Flash Player 10.1
Has anyone else installed this yet? It's fabulous. The list of features on the release page (labs.adobe.com btw) are all the generic crap ("ubiquitous bla bla") but the main feature is hardware decoding of H.264 video. I installed it on the PC I have in my kitchen (a communal computer for youtube/newgrounds/reddit ;p) which has pretty low specs (1.8ghz single core >:/) so full screening any video used to make it stutter terribly, but now everything runs full screen perfectly. It has a 7800GT so I guess theres finally some use for that =]
At 11/21/09 03:41 AM, Xeptic wrote:
mw2 rant
I didn't enjoy the single player very much either. It's not awful, it's just incredibly generic.. it's a good game engine, and if they had wrote a good story it would have been awesome. Instead they threw a few things in (sorry if I ruin anything here >_>) such as the airport massacre (especially the ending), the white house, the space thing, the end knife fight thing.. just to try and be different, but without need for it. In COD4 they had the excellent nuke going off and the American character dieing, that was brilliant, and they tried to recreate it in this but it just doesn't really fit in. I didn't think any of the set pieces were particularly good either. I enjoyed some of the missions but not much, I only really kept playing so I could complete it (I knew it was short and theres no point NOT completing it). I did it on hardened, I probably would have enjoyed it more on normal because there were some really annoying instances - like on the oil rig (not a bad level), at the end with all the smoke.. took me about 10 tries to finally get through that, and I think I'm a pretty good gamer >:/