of my work and where I have nothing at all to do.
It's also terrible how the schools refuse to separate students based on grades or even attitude. I am stuck in the same classes with the "burnouts" (if you will) who have a negative attitude towards learning and who ruin their lives by drinking and doing drugs. By simply sifting out the students who apply themselves from those who don't, the entire education system would be a thousand times better.
The education system in the US is a very flawed system. The entire government system we have set up here is very flawed. The government is filled with selfish, greedy, intolerant bigots who couldn't care less for the common people.
This country needs some form of revolution. The remaining few who actually care for the good of the people need to step up and take action before it is too late. We need drastic changes in the way this country is run before we destroy everything that was once good about it.
Not only is an education revolution necessary, but also a governmental revolution. This country needs to abandon its conservative ways and take actions to lift this country out of the gaping hole we have dug ourselves in the past few decades.