At 11/28/08 11:43 AM, liaaaam wrote: And of course you have much more control, I'm not forced to use doubles when all I want to do is loop from 0-1000 :p
Why are you comparing ActionScript 2 with c++? :s
At 11/28/08 11:43 AM, liaaaam wrote: And of course you have much more control, I'm not forced to use doubles when all I want to do is loop from 0-1000 :p
Why are you comparing ActionScript 2 with c++? :s
At 11/28/08 11:43 AM, liaaaam wrote: Text to binary is simpler of course because I don't need to isolate each letter, so 10 lines (8 if it wasn't a function).
str.charCodeAt (i).toString (2)
int my_num = 0;
That's all you people can complain about. Twenty years ago, a feature called type inference. Which is why haXe > C++ > Java > AS.
Learn functional programming and then complain about languages. :p
And of course you have much more control, I'm not forced to use doubles when all I want to do is loop from 0-1000 :p
Your control is gonna do you a whole lot of good when I can write five times shorter code in OCaml that is twice as efficient as C++ directly.
Want to try? c:<
At 11/28/08 07:22 PM, Amish wrote: OMFG HAIII!!!
O hai. Do you how do?
At 11/28/08 12:27 PM, GustTheASGuy wrote: str.charCodeAt (i).toString (2)
Yes, well done, that's what I did. Why are you pointing that out?
Your control is gonna do you a whole lot of good when I can write five times shorter code in OCaml that is twice as efficient as C++ directly.
Want to try? c:<
OCaml sample code:
let average a b =
let sum = a +. b in
sum /. 2.0;;
You can shorten your code all you want, I prefer to have readable code. Also how is it more efficient? All the references I have found from Googling show that OCaml code is slower than C++ compiled code (apparantly gcc produces the fastest and OCaml the 2nd fastest), and speed comparisons on other sites have further shown that.
Sup, bitches :)
I took the liberty of, uh, not writing my counter in OCaml for you have such sensitive eyes. (Or rather Haskell is more readable to show what functional programming does.)
import Char
bin 0 = "0"
bin 1 = "1"
bin n | n > 1 = bin (div n 2) ++ bin (mod n 2)
padnum s | length s < 8 = replicate (length s - 8) '0' ++ s
unbin = fst . foldr (\n (sum, pos) -> (sum + digitToInt n * pos, pos*2)) (0, 1)
charstobin = unwords . map (padnum . bin . ord)
bintochars = map (chr . unbin) . words
Two lines of code (with the import) if they weren't functions. :D
At 11/29/08 11:42 AM, GustTheASGuy wrote: I took the liberty of, uh, not writing my counter in OCaml for you have such sensitive eyes.
If you call that readable then you really are very strange.
Sup, bitches :)
STFU noobs we're dickfencing!
You're just lazy to study it.
unbin = fst . foldr (\n (sum, pos) -> (sum + digitToInt n * pos, pos*2)) (0, 1)
function unbin (str) // strings are lists of chars in Haskell
var sum = 0;
var pos = 1; // this is the initial data passed to the fold = (0, 1)
while (str.length)
{ // this is the fold
sum += Number (str.pop ()) * pos; // foldr grabs the rightmost element = pop
pos *= 2; // function returns the new tuple (sum + rightmost, pos*2)
return sum; // return the first value of the tuple = fst . foldr = fst (foldr (str))
Of course you find the imperative destructive version more straightforward but it's not. Functional function functions are mostly evident because definitions are short and abstract while imperative functions might go into twenty lines of code to do the same which you have to follow through to understand shit. ,-mean_programmer.aspx
The C vs Haskell quicksort is a popular example (though it's an array vs a linked list).
I can write language interpreters in under 500 lines that outperform certain Macromedia/Adobe programs, coughcough, which they have to throw money at to get anywhere with; if anyone wants to add to mine they only need ten minutes to skim through it to see everything.
We can tell.
Programming Preferences
AS is moving in a more advanced direction, slowly albeit. I really need to get off my arse and learn something else then a web based language. Anyone got any good suggestions on where to move on from AS? I was thinking java then C++ and mabye some C#, but you guys know better than me.
I've been playing with sir toast a lot recently, so if anyone else here has it (pc), pm me and we can mercilously kill hundreds of zombies together :).
If you don't have it, get it. If you've got some good people to play with, it's endlessly fun.
I stumbled across this cool little puzzle game. You have to manipulate the sound stream to create a symphony of sound. It strikes a good balance between art, sound design and gameplay that i rarely see in flash games.
Anyway, pic below.
At 11/30/08 07:14 AM, Depredation wrote: AS is moving in a more advanced direction, slowly albeit. I really need to get off my arse and learn something else then a web based language. Anyone got any good suggestions on where to move on from AS? I was thinking java then C++ and mabye some C#, but you guys know better than me.
Time to learn a number of programming languages t = \n -> n ? 1/n + t n-1 : 1. Learn anything at all. haXe, Processing, Python, Ruby.
At 11/30/08 09:40 AM, GustTheASGuy wrote: Time to learn a number of programming languages t = \n -> n ? 1/n + t n-1 : 1. Learn anything at all. haXe, Processing, Python, Ruby.
I'm pretty sure he meant a real programming language, haXe is for web programming, Ruby isn't really used for application development, Processing is also mainly for web apps (I like the language but it is java based) and Python is also not really used for application development.
I suggest C++ ;)
Sup, bitches :)
At 11/30/08 11:21 AM, liaaaam wrote: I suggest C++ ;)
Yeah, i meant something that i can use on a higher level than web based stuff. I know html, as3, php, and a bit of java, a tiny bit. I'll probably get a book on C++ for xmas. To get me started. Anyone know of any good sites for some tutorials?
At 11/30/08 08:08 AM, citricsquid wrote: Toast sucks ;)
We went through easy to get achievements, I got STAND TALL because I never got knocked down :D I only lost ~30HP and everyone else was in red :P We also got the "Don't use healthpacks" one.
Yeah, i played through for a few achievements with toast. We ended up getting raped by a boomer and losing the health one after about 5 seconds :P.
What's your steam ID?
Occlusion or Depredation06. Anyone can add me if you've got steam, the more the merrier :).
At 11/30/08 11:21 AM, liaaaam wrote: I'm pretty sure he meant a real programming language, haXe is for web programming, Ruby isn't really used for application development, Processing is also mainly for web apps (I like the language but it is java based) and Python is also not really used for application development.
I suggest C++ ;)
lolol Ruby and Python are around the top ten most popular languages. I suggested Processing because it *is* Java. C++ is also used for web stuff not less than Perl, Ruby or Python. The meaning of 'web' becomes indistinguishable as for example I can use haXe for both C++ and Flash/PHP/Neko.
Dep: if you think we're talking about a useless load of languages refer to the above function. ;D
At 11/30/08 08:08 AM, citricsquid wrote:At 11/30/08 07:14 AM, Depredation wrote: Left4DeadToast sucks ;)
I've been playing with sir toast a lot recently, so if anyone else here has it (pc), pm me and we can mercilously kill hundreds of zombies together :).
If you don't have it, get it. If you've got some good people to play with, it's endlessly fun.
We went through easy to get achievements, I got STAND TALL because I never got knocked down :D I only lost ~30HP and everyone else was in red :P We also got the "Don't use healthpacks" one.
Yea sucks that someone threw a molotov on us so no one got the friendly fire achievement. Now I just need no damage taken from special zombies and no friendly fire, then the only achievements left are the ones on expert. I think I pretty much got everyone here on steam, if I missed someone add me.
At 11/30/08 12:50 PM, Toast wrote: I think I pretty much got everyone here on steam, if I missed someone add me.
What's your steamID? I haven't got L4D (yet) but I've got tones of other games.
steamID: funkycaveman
i heard l4d wasnt as good as it could have been (short story and does not take full advantage of source engine with physics, unbalanced versus multiplayer) but apart from that its a fun game, i havnt got it tho :( there are lots of other games in the holiday season that are more worth 60 bucks (30 quid)
At 11/30/08 12:58 PM, funkycaveman wrote: i heard l4d wasnt as good as it could have been (short story and does not take full advantage of source engine with physics, unbalanced versus multiplayer) but apart from that its a fun game, i havnt got it tho :( there are lots of other games in the holiday season that are more worth 60 bucks (30 quid)
Don't pay any attention to the gametrailers review (which i'm gathering is what you based your opinion on). It's an awesome game, and i don't know what they are talking about with the physics. Walls smash down realistically, doors gradually get battered down, effects are fantastic and verus is completely fair, since both teams get to be the infected, it is just a matter of who is the better team. Gametrailers are pretty bad at reviewing, from most of their reviews they seem to forget than a lot of games are intended to be played more than once. I really recommend it, once you get into expert mode, it is an absolute blast, and whenever you die you just marvel at the awesomeness of being mauled by 100s of zombies :D.
I added you btw.
Will one of you kind programmers inform me as to how stressful a for loop is on performance?
Say I have 200 lines of code then put in a for loop that's checking 6 points will that drop the frame rate a lot? anymore than a shapeflag checking 6 points or is it the same thing stress wise on framerate?
The thing I find annoying about l4d is that it can be a very awesome game, but 80% of the time it won't be awesome at all cause you're just gonna be waiting for lobby leader to find a decent server, or try to find teams where they actually don't friendly fire you every 2 seconds etc.
singleplayer is pretty crap, there's no point in playing it. So if you want to really enjoy that game you gotta have a lot of friends on steam who are good at the game.
Wow, i'm surprised how many people here have Steam.
Before i made this K-Guare account, i was pretty much obsessed with Garry's Mod.
My friend and i even owned a server, but,
it was WAAY too much maintenance for all the 'cool' whiny 12 year old fat kids
that take a visit onto you and crash your server.
I play every once in a while, but Flash is 10,000 better of a hobby than Gmod.
Hey guys how often does Tom usually check his mail? I'm just curious because I sent him my flash movie (as it was over 10 megs) and I'm wondering when I can expect a reply from him.
At 11/30/08 04:19 PM, NextToNothing wrote: Will one of you kind programmers inform me as to how stressful a for loop is on performance?
Say I have 200 lines of code then put in a for loop that's checking 6 points will that drop the frame rate a lot? anymore than a shapeflag checking 6 points or is it the same thing stress wise on framerate?
It really depends.. but for loops are an integral part of programming, just test your flash and you shouldn't notice any lag.
My steam is rawrliam I think.. Steam is stupid when it comes to user accounts, I have 3 different usernames so I have no idea which is the one that you add me with. I don't have L4D, all my friends do so I play it on their PCs and with their accounts, lol. The lobby system doesn't seem too slow to me, I like the whole lobby thing.. that's one of the pluses of consoles online multiplayer over PCs, like with Call of Duty 4 I can just choose the match type and play whereas on PC it's a list of server names, I select a Team Deathmatch server and it loads up Headquarters >.> Annoying :P
Sup, bitches :)
At 11/30/08 04:36 PM, K-Guare wrote: Wow, i'm surprised how many people here have Steam.
Before i made this K-Guare account, i was pretty much obsessed with Garry's Mod.
gMod is hot. Fort wars ftw.
At 11/30/08 05:31 PM, liaaaam wrote: My steam is rawrliam I think.. Steam is stupid when it comes to user accounts, I have 3 different usernames so I have no idea which is the one that you add me with.
Yeah, I had that problem. Its not rawrliam. If you go view > settings > account it'll tell you ;)
At 11/30/08 05:56 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Yeah, I had that problem. Its not rawrliam. If you go view > settings > account it'll tell you ;)
liam2950 it is, then, lol :p
Sup, bitches :)
my brother made a movie
At 11/30/08 04:07 PM, Depredation wrote:At 11/30/08 12:58 PM, funkycaveman wrote: i heard l4d wasnt as good as it could have been (short story and does not take full advantage of source engine with physics, unbalanced versus multiplayer) but apart from that its a fun game, i havnt got it tho :( there are lots of other games in the holiday season that are more worth 60 bucks (30 quid)Don't pay any attention to the gametrailers review (which i'm gathering is what you based your opinion on). It's an awesome game, and i don't know what they are talking about with the physics. Walls smash down realistically, doors gradually get battered down, effects are fantastic and verus is completely fair, since both teams get to be the infected, it is just a matter of who is the better team. Gametrailers are pretty bad at reviewing, from most of their reviews they seem to forget than a lot of games are intended to be played more than once. I really recommend it, once you get into expert mode, it is an absolute blast, and whenever you die you just marvel at the awesomeness of being mauled by 100s of zombies :D.
I added you btw.
yea i also saw the G4 xplay review and they said fantstic writing and modern zombies are fun 5/5, so i was just expressing some of the view in yes the GT review but i havnt played it and i probs wont :( but there you go, thanks for the add, maybe play a game of something, i should rele get some more pc games that work with steam!
Just for funs! Summary of files in/used by my new Tau'ri engine so far:
lines package filename
----- ------- -----------
66 phys Spring
7 phys TypeID
202 phys Base
62 phys Circle
39 phys CircSpring
18 phys F2
1205 phys GPhys
229 phys Multi
40 phys MultiSpring
51 phys Particle
419 phys Polygon
14 phys PolyMulti
39 phys PolySpring
608 geom Trace
34 geom BitmapHitTest
14 geom I2
293 geom March
16 spatial Cell
13 spatial Cell2
76 spatial Grid
62 spatial Grid2
15 spatial Node2
42 input Key
417 softbody
170 BackWalk
159 Enemy
9 Flyable
15 FlyCell
77 hashes
365 lands
20 NonCollidable
174 physics
6 physics_vars
4976 lines, 33 files
Longest piece of work to date by an estimated 1000 lines (I think my C++ goo thing hit around 4000)
I haven't seen the light of day in a bit now. O_________O
Got musical - inspired mainly by Primus and Jimi Hendrix. Also I played guitar my first time the other day - definately found myself a new hobby. I'm hoping to get an electric bass soon. After to speaking to the bass player from an Ontario stoner rock band called Smoking Frog I felt bass was for me and would make a great thing to do durring boring days.
Too Chill To Care
This Fist
They're The Duders
Oh right and I've been animating the usual junk. After 5 months my friend Darryl a.k.a. MTCaptain finally got the voice acting done for stuff (like Duders ep2) so its sped up. Nice to see the finished chunks - really motivating when stuff comes out the way you like it. My animations really got that "Derek L. Vandenberg" touch to 'em now.
Anyway I'm thinking I may take a 2 week break or so from current works to get a Duder short or somethin' out. I had 33 flashes last year and only 8 this year. This was the first year I won an award to see I'd like to end it the way I started with a Duder short - or blow minds with ep2 if I can buy enough coffee and energy drinks to keep me going.
Oh... and I'm coming back to the lounge here cause I missed you guys.
I bought a new bubbler cause my old one broke. It's name is beelzebubbler - Beezl for short. I pronounced "Beelze" wrong and said it like "diesel" but with a "b". lol Epic moments.
I got two exams to study for to yay.
And screeny of junk for <3
At 11/30/08 08:06 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Oh... and I'm coming back to the lounge here cause I missed you guys.
Missed you too <3.
At 11/30/08 08:06 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: I'm hoping to get an electric bass soon. After to speaking to the bass player from an Ontario stoner rock band called Smoking Frog I felt bass was for me and would make a great thing to do durring boring days.
Yessssss! Another bassist! You're like the 8th I've ever seen, which makes me sad...
And screeny of junk for <3
I didnt particularly like it all that much.. its much too short of a game to pay 50 dollars for... the online play is 'okay' ... theres some really annoying lag at times and in a game where it is pretty crucial to be aware of the hordes of enemies youre thrown at you... you really NEED a lag-free game.. more so than other games. It's an ok game, probably not worth 50 bucks is my say. I did enjoy the online play, both the team and the versus modes.
I still like dead rising more in terms of zombie based games.. tho i do like that the zombies in this game were fast (well some of them). Also it could have used more varieties of enemies.
I'd say wait for it to go down in price then get it.