At 8/31/09 05:35 PM, Duchednier wrote:
Yeah they're everywhere. I swear i thought it was only in the movies!!
College is a silly place. Everyone in the one I went was all one of two stereotypes I most definitely did not get along with... Snobby rich kids and church kids. If their was one metal head, punk, stoner, internet person, or gamer I'd be happy.
I work 6 in the mornin to around 4 - 7 depending on the days. Concrete work. Laying the foundation to poor the concrete in and stripping it when its dry. Worked two days now. First day I hit my leg badly with a hammer, gave myself lots of blisters, didn't pace myself and nearly threw up many times on the tired way home. Today I paced myself but I think it bein an easy day had a big thing to do with the small amount of tiredness I experienced.
The work environments cool. I never thought I'd be in construction though. After this any brainwash-blank-minded-company-slave cubical robot job may actually be not so bad and bearable. Physical labor ain't too hard as long as ya drink ya water and eat a big breakfast. I could site down, cyberslack, drink coffee, all infront a computer all day.
Plus I'm a scrawny fuck. I never knew I COULD do construction. It be wonderful animating for a living though, not livin off the Duders, being an animator for a movie, cartoon, or something as actual work. It be great practice havin' a boss who's not me commanding me to draw this, animate that, and do this now. The practice and experince would be highly beneficial to my animator skills (or whatever I have).
I'd like to also mention that I screwed up at work and hurt my finger with string and still can't feel the one side of my finger - it's completely numb on one side.
My boss drinks a lot and bugs me about how I smoke pot. Randy my friend told him all 'bout me. It's cool. He's a nice guy. He isn't for the herb himself and likes to poke fun at my with stoner jokes. He gave me peaches to eat today after work. They were incredibly juicy and tasty.
I guess it's true that every artist needs a day job. Mines concrete. I want everyone to try to image lil' hick mullet-head me with a colourful vest and a hard hat workin in a consruction site... with my hippie-like attitude.
First thing I save up for is a $180 USB mic with a $24 round circle sound filter. I'll have great audio quality for the Duders with that and for music. I never quite feel that my friends take Duders as serious as I do sometimes when we have such cheap low-quality equipment. The wacom is old now and all inspiration it brought to the Duder staff is dead. I'm hoping this or some other thing I think of can get my men motivated. Just my friends being excited or amped about somethin' Duder gets me SUPER AMPED - able to go into mullet-man-mode EXTREME UBER OMEGA.
I've been gettin' myself amped with the newest game I've been conjuring up from the depths of my mind and old games of mine. Waitin' on voice actin' from Duder staff and callin' in a special guest voice actor.
And now a DUDER STORY!
Gee such a long post. Such worthiness to be called a post this post. Never before or at least in long time have I posted such a post.
First day at work my friend Randy who got my the job and also works there yells "Thirsty?" at me. Tired from the last few hours of work in the hot sun I didn't hear to well, but I managed to make out him yelling "Whiskey?" to me. I stood up and perked up instantly with the pleasurable thought of whiskey at work. I yelled back to confirm - "Whiskey? I'll have some whiskey! I'm down!" to which he informed me of my error in hearing. After work all I thought about was whiskey and began to feel quite sad... I was really excited and happy about whiskey at work for that split second moment.
A few days later me and Darryl after finishing a bottle of tequila and gin decided to find a good Irish mix drink. We decided on an Angry Irishmen and Leprechaun. Both involved a good bottle of Irish Whiskey. Half the whiskey and half baileys original was the disgustingness that was the Angry Irishmen - it definitely tasted angry. We got 'em down and had the leprechaun - most tonic water and whiskey, it tasted wonderfully divine like the perfect pancake for breakfast.
Today I woke up with a small hangover and went to work or got called in at around 12:45. Got to work at 1 and was there till 6:30 - a small day. On the drive back though I remebered the last time working about how Randy yelled "Thirsty"... this brought a large smile to my face because I realized that I had a few shots of Whiskey left from the other night. So now I'm home from work, had a shower and still stink, was animating and doing the horrid programming of all evil again... and now I finish this post and have a couple few many shots. :3
Finally I also had the best breakfast the other day. Bacon, mega omelet, and a giant strawberry, chocolate, pancake. MTC cooked it.