I don't like how they seemingly just kept the old side graphics and just tinted them into blue, it looks really cheap :( The banner and stuff at the top is ace though.
I don't like how they seemingly just kept the old side graphics and just tinted them into blue, it looks really cheap :( The banner and stuff at the top is ace though.
At 12/16/09 09:42 PM, Nayhan wrote:At 12/16/09 09:01 PM, dELtaluca wrote:Yea that'd be completely awesome if all the text and other links were also blue, it'd probably take way too long to change all the graphics though.
Probably not. I'm guessing they use style sheets of some variety, so they should be able to change everything without too much modification. I assume when they redid the forums, they upgraded the code for them as well.
At 12/16/09 09:49 PM, knugen wrote: I don't like how they seemingly just kept the old side graphics and just tinted them into blue, it looks really cheap :( The banner and stuff at the top is ace though.
At least it's completely normal in the art portal! :X
At 12/17/09 02:32 AM, Luis wrote: fuck you starogre.
As Bomtoons as my witness, we both know you had the chance. Too late now....
At 12/17/09 03:44 AM, Starogre wrote:At 12/17/09 02:32 AM, Luis wrote: fuck you starogre.As Bomtoons as my witness, we both know you had the chance. Too late now....
Come on you two you know you were meant to be together, so make up.
At 12/17/09 03:47 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:At 12/17/09 03:44 AM, Starogre wrote:Come on you two you know you were meant to be together, so make up.At 12/17/09 02:32 AM, Luis wrote: fuck you starogre.As Bomtoons as my witness, we both know you had the chance. Too late now....
I dunno, didn't luis just move in with Afro? That's gonna cause a knot in the relationship...
its like some crappy TV soap-opera!!
At 12/17/09 03:54 AM, Duchednier wrote:At 12/17/09 03:47 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:I dunno, didn't luis just move in with Afro? That's gonna cause a knot in the relationship...At 12/17/09 03:44 AM, Starogre wrote:Come on you two you know you were meant to be together, so make up.At 12/17/09 02:32 AM, Luis wrote: fuck you starogre.As Bomtoons as my witness, we both know you had the chance. Too late now....
its like some crappy TV soap-opera!!
lmao, i dont think that was me. i had people over last night and my computer was on, i guess someone thought itd be cute to go around saying fuck you everywhere.. its on my facebook also. Sorry gang and especially you starogre!
I was expecting some twist of events in which Luis turns out to be his evil twin Lalo who tied him up, and left someone pregnant, oh dang, I'm dissapointed.
holy crap. i just spend the last three days working nonstop from the time i got home from school to the time i went to bed to finish quincy the quadriplegic amputee on time.
i just finished, and i'm off to show my class now, i'll submit probably later today.
i'm not completely proud of it, but it was just a school project.
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix
At 12/17/09 09:07 AM, Luis wrote:
lmao, i dont think that was me. i had people over last night and my computer was on, i guess someone thought itd be cute to go around saying fuck you everywhere.. its on my facebook also. Sorry gang and especially you starogre!
We're not friends on facebook so i didn't see that one. ONLY 2/3 OF YOUR PLAN WORKED
apology accepted.
At 12/17/09 11:35 AM, Starogre wrote:At 12/17/09 09:07 AM, Luis wrote:lmao, i dont think that was me. i had people over last night and my computer was on, i guess someone thought itd be cute to go around saying fuck you everywhere.. its on my facebook also. Sorry gang and especially you starogre!We're not friends on facebook so i didn't see that one. ONLY 2/3 OF YOUR PLAN WORKED
apology accepted.
Not only that, but a shitload of posts got deleted! We were halfway down the page before and now one of my posts is right at the top.... odd..
Luis we should all be friends with you on facebook =D
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1130 402
Stuff it, i did it anyways. No one else was.
My newest game is 30 MB.
Man I hope Tom has time to check his email this month. I want permission to submit this monster.
I've been playin a lot of Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Fear 2, and Fallout 3 this week since I finished the game.
Also, everyone else lovin' the winter layout? It's real pretty.
I'm waiting for a dude to review my poetry book then it shall be released upon the internet.
Computer Treasures Of Hidden Delight
I found a folder called NG Mod Comics with roughly 20 4 panel comics with me and many mods. Was a good laugh - I think I remember makin a thread for 'em once upon a time. Anyone else find any treasures on their computers lately?
At 12/17/09 12:01 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: My newest game is 30 MB.
How the hell did you manage to do that?
At 12/17/09 12:05 PM, Xeptic wrote:At 12/17/09 12:01 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: My newest game is 30 MB.How the hell did you manage to do that?
Well, I have some theories.
1. A lot of huge music files. But, I've fiddled with the publish settings to lower the quality and shit of audio and it barely changes the file size so I keep the good audeo cause it makes the game a better ride.
2. The few bitmap pics I use are actually a lot more then I thought and making it big - but I've dropped the JPEG quality to 30 and nothing changed much.
3. I fucked up somewhere and didnt optimize all the vector art properly.
4. I have no clue why it got so big and just noticed at the end after completing it. I am still - after 3 years in flash very uneducated in how some things work and fuck up like this.
I've saved and compacted and fiddled with the publish settings. Not really sure how else to make it smaller.
Really though - my best work yet. I actually drew backgrounds that look decent, wrote one of my best scripts and did some of my best vocal acting. Blah blah blah etc. I made game good. High quality audio makes it better too. Cool music and all the lines were recorded using my fancy pro mic so they sound fuckin sweet.
At 12/17/09 12:18 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: My crappy optimization skills.
Stream music?
At 12/17/09 12:23 PM, Deadclever23 wrote:At 12/17/09 12:18 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: My crappy optimization skills.Stream music?
Can't. Theirs a stop(); on each level. When music streams it just keeps playing until theirs a stop or blank frame stopping it. A good majority of the BGM is events that loop so it works. If I switched 'em to stream they wouldn't play during the game.
I have all the audio lines recorded streaming.
Preview - just missin the final boss BGM in this one. Poped in on the other day.
Go easy boys - I'm clueless for much, but not completely clueless, I've been in this game for a bit now.
At 12/17/09 12:30 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Stuff.
var streamTarget:URLLoader = new URLLoader("http://www.hot-feet.com/feetfettish.mp3");
var song:Sound = new Sound(streamTarget);
var streamChannel:SoundChannel = song.play(0,999);
At 12/17/09 12:45 PM, Deadclever23 wrote:At 12/17/09 12:30 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Stuff.var streamTarget:URLLoader = new URLLoader("http://www.hot-feet.com/feetf ettish.mp3");
var song:Sound = new Sound(streamTarget);
var streamChannel:SoundChannel = song.play(0,999);
That's rather neat - I think I'll give it a try. Don't understand it too much, but on a scarey level understand it a bit.
I'm also downloading a flash optimizer program said to lower filesize up to 60 - 70 percent.
It's kind of funny eh? Only art class I ever had was Art 8 in middle school so I'm self-taught - but I'm started to see the big weaknesses in self teaching. I think I still dont no much bout flash and only now of a few neat tricks.
At 12/17/09 12:01 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: My newest game is 30 MB.
I dont think it will get approved because even if it does, nobody is going to want to wait for a 30mb load. People already complain at 11mb. I would go in there and see whats causing such a large file. Unless youre making the next halo in flash I dont know why it would need to be so large. (thats what she said)
At 12/17/09 01:24 PM, Luis wrote:At 12/17/09 12:01 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: My newest game is 30 MB.I dont think it will get approved because even if it does, nobody is going to want to wait for a 30mb load. People already complain at 11mb. I would go in there and see whats causing such a large file. Unless youre making the next halo in flash I dont know why it would need to be so large. (thats what she said)
I understand this now. I'm hunting for a swf compressor. Theirs plenty freeware but all are crap. Then most are trials that do shit. Gone inside the file and looked around too - not too sure whats massive and what ain't.
Big thanks for the help though guys. I'll keep ya updated in my adventure of optimization.
Found one freeware swf compressor that got it down to 11 Mb but has a stupid swf compressor button on the top right cause its a demo. :P
The hunt continues. As soon as I find one that can compress it without any catches.
At 12/17/09 02:02 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Gone inside the file and looked around too - not too sure whats massive and what ain't.
Go into Publish Settings, then under options click the tick box Generate Size Report, then recompile and Flash will tell you the size of each MovieClip, object and sound.
I really don't like the borders of the new winter layout, although the blizzard on top looks great.
At 12/17/09 02:29 PM, Zyphonee wrote: I really don't like the borders of the new winter layout, although the blizzard on top looks great.
I would enjoy it if they would theme the entire site instead of only the top and sides.
At 12/17/09 02:18 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Found one freeware swf compressor that got it down to 11 Mb but has a stupid swf compressor button on the top right cause its a demo. :P
The hunt continues. As soon as I find one that can compress it without any catches.
How much does it cost? I could just paypal you to pay for it and be done with it. Maybe you can share it with the lounge or something.
Dont ban me pls im not endorsing piracy
At 12/16/09 05:49 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: Not doing tron again, that requires too much to make even the most trivial non retarded AI.
I made a Tron engine last year as something to do during my free periods at school. Long story short, it had no real AI, but I found that if I set the keys for Player 2 as the opposite of Player 1 (i.e. up key moves the Player 2 'bike' down, right key makes P2 go left, etc.), it resulted in an unbeatable AI; all games were drawn.
It didn't take long for people to realise that, but it was quite funny to watch them play until then.
Ah, anecdotes. What fun.
At 12/17/09 02:55 PM, Luis wrote:At 12/17/09 02:18 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Found one freeware swf compressor that got it down to 11 Mb but has a stupid swf compressor button on the top right cause its a demo. :PHow much does it cost? I could just paypal you to pay for it and be done with it. Maybe you can share it with the lounge or something.
The hunt continues. As soon as I find one that can compress it without any catches.
Dont ban me pls im not endorsing piracy
Thanks for the offer, got a good workin one now though. Basic, medium, custom, and etc. settings for optimization. After a couple tries and many times the program crashing these are my results...
3 out of the who knows how many times it was 11 MB or 18MB but some of the actionscript disappeared and the game was not functional.
2 times were terrifying as it ended up 130 MB and I almost fainted thinkin I fucked up the game perminantly.
And finally after optimizing and optimizing in so many different settings one poped out a bit lower in MB that works fine with all some noticeable differences in the art.
It's 24.8 MB - I went from 31. something to 24.8 - it's better then nothin and its a start. I wanna try to optimize it even more and get it under 20. After the last few tries I'll leave it for now and get back to optimizing later. This may be the most I can op. I found that most of the filesize was from the high quality music/
Now something important. Luis that is a great idea - programs the reg lounge share - programs related to flash. I know their was the a Secure Flash Optimization program costing about $49.99. I got money on my paypal from Tom still - plus whatever was there. I'd be happy to pay or pitch for a program for the regs.
I want to figure this all out later though. It's lunch, I've spent the mornin optimizing drinking a pot of coffee, and now I just want to eat and shower.
At 12/17/09 03:24 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Now something important. Luis that is a great idea - programs the reg lounge share - programs related to flash. I know their was the a Secure Flash Optimization program costing about $49.99. I got money on my paypal from Tom still - plus whatever was there. I'd be happy to pay or pitch for a program for the regs.
I'm not sure about the legality, but I wouldn't mind pitching in either. Although there'll most likely be some PC/Mac issues.