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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 13:05:26

Fucking piece of shit vista. I love the design and everything but the security is SO annoying!!! I can't even copy or even view some fucking files from my old hard drive, what a stupid crap security. every time I want to change administrator rights for something it tells me i must have administrator rights to change it, OMFG. i am the fucking administrator

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 13:12:29

Nice job on releasing your animation Duchednier! It shows you put a lot of effort into it. Like everyone else said now the only thing left to do is work on your artwork a bit more, the proportions of your characters aren't very consistent.

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 13:40:24

At 12/2/08 01:12 PM, Xeptic wrote: Nice job on releasing your animation Duchednier! It shows you put a lot of effort into it. Like everyone else said now the only thing left to do is work on your artwork a bit more, the proportions of your characters aren't very consistent.

Well more so than the proportions I'd say work on picking your camera angles to get the best bang for the buck. I think your fight scenes could feel more adrenaline pumping with the right camera angles. Heres some toons off the top of my head that handle it particularly well:

maybe other people have some links handy of fight-based animations where you felt the camera added for exciting fight sequences?


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 13:58:24

Btw Grats on frontpage for exile chapter 3 :)


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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 18:37:01

At 12/1/08 04:52 PM, Duchednier wrote:

Awesome stuff. Congrats on success and I wish you future success?

Screwed up things
Man I was so happy with life and then BAM University came and totally crushed me. Now I'm on a smaller then I thought winter break trying to push myself. I think one of the biggest blockes for any artist, musician, directer, poet, etc. is depresssion. If your super bored and unhappy with life - ya don't got motivation to do stuff.
I've never liked or enjoyed school. It wasn't till the last month or so of my grade 12 year that I finally wasn't so pissed going there - only because I started pretending in my mind that I wasn't a student coming there to learn, but just some dude comin' to some big government building full of kids to chill.
Uni is different from high school. The people are older and seem more pissed at life and themselfves then I am to be there. I don't enjoy having to deal with pricks from middle school that are there which I had hoped never to see again and I especially don't like bein' the only dude livin' under the poverty line thats goin' there. Shit, not even that. Theirs not one metal head in my campus or even someone with a chill personality. Everyones all "oh yay my life sucks but the show the office is super cool and fills in for my life". The fuck is with that? My life use to be just video games and internet. I wasn't even as bad as some of the jokers at my school.

I think the main thing about Uni that pisses me off is all the dumb people. They're all preps that have parents with more then well paying jobs and not one of them has had a taste of real life or even had to deal with tough shit.
It's the huge lack of knowledge that pisses me off. I expected classmates I could learn from, professors who are passionate in what they teach, and overall an actual learning enviroment. Not some shit-hole filled with richy rich kids who love talking about their wealth and have had life easy for them all their lives. Theirs a huge lack of respect for what they have and none are thankful in the slightest it seems. As someone who grew up on a farm and then moved to the downtown slums of a whore and cocaine infested town - I just want to kick everyone one of them in the face repeatably. Especially the ones who claim I have no knowledge and am just some dirt kid who's had a shitty life. Which is super retarded because I feel I've had quite the interesting life.

Rant over

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 19:05:54

At 12/2/08 06:37 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote:
Rant over

if you grew out your goatee again they'd think you were a genius and your world would be full of lollipops and unicorns.

Everything I would have to say about Exile has already been said so just gonna throw out my congrats.
These Pancakes are Tiny is one of my favorite movies of the year so far all the dialogue feels pretty real which is really rare and it appeals to both my cynicism and silliness. Excellent flick.

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 19:08:48

At 12/2/08 06:37 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Which is super retarded because I feel I've had quite the interesting life.

Well.. I think that you could begin by working out if you are feeling depressed.... jogging/lifting weights/whatever by default raises your self esteem and mood overrall.. plus its good for u.

If all it takes is snobby rich kids to break you, then id say youre not going to make it very far in the professional world... >__>


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 19:10:15

At 12/2/08 06:37 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote:
At 12/1/08 04:52 PM, Duchednier wrote:
Awesome stuff. Congrats on success and I wish you future success?
Rant over

Interesting little rant. Mostly because the people you describe are essentially me. Parents with too much money (and me no appreciating it enough), not able to deal with serious shit, and i bought all the seasons of The Office and watched them while working on artwork in my studio. lol. Good stuff.

Anyway, to bad to hear your hating it all so much. Sounds like a pretty shitty institution. My instructors are very passionate and i learn alot from a few of the other students at least. Most are lazy hicks that just want to party every weekend, but some are a little more interesting then that. Thankfuly there is no shortage of those in the Fine Arts. : )

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 19:12:37

At 12/2/08 01:05 PM, Toast wrote: Fucking piece of shit vista. I love the design and everything but the security is SO annoying!!! I can't even copy or even view some fucking files from my old hard drive, what a stupid crap security. every time I want to change administrator rights for something it tells me i must have administrator rights to change it, OMFG. i am the fucking administrator

Ain't it the truth lol. Vista is what pushed me away from windows all together for a year or so.
I might get back with windows if 7 is all its suppose to be but I'm not holding my breath.
I still use xp for the things that only windows can do like certain games. but its not the first OS i turn on in the morning ever.

MAC/Linux for the win. maybe windows will be back in the group again once they stop trying to hold my hand.

|- I'm on a Boat - Collab -|- List -|- AS3 -|- Game Poll -|

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 20:17:52


Exactly Toast. Ex-fucking-actly. I hate how i try to do one thing and it does WINDOWS NEEDS YOUR PERMISSION TO DO THIS WE RECOMMEND YOU TRUST THIS BLAH BLAH IM A FUCKING GUTTERSLUT VISTA..

yeah. i hate it.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-02 21:20:32

Don't forget to do your monthly voting if you qualify!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 00:06:20

At 12/2/08 01:58 PM, adman1993 wrote: Btw Grats on frontpage for exile chapter 3 :)

I KNOW! I'M SO HAPPY I WAS CELEBRATING ALL NIGHT! Well... no not really, a friend of mine came over and we played videogames and such so i didn't sit on NG pressing refresh over and over to watch my view count go up. BUT STILL! I'm pretty happy about it.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 05:09:40

At 12/1/08 07:42 PM, atomic-noodle wrote: Christmas
Is anyone working on a Christmas movie? or looking forward to a submission by anyone?

Well... I really wanted to release one, but I just don't have the time.
I've got these holidays jammed packed with shacks and mates parties, that I don't have much time for flash anyway!
On top of that, flash doesn't work on my computer, and every time I try to use it on the home computer now, it crashes after a while :(
I had a really cool story too. It was gonna be called "An Animators Carol". Kinda like the old novel "A Christmas Carol", except instead of Christmas past, present and future, it would be animation past present and future, i.e cell animation, flash and CGI (yeah, I realize they still use cell, and they use CGI today). It was going to be based on an NG n00b, who believed that flash was the only medium for creating animation. I had even though up a cool message & moral and everything...
I guess I'll need to save up for flash next year, so I can do my idea. Hopefully, my animation skills would have gotten better by that time anyway.

At 12/2/08 01:05 PM, Toast wrote: Fucking piece of shit vista. I love the design and everything but the security is SO annoying!!! I can't even copy or even view some fucking files from my old hard drive, what a stupid crap security. every time I want to change administrator rights for something it tells me i must have administrator rights to change it, OMFG. i am the fucking administrator

Fuck yes man, I feel your pain.

I guess thats what I get for buying a new computer, eh.

Quantum of Solace.
Yeah, I know that this is old news, but give me a break, I live in Australia.
Anyway, fucking awesome movie.
The shaky cam was really fucking annoying at the start, and disorientated me a bit, but it wasn't so bad as it got further into the film.
I though Bond was a bit of a douchebag in this one. He didn't care who he killed or who died, and just didn't really seem to have to good 'ol Bond charm about him. He still reeked of awesomeness though.
The fight scenes were pretty cool, but again the shakey camera and bad camer angles annoyed me, as sometimes I couldn't tell who was who.
Overall, awesome movie though.
I recommend it (even though you've probably all seen it).

My Art Thread! || Flash Reg Lounge! || CTSG Collab! :'( //

"And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun, for the people who are still alive..."

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 05:19:48

Vista is great and I've already explained why in an earlier post so I won't bother writing it all out again. I'm writing this because everyone is bashing Vista because of their own ignorance.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 06:15:56

At 12/3/08 05:19 AM, hesselbom wrote: Vista is great and I've already explained why in an earlier post so I won't bother writing it all out again. I'm writing this because everyone is bashing Vista because of their own ignorance.

Don't get me wrong, I like it a lot too, but the security is pissing me off. I installed my old hard drive into my new pc so i could copy files more easily, but it caused so many problems that i just ended up putting the hdd in my old pc and transferring stuff with my usb key

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 06:48:47

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 07:27:26

At 12/2/08 09:20 PM, BoMToons wrote: Don't forget to do your monthly voting if you qualify!

Already done it sir ;)
Incredibots, ftw.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 07:31:48

At 12/3/08 06:48 AM, Xeptic wrote: Fifen please?
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/47 2127

Was it just me or was that really glitchy? I complied the first level but it constantly just came up with "Congratulations new set reached" screen then carried on showing first level then came up with it again.

Double post D:

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 07:34:15

Hey! Anyone heard of the House Escape series? It's done by the same guy who did the Submachine series.



Fuck Ayn Rand

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 08:26:40

At 12/3/08 07:31 AM, UnknownFury wrote: Was it just me or was that really glitchy?

Oh good, I thought it was my computer *phew*

Anyway, it just wouldn't let me get past the third level. It just kept going through the orange ball :(
Sorry Xeptic, I left you a review though :|

My Art Thread! || Flash Reg Lounge! || CTSG Collab! :'( //

"And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun, for the people who are still alive..."

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 08:58:25

Ugh, it's not a glitch people. You should look through the tutorial or read the description before you start playing :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 09:14:47

At 12/3/08 08:58 AM, Xeptic wrote: Ugh, it's not a glitch people. You should look through the tutorial or read the description before you start playing :)

I've gone through the tutorial and read the description. Seriously, i don't get it. It says "Congratulations, new set reached" or whatever. Then carrys on for a second, then repeats the congratulations bit. What are you meant to do?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 09:29:43

At 12/3/08 09:14 AM, UnknownFury wrote:
At 12/3/08 08:58 AM, Xeptic wrote: Ugh, it's not a glitch people. You should look through the tutorial or read the description before you start playing :)
I've gone through the tutorial and read the description. Seriously, i don't get it. It says "Congratulations, new set reached" or whatever. Then carrys on for a second, then repeats the congratulations bit. What are you meant to do?

That does sound like a genuine bug. It should show that message for about 3 seconds, after that the game should continue to the next set. Never came across that glitch during testing. Will check that out as soon as I get back home.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 09:30:53

At 12/3/08 08:58 AM, Xeptic wrote: Ugh, it's not a glitch people. You should look through the tutorial or read the description before you start playing :)

Whoa, I feel like a right idea now. Sorry Xeptic.
Didn't really read the bit about resetting the level.

Then again, I haven't slept for a couple days. Yeah, I'll just blame my obnoxiousness on that.

My Art Thread! || Flash Reg Lounge! || CTSG Collab! :'( //

"And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun, for the people who are still alive..."

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 09:49:32

At 12/3/08 09:29 AM, Xeptic wrote: That does sound like a genuine bug. It should show that message for about 3 seconds, after that the game should continue to the next set. Never came across that glitch during testing. Will check that out as soon as I get back home.

It might just be me (My flash has been really weird recently, doesn't work in IE, sometimes buttons randomly don't work). Eventually after hitting space a few times it worked but then messed up again on 3rd level or so where i couldn't do a thing.
Other than that its a pretty nice game :)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 12:07:36

I like your game Xeptic.

I only question the use of lives, which fill the game with an unnecessary hurdle. It's already enough of a challenge to swing your circle correctly; having a set amount of tries seems excessive.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 12:31:35

At 12/3/08 12:07 PM, jmtb02 wrote: I like your game Xeptic.

I only question the use of lives, which fill the game with an unnecessary hurdle. It's already enough of a challenge to swing your circle correctly; having a set amount of tries seems excessive.

Thanks :) At first the game actually didn't have level sets and lives, but I was afraid that might make the game too simple, I added them in kind of last minute. There are couple of things I probably should have done differently with the overall design and mechanics, but I might incorporate all of these things in a new version. I can understand some people have trouble resetting a level or working out why they can't finish when they have exceeded the maximum number of bounces etcetera, some parts of the game aren't quite clear enough. At first I didn't even have the voice-over, I'm glad I thought of using that because I think it helped immensely to make the game more understandable. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 12:55:05

How do you qualify to the monthly voting?
Anyone who knows?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 12:59:59

At 12/3/08 12:55 PM, GrimNicker wrote: How do you qualify to the monthly voting?
Anyone who knows?

Top 2000 voters or something. If you are when you click "My account" it'll say "Monthly Voting Time!

The time has come to vote for the best Newgrounds contribution for November, 2008. The pool of nominees was drawn from the daily top five award winners and submissions showcased on the front page. Vote now for your favorites!" somewhere near the top

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-03 13:28:54

Vista IS a great OS for the average computer user, and I do use it 60% of the time despite having Ubuntu installed. On to Ubuntu, it's 2x better than Vista.

CBA explaining, it's true, kthxbie =[

Sup, bitches :)

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