At 1/28/09 01:29 AM, Rudy wrote: I'm so pissed -- Read this:
"ERROR - No submission ever existed with ID 479629."
They didn't even end up in obituaries. They are just.. gone? :S
At 1/28/09 01:29 AM, Rudy wrote: I'm so pissed -- Read this:
"ERROR - No submission ever existed with ID 479629."
They didn't even end up in obituaries. They are just.. gone? :S
At 1/28/09 01:29 AM, Rudy wrote: I'm so pissed -- Read this:
Montycarlo had a similar problem. If you've not already, you should possibly try contacting liljim too. He's probably less busy that Tom and deals more with the programming side of things.
@Blackfang: ='(
At 1/28/09 01:29 AM, Rudy wrote: Here are the links for the two:
Week 1: Birthday Wishes! l View Here!
Week 3: Peaches and Daisies l View Here!
"ERROR - No submission ever existed with ID 477506."
It was never there. It was just a figment of your imagination.
At 1/28/09 11:50 AM, UnknownFury wrote: It was never there. It was just a figment of your imagination.
I'm wondering if I should just Reupload them, because do you honestly think it's going to just magically come back? Usually when something's gone, it's gone =(
At 1/28/09 12:02 PM, Rudy wrote: I'm wondering if I should just Reupload them, because do you honestly think it's going to just magically come back? Usually when something's gone, it's gone =(
Actually it seems kinda weird that all information about the submissions would simply be removed from the database just like that, so I say give it a while.
It's possible that the actual .swf-file might have been lost, but in that case I think that it can be solved if you just send it to an admin who can manually put it back into the system.
Meh, had to resubmit it.
Yeah, I've totally got my passion back!
This winter, I really lost the will to do any work in flash. Well, I work full time 9-6 doing actionscript anyway, but I mean extra work, with Dim. In fact, my motivation to do much of anything was totally sapped.
Then two things happened. First, I got one of those alarm clocks that wake you up with light. It worked so well, I'm certain that I had S.A.D. I now wake up full of energy every day, which kinda helps.
Secondly, there was the London meet. Just being around so many flash creative people, and getting involved with the NG community again, has really inspired me to want to work on flash stuff 3-4 hours a night!
Has anyone else been through a similar dry period?
At 1/28/09 03:44 PM, The-Super-Flash-Bros wrote: Has anyone else been through a similar dry period?
I'm still all dried up. :-/
I recently picked up L4G a good COUPLE MONTHS LATE LOL. It's a solid fucking game. I could shoot the legs off of zombies all day. TOO BAD I DON'T HAVE LIVE OR I'D ROCK IT WITH YOU ALL.
At 1/28/09 04:13 PM, Senti wrote: I recently picked up L4G a good COUPLE MONTHS LATE LOL. It's a solid fucking game. I could shoot the legs off of zombies all day. TOO BAD I DON'T HAVE LIVE OR I'D ROCK IT WITH YOU ALL.
most flash regs have it on PC
At 1/28/09 03:44 PM, The-Super-Flash-Bros wrote:
Has anyone else been through a similar dry period?
I'm really bad for animating, i mean i'll have a great idea, be all like "Oh man, i should totally animate that" and i'll just never get it done. Thus the only stuff i have on newgrounds is my exile series and old stuff.
I think i'm cursed... i just can't make animated shorts :( all of my stuff has to be 3+ minutes to submit :P even longer with exile.. its like 8+ minutes... soooo tedious :(
Dry Period
It's really motivating knowing that one of the greats actually goes through those times too! For the past year maybe, and somewhat over the past six, I've dabbled with flash in varying passions, ranging from light and fleeting, to intense and exhausting. The fact that I have nothing more to show for it other than the experience in my head is frustrating. This usually triggers me to drift away from NG for a couple of months, but then something brings me back.
I'm currently working on a couple different projects but this time it's different. I've got motivation dripping out my pores. For the first time in those 6 years I actually feel like I got it together, so any time I spend with flash I do it as productively as possible. Hopefully this is the break that I'm hoping for.
It's funny how it started with That "failed" and I drifted away for a couple months. Now I'm back with a new idea, lurkyr on the back burner, and a crazy potential idea I'm working with KSD to bring to fruition. And the best part is I don't have that running feeling. I've learned how to prioritize and I'm taking care of what I need to (albeit slow) and I've not felt that familiar intimidation that kept me back before. I'm guns ablazing and hopefully my first game will rock (most likely not) and I can get real constructive criticism and work towards achieving the type of skill I only ever claim in my head :3
At 1/28/09 05:31 PM, Deathcon7 wrote: and a crazy potential idea I'm working with KSD to bring to fruition
Is Kayn is working with literally everyone in this forum?
Does anyone know how to let Flash CS3 utilize more than 2 GB of RAM on a 4 GB computer?
Hi there!
At 1/28/09 06:10 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Does anyone know how to let Flash CS3 utilize more than 2 GB of RAM on a 4 GB computer?
What kind of stuff are you doing that takes more than 2gb of physical memory? o.o
At 1/28/09 05:58 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:At 1/28/09 05:31 PM, Deathcon7 wrote: and a crazy potential idea I'm working with KSD to bring to fruitionIs Kayn is working with literally everyone in this forum?
Good. im glad someone dethroned me as the flash reg whore.
In other news. did ya ever just pm something nice to someone? You should try it! :)
I think as you grow in e-fame and e-importance you take for granted that you are just as capable as anyone else of pming people randomly and telling them you enjoyed something. Dont be a diva, go do it! Its like such a nice unexpected suprise, why not return the favor to some unsuspecting soul out there.
K thats my public service announcement.
At 1/28/09 06:11 PM, Toast wrote:At 1/28/09 06:10 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Does anyone know how to let Flash CS3 utilize more than 2 GB of RAM on a 4 GB computer?What kind of stuff are you doing that takes more than 2gb of physical memory? o.o
its flash, it sucks with memory management when compiling 200 MB + FLAs
At 1/28/09 06:10 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Does anyone know how to let Flash CS3 utilize more than 2 GB of RAM on a 4 GB computer?
I'm assuming, like photoshop, flash is capped at 2 GB. Also, don't mean to state the obvious, but if you don't have a 64-bit system you can only use about 3 1/2 GB of RAM... just throwin' that out there :3
At 1/28/09 05:58 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Is Kayn is working with literally everyone in this forum?
Everyone but me, of course.
At 1/28/09 06:19 PM, The general discussion was:
I went through a really heavy 1 year dry period after i finished Kingdom Hearts Chronicles 1.3. It was like BLAAAHHHHHHHH I would open up flash, move around a body part or something, save flash and close it 2 hours later (after just leaving it open and doing dick all on the interwebz)
Today my motivation is kept up by both dreaming and script writing Exile. When i say dreaming, i mean just like; talking it up with a flash buddy like "oh man how cool would it be if this game were making was on consoles like alien hominid! that would be so sweet!" I mean stuff like that is forever away, but it keeps my mind happy.
3rd point i guess, i also have like maybe 6 projects in the fire at the moment, we'll see which ones will come out successful. But in the last week alone i picked up a game and a music vid flash with Icepyro (he doesn't have anything to show but he is capable trust me =D ) and MAYBE a game with Liaaaaam, then theres Essence of Divinity and of course Exile.
Inspired? XD sorry i kinda drifted but its good to rant once in a while
Dry Period
I went through them a lot, it feels different to general lazyness. Recently I worked out what it was after getting close to someone. I realised it was mild depression from being a bit lonely. After I worked out what it was and forced myself to stop feeling so bleak and feel like I can't do it, I started getting more motivated and realised it was myself that burys yourself into the no motivation pit.
My motivation seems to come in a set amount, I can either be super motivated to draw, to animate, or to code, or some other thing that's useless like video games or T.V. If I had like 10 more hours in the day I might be able to focus on more than one thing but usually I get home eat then do something straight and that something usually changes every few weeks.
Best way I've found to get motivated is to get yourself into a routine, if you force yourself to work every day for a few hours after a few weeks it feels weird not doing it, I'm kinda a slave to routine in that sense =\.
I activated 3 GB application and 1 GB for the kernel. I also raised the virtual memory and did the usual closing of all other applications and reducing history size.
But but but I'm questioning the nearly 10 million page faults I am getting in just a few minutes of working in the file. Something is awry here.
Hi there!
Dry Period
It's so ironic how I see so much of myself in all these responses. I always put myself down thinking there was something wrong with me but I guess there isn't. Some people are just very self motivated, and those are the ones that get work done. I guess the people on the forums are all kindred spirits because every one of us are running from the same thing. Hahaha.
At 1/29/09 02:20 AM, jmtb02 wrote: I activated 3 GB application and 1 GB for the kernel. I also raised the virtual memory and did the usual closing of all other applications and reducing history size.
But but but I'm questioning the nearly 10 million page faults I am getting in just a few minutes of working in the file. Something is awry here.
If you can come up with a fault-less way of allocating more memory to flash without destroying my computer, i would LOVE a tutorial :D
At 1/29/09 02:20 AM, Deathcon7 wrote:
It's so ironic how I see so much of myself in all these responses. I always put myself down thinking there was something wrong with me but I guess there isn't. Some people are just very self motivated, and those are the ones that get work done. I guess the people on the forums are all kindred spirits because every one of us are running from the same thing. Hahaha.
Yeah man, its pretty much the same. I like it cuz half the time I come here everyones deep in AS talk and i'm like "I don't know what to saaayyy!" so i can't really post. But then i come and find this stuff and its great!
I wish I was super self motivated. I mean yeah i CAN get into this motivational state due to reading a script going "oh man i can't wait to animate that scene" but yeah :P
On a diff topic, has anyone seen the trailer for the movie 9?
It looks really good and i'm definitely exited to see it. Also, PLEASE do not waste 10 minutes of your life by NOT watching the original! That was a double negative btw, watch the original!
Link for the 2005 animated short "9"
I was pleased, and the movie should be just as good. Finally an animated movie not "fun for the whole family"
Time to end my long post.... kthnxbai :P
Hmm I always see random regs post there just finished games ere...and I've never done it...I'll do it for once just cause, mainly cause I'm happy it's finally done :D
Soooo sick of defence games now...
Grrr goddamit spaces in links, frick frick frick frick
Fixed link >
Will be released sooon
RE: Dry Period
Is it just me or does anyone else picture a vagina releasing solid chunks of blood crust?
ok its probably just me.
Why is everyone in a dry period...? W/e.
Anyways, for anyone who has gambled at a casino. When you play balckjack, does the dealer put a few decks together? Or just plays stacks of 52? Also, what does the dealer do once he's rand outta cards? Just pick some outta another deck?
At 1/29/09 08:38 AM, DawnOfDusk wrote: Anyways, for anyone who has gambled at a casino. When you play balckjack, does the dealer put a few decks together? Or just plays stacks of 52? Also, what does the dealer do once he's rand outta cards? Just pick some outta another deck?
Two decks. Decks are shuffled at the end of the hand. Dealer will never run out of cards seeing as the maximum number of players at a blackjack table is eight.
I got recreative casino trained in a summer job during Uni. I know how to run roulette, handle chips and run blackjack. I also play a bit of poker.
Dry Spells