I think people just have a natural connection to games
where you level up until you reach the end. Finishing
the game is way more important than having fun, and
if you can customize your progress through different
stats you have and whatever, that only makes it better.
In their brain it's just a matter of seeing how deep the
rabbit hole goes, not having the time of their life.
Today, for instance, I played the new game of the week.
It was very entertaining; I'm a fan of RPG games normally,
but being able to level up pretty much anything (even idling)
just made my stat-whore senses tingle with joy.
However, in the game you fall asleep and have a nightmare
where some demonic creature attacks you, and you have
to do your best to defeat him without much instruction.
It's pretty difficult (especially the first time) but once you
lose you also somehow loose all your stats when you
wake up the very next morning.
That I absolutely hated. But I kept playing.
Soon though it just felt like a rush to level up until
you fell asleep. After a third loss to the stupid nightmare,
and a third loss of all my hard earned stats, I quit the game.
I could have very well lost my entire afternoon to the game
if you didn't lose your levels after a loss to the nightmare.
So I think that shows that people, and myself, love a game
where your progress is shown with extreme distinction.