At 6/5/09 02:21 PM, liaaaam wrote:
I'm from Leeds, pretty much the home of the BNP..
I'm from burnley, THE home of the BNP :)
Personally I don't give a shit who's in, as long as they aren't radical (I count the BNP as radical). I also don't want the conservatives in (though I know this is going to happen), because David Cameron is a big cock.
I agree, I hate all the bullshit publicity stunts, but Browno tries them as much as he can, its just that hes really really bad at it.
Basically, my view is that no matter what party is in power they will do almost the same thing as any other part would do..
Very narrow minded and completely wrong view. Your views common, its just that people pay no notice as to what the government is actually doing, and then claim they do nothing. Conservatives would basically of spent very little money on getting Britain out of the economic crisis, they have opposing views on how to deal with it.
so if I were to vote I'd vote for whichever party had the leader I could stand hearing about/seeing for 4 years (David Cameron, a prime example of someone who does not fit this criteria).
Ah so youd go for the american system of 'I like that guy I could go to a bar with him'. Id much rather have some idiot that annoyed me, but made good policy choices, then have someone with a pretty face who led Britain into an awful place. You cant honestly think the most powerful position in the country should be based on whos least annoying, this isnt big brother.
If you look at a list of prime ministers, you can see that their is a pattern in the parties.. we have one party for 1-2 terms, then another party is elected - this is because the main parties are no better than each other, but when things to tits up we go "FUCK NO, CHANGE PARTY"
Its not that at all. Its that its much easier to criticise then it is to defend yourself and come up with good policies. People quickly forget what the previous government was like, and forget all of their mistakes. The party thats currently in, now they can remember there mistakes, and so they vote for change. Also, we get people who do absolutely no research on policy, care not at all about politics, and base things on perhaps how annoying people are :P
- this is also apparant in the USA with the republicans/democrats. In the UK the main parties are Conservative and Labour (i.e. it has been almost 100 years since any party were in power other than those 2, that being Liberals in 1916-1922 with David Lloyd George).
On another note, the only prime minister to ever come from Leeds (where I'm from) was Herbert Henry Asquith in 1908-1916, he was Liberal (they had quite a nice reign in the early 20th century) and lasted 8 years, a record which was only surpassed by... Margaret Thatcher.
He was an awful prime minister. Absolutely awful. Dont even let me get into that :P
I don't want to sound harsh on you, but I hope you never vote, and people with as much interest in politics as you don't vote, unfortunately thats about 95% of people :P Im completely against democracy as you could hopefully tell. As churchill said : "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."