Ugh. Im sick of these jackson jokes already. Har har he was a peado and now hes dead what fun. They stopped being funny after the first... 2. Dont get me wrong in principle I have nothing against them, but they are all just repetitive and the same now.
I did think that punch out parody of tysons daughter was a bit harsh though, but it did make me laugh
I agree with toast on working best in the middle of the night. I get like 90% of my stuff done when it feels like im about to fall asleep. I came up with a theory that its because my brain can only really focus on one thing, because its tired, and therefore it doesnt get distracted. It gets to the point where I dont go to bed because I know in the morning I wont be able to work on whatever it is.
When I eventually get round to a proper job, Im gonna go nightshift for this.
And gust what you said, about not going out for weeks at a time, thats just sad man.