At 9/2/09 10:42 AM, CybexALT wrote: Yeah, i know. Same with me. I've got a £1.5k overdraft, which I've only ever used £200 of. There's not much more to base student accounts on though. None of them have good interest or anything. I guess its nice just having a bigger safety net.
Yeah I know, when I first opened the letter I was thinking I might as well consider it but for one thing you need to put your maintenance loan in there, I have already set all my loan up so it'd be too late to change it plus I don't really care so meh.
Also my 2nd PS3 was acting up, I thought it was some sort of memory problem and when I rang sony they kinda confirmed that.. said it was either a problem with the HDD or the ventilation, it's well ventilated and it's new so I knew that wouldn't be the problem.. he advised reformatting the HDD so I went out and bought a 4gb memory stick (my external HDD is at my uni house, I'm in Leeds atm cos of Leeds fest) for £10 and doing that right now D= Yay.
Sup, bitches :)