At 10/23/09 06:52 PM, Senti wrote: So, I made the news...
The "kid with blood on his face"? :P
At 10/23/09 06:52 PM, Senti wrote: So, I made the news...
The "kid with blood on his face"? :P
At 10/23/09 06:59 PM, knugen wrote: The "kid with blood on his face"? :P
Yeah, maybe you should move to New York.
Because they don't do that there. In New York.
If that was you, that's a pretty cool Fabio shirt.
At 10/23/09 10:24 PM, zrb wrote: Halloween
I'm going as a super saiyan probably lol. My hair goes past my bottom lip when straightened so it could work. Hopefully I'll find enough blond hairspray and super duper hair gel.
If not, I'll just got as Hercules from DBZ.
And yeah i'm goin trick or treating :)
What are you going as ? Or at least dressing up as ?
I wear a fuzzy bright green hat and carry a pokeball with me, all in normal clothes. Cus really, it's hard to go to parties in a huge extravagant outfit......and i'm lazy
At 10/23/09 10:52 PM, EJR wrote:
I don't trick or treat anymore, though. After 6th grade I quit.
seriously? 6th grade is pretty damn early to quit.
hell, i'm in grade 11 and i'm going trick or treating this year. and next year. the benefits outweigh the..... whatever the opposite word of benefit is.
i'm going as nacho libre this time around.
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix
i quit after 10th grade I think
i got too tall to actually do it successfully
Here in Australia nobody does it which meant i never got to do it :( hahaha. When the a kid does come over though i just dont answer the door hahaha.
Argh, major fuck up:
Just submitted Guinea pop to NG,'s preloader is screwing up the whole game, any ideas how to fix this?
and quick?!
Can't you remove the game? Take your time to fix it and upload it again? That would at least save you from having a few dozen bad reviews and a low score
Doesn't seem to want to let me, do games have to pass through judgment before you can delete them?
Hm, maybe so I have no idea. Is the game supposed to fill the entire screen (like it only fills two-thirds of it now), or is the screen supposed to be smaller? Can't contact your coder?
On a side note, what were you using when you came up with this game?
Yeah, if you look at the cutscene, where the black bars are should be where the gamescreen edge is. Its working fine on kong, something must be screwing it here though. Theres not a lot LongAnimals can do as have to add their bullshit api before we can upload the game, and theyre all in bed now.
Oh well, itll get sorted soon enough, pissed off though :)
No idea where the game idea came from, it started out as a fragger ripoff!
i've been attending to a 7.5 point eveningclass of flash (two nights/week for ten weeks), and had the exam today. We had full access to the internet and such, but weren't allowed to communicate (with eachother). forums, tutorials etc. was at our disposal.
I think i did pretty well, twas pretty easy really... there were 9 different tasks:
- some motiontweening test
- some masking test
- some motionguide test
- button test
- some animations (fbf+tweening)
- etc.etc. (it got a little harder than just "get a blue square to move from left to right", but whatever)
ONE thing i never got around to get right was to load an outside .swf into the working .fla
its kindof bugging me that i couldn't solve it... i did attempt the loadMovie script thingy and got the info from this thread, but i couldn't get the searching path correct since we were supposed to burn everything on a CD afterwards n shit. actually i don¨'t think we were supposed to do it with script anyway, there were pretty much no other script in the course than stop, play, gotoAndStop/Play, onRelease conditions and basic shit like that.
i can still get the highest grade if the teachers think my animations were worhty, though the task i failed was 4p, 30p was maximum and 23 was the limit for the highest grade. i only have 3 points to fail in the rest of the tasks... :(
anway, i'd post this in some lounge where people know me, but they wouldn't understand me like i'm sure yuos flashies guises do. lolol. ^_______________________________^
At 10/24/09 02:26 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: i quit after 10th grade I think
i got too tall to actually do it successfully
I quit at 4th grade, cuz my friends were like, "trick or treating is for little kids," but they still went trick or treating. They still do. Although I did go trick or treating last year.
At 10/24/09 11:25 AM, turtleco wrote:At 10/24/09 02:26 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: i quit after 10th grade I thinkI quit at 4th grade, cuz my friends were like, "trick or treating is for little kids," but they still went trick or treating. They still do. Although I did go trick or treating last year.
i got too tall to actually do it successfully
Hit them for Xeptic.
At 10/24/09 11:24 AM, Rucklo wrote: Flash-exam
Yeah, sounds kinda odd for being such a basic course, but if it said ".swf into .fla" then it was probably as easy as importing it to the library and putting it somewhere on the stage. You don't happen to have the exam questions at hand?
I'm too thinking of taking some course in Flash, probably over distance though as there are none at my uni. Racking up some easy points could prove useful :)
At 10/24/09 08:24 AM, Jimp wrote: Just submitted Guinea pop to NG,'s preloader is screwing up the whole game, any ideas how to fix this?
This game have the same API it seems, meaning it's at least possible to fix. If the sponsors can't come up with the solution perhaps you could contact the author of that game for some tips.
Sorry for double :O
At 10/24/09 11:48 AM, Deadclever23 wrote: Hit them for Xeptic.
I am so confused.
At 10/24/09 01:06 PM, zrb wrote: This is hot.
lmao not so! She lost forward motion!!! Thats a technical foul!
At 10/24/09 12:56 PM, Xeptic wrote: Because it's the best thing to do.
oh okay ;D
I'm gonna start using this excuse for my games from now on:
Really? ALL bugs can be explained by slow computers?
happy birthday to me!
now that i am sixteen, i can successfully mow down pedestrians without fear of being caught without a drivers licence.
the perfect plan
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix
At 10/25/09 01:34 AM, BoMToons wrote: I'm gonna start using this excuse for my games from now on:
Really? ALL bugs can be explained by slow computers?
lmao, I bet he is a frequent user of yahoo answers.
At 10/25/09 01:34 AM, BoMToons wrote: I'm gonna start using this excuse for my games from now on:
Really? ALL bugs can be explained by slow computers?
*Jordan likes this*
. . . . oh..snap this isn't facebook!!!
I've been doing Flash for several years now, self taught with no books or anything,
and as a result of that I didn't know what Motion Guides were until today.
Can't wait to put some of these into my flashes, loolll. :)
At 10/25/09 12:52 PM, K-Guare wrote: I've been doing Flash for several years now, self taught with no books or anything,
and as a result of that I didn't know what Motion Guides were until today.
Can't wait to put some of these into my flashes, loolll. :)
what are motion guides?
supposedly there are so many tools in flash I just don't use because I've never heard of them which leads to the god almighty question...
Do you know any suber cool functions or tools in flash that you are sure most people (or atleast I) don't know?
and on a completely unrelated note...
I only plan on using books for action script because these tutorials overwhelm and/or intimidate me. :P
At 10/25/09 02:13 PM, turtleco wrote: Do you know any suber cool functions or tools in flash that you are sure most people (or atleast I) don't know?
View -> Preview Mode for timeline previewing.
Just found out about that from what rtil said in Lalos newspost.
I'm learning a lot about Flash today. :3
and I also can't stop playing Zuma...
Timeline effects is a silly feature.
Also everyone enter this competition.
suber cool tools nobody has heard of huh?
Liek nobody uses trace bitmap right? I think it will save so much time on lazy animators from now on.