Sponsorships for other than money:
I'm getting a cycling jersey from Armor Games as part of a sponsorship. I asked them for it though because I really like the look of the one I saw on jmtb02.
Sponsorships for other than money:
I'm getting a cycling jersey from Armor Games as part of a sponsorship. I asked them for it though because I really like the look of the one I saw on jmtb02.
Armorgames is now making jerseys? OH WOOOOOOW
At 9/4/09 05:48 PM, Zyphonee wrote: Armorgames is now making jerseys? OH WOOOOOOW
Yes, and they're quite stylish:
At 9/4/09 05:51 PM, BoMToons wrote: Yes, and they're quite stylish:
I hope whoever took that photo was wearing one too.
@ Glaiel : I like your booth.
@ Jmtb02 : I like your shirt
At 9/4/09 04:46 PM, Duchednier wrote: Awwwww :(
I'll keep you company, for a tenna ;)
Kick Ass Miracles
For any UK NG-ers out there, check out Kick Ass Miracles on Dave. I've been watching it when it's been on, while i've been watching TV.
Basically, a guy whos been studying martial arts for years takes on new cultures, looking at the miracles they achieve and the rituals they perform. It really is amazing, he just ran across burning coal (not the gay shit you see, but actual on fire, extreme heated coal). Usual, the people of the town become possessed by their temple god before running, he just did it straight off.
He had to get skin graphs on his feet due to 2nd degree burns.
At 9/4/09 05:12 PM, trig1 wrote: I didn't get that impression, the atmosphere was awesome. Yes, a lot of the people went for the fun of it rather than listening to music, but that isn't a bad thing, I'd far rather spend a weekend with nice people with no music sense than people taking it too seriously.
Maybe its just because im comparing it to download then, metalheads are fwendly <3
Armor Games t shirts are awesome, im GETTING one.
Glaiel, me and Joe vs you and Jon at game 3 tomorrow.
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix
Tom Fulp played all 20 levels. Snagged a free behemoth shirt from them. Derek Yu played all 20 levels. Tim Schafer and Morgan Webb played the game while G4 filmed. Tune in next week.
At 9/5/09 03:14 AM, angryglacier wrote:At 9/5/09 02:59 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: in game screencapOh yeah and your game crashed in the middle of pax what made it do that?
I thought you said it ran perfectly on your own OS, Glaiel?
At 9/4/09 09:25 AM, liaaaam wrote: Also, on a completely unrelated note.. my favourite sound clip of all time. That's Tim Roth in Reservoir Dogs, the quality is awful though.
It's not as awesome as it is in its proper context. You really need to have seen his character throughout the film to appreciate that clip's full majesty :p
District 9
Saw it the other day - it's a great film. It sort of oddly segues off into a big action film in the last half as the main character morphs into Gordon Freeman (he even gets a sort of gravity gun at one point), which is a bit of a shame considering how brilliantly it starts as a serious satire, but the action is all well done anyway and it's really moving throughout.
I give it four and a half cycling jerseys out of five - five for the first half and four for the second :D
CS3 has found another way to piss me off. Whenever I compile my movie it ignores all the Actionscript (3), when I try to debug it says it can't debug because there is no actionscript in the .swf file. Anyone have a solution for that?
At 9/5/09 07:10 AM, Xeptic wrote: CS3 has found another way to piss me off. Whenever I compile my movie it ignores all the Actionscript (3), when I try to debug it says it can't debug because there is no actionscript in the .swf file. Anyone have a solution for that?
It's happened to me twice. It only seems to do it at the start of a project if you try to use too many classes (because it's not like AS3 is an OOP language or anything), and I've not found any solution.
At 9/5/09 07:24 AM, Xeptic wrote: Yuck, so now what am I going to do...
I guess just start a new file and recycle all of your non-classes :/
At 9/5/09 07:25 AM, Paranoia wrote: I guess just start a new file and recycle all of your non-classes
That's hardly statisfactory... I seem to have found a different solution, apparently my library contains one or more corrupted items. I think I found the corrupted library item, now I have to restore it somehow and see if that solves my problems.
This will be my last post on this page, I promise. Just wanted to say that I found my problem... I typed:
TweenMax.to(mountainLightingIce, 30, {alpha:0.1.5});
Instead of:
TweenMax.to(mountainLightingIce, 30, {alpha:0.15});
So yeah, apparently that typo almost made me kill myself. I wish Flash had just given me an error message. This is the last project that I program with Flash.
At 9/5/09 04:02 AM, Deadclever23 wrote:At 9/5/09 03:14 AM, angryglacier wrote:I thought you said it ran perfectly on your own OS, Glaiel?At 9/5/09 02:59 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: in game screencapOh yeah and your game crashed in the middle of pax what made it do that?
I dunno what's going on. The game doesnt crash, their monitor and my computer don't get along
Hey guys, just put together a quick trailer for my new game with LongAnimals for FGL, let me know what you think! The game has 54 levels, lots and lots of different things to play with :)
At 9/5/09 12:52 PM, zrb wrote: It's private :C
Fail. Try now :)
Looks like fun, although from the trailer I can't say for sure what the game is about. Obviously trying to hit certain objects with bubblegum, but I'm not sure why or how.
9 review
Went to see 9 last night, not gonna lie guys, don't get your hopes up. The movie is entertaining... but its 60 minutes long, and alot of stuff happens. its like "Lets go here DONE! Lets do this DONE! Now were here DONE! Oh look its over CREDITS!
The action is still cool though, it just needs better pacing.
You know how you know when you have a really good idea?
When somebody else has the same one.
For a while I've wanted to name a game
I've been working on for a bit "Moxie", but I think
I'll have to change it due to the word's recent popping out of nowhere...
It was traditionally a soda,
then on G4 one day it was an online interviewee's nickname,
I ran into it again in the most recent Night at the Museum movie,
and finally as I was watching Spongebob today, I saw
an ad for some barbie doll group called Moxie Girlz.
I had never heard of the word before when I
named it earlier this year. I named it that after seeing it as
a search result of the word "bravery" on thesaurus.com.
I love the name, but,
I certainly don't want to run into any Tim Langdells.
At 9/5/09 05:40 PM, K-Guare wrote: You know how you know when you have a really good idea?
When somebody else has the same one.
For a while I've wanted to name a game
I've been working on for a bit "Moxie", but I think
I'll have to change it due to the word's recent popping out of nowhere...
Moxies is a restaurant, its been around forever :)
At 9/5/09 04:46 PM, Duchednier wrote: Went to see 9 last night, not gonna lie guys, don't get your hopes up. The movie is entertaining... but its 60 minutes long, and alot of stuff happens. its like "Lets go here DONE! Lets do this DONE! Now were here DONE! Oh look its over CREDITS!
Wait, isn't it supposed to come out on 9/9/09?
At 9/5/09 06:09 PM, Duchednier wrote: Moxies is a restaurant, its been around forever :)
Well no wonder I haven't heard of it. :]
Hello everyone :)
I'm gonna start animating again, but I lost my tablet pen. I'll try to find it eventually..... Who wants to send me a replacementttt? :)