Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays hope the shit you get is worth more than the shit you bought, that way you came out on top =)
Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays hope the shit you get is worth more than the shit you bought, that way you came out on top =)
Merry Christmas. I'm stuck trying to install the Sims 2 on my sister's laptop. Stupid unsupported graphics cards...
Merry christmas to you guys! Hope you get the shit you want!
Anyway, I'm sick today, I have cold. Wonderful christmas present, right?
At 12/25/08 07:46 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Merry Christmas. I'm stuck trying to install the Sims 2 on my sister's laptop. Stupid unsupported graphics cards...
Sims is a tricky bastard to install, it took me atleast 4 hours when i did it. Good luck with that. Merry Christmas everyone, post what you've got :D.
PS3 - For the whole family, the tv recorder is actually great.
iPod Touch - Woo, i'm in the process of buying your game glaiel.
Company of Heroes - Anyone want a game sometime?
Dark Knight Blue Ray - Also a good use for the ps3.
Overall a great Christmas, i hope people had a merry time :).
At 12/25/08 02:17 PM, Depredation wrote: PS3 - For the whole family, the tv recorder is actually great.
What games do you have?
I'm sorting out internet and shit on mine right now ;)
iPod Touch is hawt =] I bought Glorp and it's cool/useless.. could be made cooler but it's fun to throw that shit around =D
Everyone that got a PS3 add me ;) notliam <3
Merry Christmas again ^_^
Sup, bitches :)
At 12/25/08 02:23 PM, UnknownFury wrote: What games do you have?
I'm sorting out internet and shit on mine right now ;)
Just a few atm, most are not mine, but i'll probably play them abit. COD5, MGS4, Mirrors Edge and Prince of Persia. I'll add people who post their IDs, i'll add you tonight liam :).
Merry Christmas y'all! Have a good time! Question: In Holland we have a first and second Christmas day, how about the UK and US?
Xeptic-nl is my PSN id. Also, typing on an iPhone sucks balls. NG, is exceptionally slow.
I got a money from some relatives as a gift,
should i get an iPod Touch or a PS3? :]
Filming Help;
Does anyone know how i would achieve a steady camera shot of someone running, but the camera is infront, moving at the same speed. Only way i can think is having a car infront of them and someone holding a camera out the back, but it's not possible in locations i want to use. Help?
Or somewhere realistic i can ask for help. Don't say general.
Well today I got rock band for christmas but since my ps2 is old and a piece of shit it doesn't work.
So sometime semi-soon I'm gonna buy a ps3.
At 12/25/08 05:13 PM, K-Guare wrote: I got a money from some relatives as a gift,
should i get an iPod Touch or a PS3? :]
And play lbp with me ;D
At 12/25/08 05:34 PM, SweetSkater wrote: Filming Help;
Does anyone know how i would achieve a steady camera shot of someone running, but the camera is infront, moving at the same speed. Only way i can think is having a car infront of them and someone holding a camera out the back, but it's not possible in locations i want to use. Help?
The car would work well if ya had the cameraman just sittin' on the back hood shotting the running talent.
To save fuel and possibly trouble though you may want to use a dolly or skateboard or anything like that instead. Pop your cameraman on a board with his eldbows tight to his chest so he gets a good steady shot (or as steady as he can get). Have a 3rd person take care of the running for the cameraman by just pulling the board of gently pulling the cameraman on the board.
If he's running really face I'd go for the car then - however the car may not offer the best shot.
I'd make my camaraman stand still with the camera zoomed in on the runner and as the runner runs closer to the cam I'd just direct him to zoom out. When the runner reaches the front of the cam he'd just need to dart to the side and turn the cam - turnin' it into a neat shot.
If ya end up goin' with the car though don't have the poor camaraman leaning out the back window or somethin' - pop him on the hood so he has a nice wide shot. :3
new song - complete with my hick voice and me tryin' my best to sing. <3
At 12/25/08 05:43 PM, UnknownFury wrote: And play lbp with me ;D
My friend has it and says he loves it.
We used to play gmod together, and he said
it's like 1000x better.
I'll think about it. :]
At 12/25/08 05:43 PM, UnknownFury wrote: PS3
And play lbp with me ;D
FUCK. KirkNG, add me. Also, LBP + MGS = Awesome.
I saw a Pop-Art trench yesterday.
I thought "that's a Warhol!!"
Merry Jesus isn't real Day!!!! XOXOXO
At 12/25/08 09:20 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: I'M TRIPLE POSTING :OOO
Christmas Day party? ;P
let's make a game someone
btw luis weren't these sprites meant for a christmas minigame?
Damn, haven't hung around Newgrounds in a couple years. Just got back some interest in flash, learning ActionScript 3.0 rapidly.
#include <stdio.h>
char*p="#include <stdio.h>%cchar*p=%c%s%c;%cmain() {printf(p,10,34,p,34,10);}";
main() {printf(p,10,34,p,34,10);}
Hello people.
Just stoping by to say Merry Christmas. May God Bless you all (to those who believe in God) and your families. :) And If you don't believe, well, um... may you get many ale and whores :D
who doesnt want that... :P
Hope everyone had a nice night. :D
At 12/26/08 04:17 AM, Toast wrote: let's make a game someone
I'll help you out if it's a good idea. :]
Happy Christmas Everyone!
Hope you had a great day and that everyone was safe!
Any New Year Flashes is the oven?
At 12/26/08 08:35 AM, Blaze wrote: May God Bless you all (to those who believe in God)
NOOO! Not this discussion again! Damnit.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas while Toast, all the other Jew-regs, and I were lighting the fifth candle. It's been a while since I've posted in here, but I keep having things to say, but not enough to make it a legitimate post. Screw that mindset from now on.
At 12/26/08 04:17 AM, Toast wrote: let's make a game someone
Even better, let's make two games.
...and this is my fag...
I'm up for a game of some sort providing it's quite small, Toast. Also, would you happen to still have any of the .fla's for our previous unfinished masterpieces? I formatted my hard drive when I stopped Flash :(
At 12/26/08 12:01 PM, zrb wrote: My game is like 90% done now, all I need is to make a few changes and make the boss more of a challenge >:C
Screeny :3
I tried to use a simple style of art, didn't turn out like I would have wanted but what do you guys think ?
(Original size 800x500)
It looks interesting, i'd definitely play it.
I like the artwork as well;
simple styles are really neat.
I'm too impatient to really make 'artwork', which
is why i really like puzzle games, lol.
Good luck with the release. :]
Indeed good luck, I hope to have a game out by new years even thought its not new years related, just some recycling of unused art. I despise making levels >:( worst part of any game by far IMO.