At 4/26/09 05:13 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
on a related note, our flash userpages now have an rss feed so you can import that into facebook if you want and have it automatically post for you when you submit.
Unfortunately facebook only lets you import 1 RSS feed, so I can't import flash and audio
Speaking of RSS, is there an RSS feed for your closure development blog? <3
Exams have to come at the most inconvenient time ever, don't they? Just as I was finally getting more productive again and working on flash a lot more exams pop in. I suppose it's not all bad if I can manage to juggle between the 2 of them and still do well in the exams. I'm not too panicy in exams as I got pretty good results in the January modules; but I don't want to fuck that up now. Besides, I get 4 weeks off (a week more than everyone else because I'm sitting both AS and A2 modules.. well.. when I say a week more, everyone else has to do at least 2 (I think it's 2) of these lame activities) for exam leave, 2 weeks on, then off for the summer. Hopefully this summer will be productive and I'll meet my target of 3 decent games by the end of the year.
First decent thing to be released in flash within a couple of weeks and waiting on art for another..
Any of you guys working on anything amazing at the moment?