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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

At 11/6/08 04:31 PM, mwmike wrote: That sounds like a great idea, I'll be on it when I finish my current project.

Just imagine the score.

Thats all you youths care about nowadays, the score. -_- I remember a time when people made games for fun!

Personally i make them for money :P


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

My 17th tomorrow!

I've been taking illegal lessons on driving, and it's FUCKING hard, but I'm getting better and I love it. Gonna start driving with an instructor next week hopefullers!

On another note, I've been learning C# with XNA recently and I'm loving it. I wouldn't normally touch Microsoft software with a 10 foot pole but on this occasion they seem to have done a good job!

Maybe I could even start developing XBLA games soon! Maybe some of you guys might want to start a team?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

I'm taking my 35 cents all the way to the bank on black friday this year.

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

6 Day Weekend!

Well, you know how I said I got a snow day? Well I did today, and they already called off school for tomorrow.

Plus we already didn't have school on Monday and Tuesday for teacher inservice and veterans day.

Meaning we have a 6 day weekend!

*Hums FF7 Victory Toon*

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

Gears 2!!!

God damn, I can't wait. Tommorrow can not come soon enough for me. Gears of War 2 looks so godly. So, anyone else picking it up?

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

Snow Day
At risk of sounding incredibly ignorant, what happens on a Snow Day? The media has told me it's the day all you kids go out in the snow and go sledding and building snowmen, but I have a feeling it's a day where you sit inside and hope the power doesn't go out.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

At 11/6/08 08:22 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Snow Day
but I have a feeling it's a day where you sit inside and hope the power doesn't go out.

It's a day when you sit on your ass on newgrounds, myspace, and also play FF8 at the same time. Whilst hoping the power doesn't go out.

Oh, and its also a day when your parents make you shovel the driveway.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

At 11/6/08 08:26 PM, NG-Unit wrote:
Oh, and its also a day when your parents make you shovel the driveway.

The last time our city had a snow day was in 1999 when the army was called out to help shovel the snow. Ain't that cool. Was in gr 3 at the time.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

At 11/6/08 08:22 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Snow Day
At risk of sounding incredibly ignorant, what happens on a Snow Day? The media has told me it's the day all you kids go out in the snow and go sledding and building snowmen, but I have a feeling it's a day where you sit inside and hope the power doesn't go out.

yea after middle school it's usually just sit inside and play video games and stuff, or if you do go outside, it's usually the first day it snows, cause then it's all "sweet, snow, let's throw it at each other and build a giant snowman," but after the first day it's just downhill. Unless it's a blizzard, like in 96... jesus that's 12 years ago, I can't believe it was that long ago. So I was... 7? good lord... but that was a good winter, we just jumped off the deck because the snow was so high. Part of the problem is the bigger you get the smaller the hills get, I used to sled down my front yard, now I could probably jump down my front yard...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

oh god, snow day.
The TDSB (toronto district school board) haven't given us a snow day in the last 10 or so years, and counting. Assholes, the boys right next to us get snowdays any time you think you should be wearing boots rather than your runners.
Pretty gay.

And damn, i wish i had a ps3/xb360.
But i'm having fun with my psp/ds :>
Handheld, yey.
God of War, Loco Roco, some FF and FF-like games, GOOD SHIT.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 6, 2008

At 11/6/08 04:31 PM, mwmike wrote:
Just imagine the score.

id get 5.0/5 for sure, I mean, who doesn't love striking down turkeys with with blunt (and shiny mind you, hence why I didn't say club, people only like shiny things..) weapon :D

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/6/08 11:49 PM, x-factor11 wrote:
At 11/6/08 04:31 PM, mwmike wrote:
Just imagine the score.
id get 5.0/5 for sure, I mean, who doesn't love striking down turkeys with with blunt (and shiny mind you, hence why I didn't say club, people only like shiny things..) weapon :D


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

fucking shit dumb school

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/7/08 06:13 AM, Toast wrote: fucking shit dumb school

I may regret this, but share your feelings toast :p.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

Thats sad, theres only been 2 posts since I went to bed last night, 9 hours ago.

Anyway, yes, please share Toast.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/6/08 10:30 PM, Coaly wrote: So I was... 7? good lord... but that was a good winter

You are going to make such a good old-guy-on-the-porch. Rocking Chair requred.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

Fucking shitty HMV, I preorder gears of war 2 so that i can get it on the day! BUT IT HASNT TURNED UP! and im pissed off >:C I was excited today aswell!

Now im too embarresed to appear online on live cos everyone will laugh at me :(


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

Wuts your favorite food?
Im so fucking hungry right now. I think my favorite food right this minute is oysters. I could eat the whole ocean's supply if i could. Especially right now.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/7/08 11:57 AM, adman1993 wrote: Fucking shitty HMV, I preorder gears of war 2 so that i can get it on the day! BUT IT HASNT TURNED UP! and im pissed off >:C I was excited today aswell!

Pwnt. The gamestation near me did a midnight release.. I only know because I went in at about 8pm for LBP and they were all getting ready XD

At 11/7/08 12:25 PM, Luis wrote: Wuts your favorite food?
Im so fucking hungry right now. I think my favorite food right this minute is oysters. I could eat the whole ocean's supply if i could. Especially right now.

Chicken Fajitas.. but I dunno, I don't have an intense appetite for anything right now.. I'm pretty tired and bored out my skull so I'm putting it down to that =]

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

Don't ask me to form a coherent thought into a post. im jetlagging like hell from my holidays sleeping time lmao (i basically went to sleep so late that i ended up doing a 24-hour sleeping loop until i got back to normal school sleeping times).

Anyway there's not much new, it's my same old usual unhappiness with school. I get shit grades in every subject and it just seems impossible for me to sit down on a chair at home and actually start doing my homework, or even writing the lesson on my note book in class. I'm in a class of retards. No one understand anything, no one in my class knows how to think. Generally I am interested in subjects like math and physics, hence why I was this [-] close to creating a "math club" thread on the flash forum, as geeky as it may sound. However at school I just can't bring myself to pay much attention to the lessons and shit. I used to ask a lot of questions in the scientific classes (math physics etc) but i quickly stopped after I realised most of my teachers don't know anything about what they teach.

Today we had to use our graphic calculators to display a certain function on the screen in the same way it was shown in the book: like a stretched curve that goes from the left edge of the screen to the right with a y axis that slightly increases and then slightly decreases.

f(x) = 1 / x^2 + 25

As you can possible imagine, you won't see any of the curve in this function if you set your window on high yMax and yMin, as f(1) = 1/26 and f(10) = 1/125 (you get the point)

in class they spent around 40 minutes trying to figure why the curve wasn't visible on their screen, i completed it in around 10 seconds because it seemed obvious that y= x^(-2) isn't gonna give high values. not intending to boast here or anything, just showing you the contrast in my class.

Luckily my physics teacher wanted to talk to me, she could see that i wasn't doing very well grade-wise although i am "gifted", she is going to talk to my mother and maybe I'll get to go to another school for gifted people.

i hope by "school for special people" they don't mean school for retards lmao

gust is probably gonna laugh if he sees this.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

Coders who can art/ artists who can code
This may be stating the obvious but ive just come to this realization just now at how insanely .... INSANELY helpful it is when the coder has some sense of how animation works or can illustrate atleast slightly... and also when an artist has atleast some sense of how actionscript works or can do basic tasks in punching up code.

I've been workin on a slew of games lately and i find that the games that im most motivated to work on are games where the coder can 'speak' my language .. i guess i never realized that until just now. I used to think it was all about comfort zones. Like having someone youre friends with, but in fact thats only the tip of the iceberg. Ok back to work.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/7/08 02:26 PM, Luis wrote: Coders who can art/ artists who can code

If I could animate I wouldn't need people like you :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/7/08 02:26 PM, Luis wrote: I've been workin on a slew of games lately and i find that the games that im most motivated to work on are games where the coder can 'speak' my language .. i guess i never realized that until just now. I used to think it was all about comfort zones. Like having someone youre friends with, but in fact thats only the tip of the iceberg. Ok back to work.

I find both the animation and the game programming sides of things quite interesting, and I often wonder just why it is people just don't 'get' either side. You can be creative in code, and you can be structured in your drawing, so it's not a mindset thing. You can learn to draw and you can intuitively code so it's not a talent thing. Maybe it's just me but I *get* both worlds and am quite happy coding and drawing at the same time.

Speaking of which, Les, if you're reading this, I'll get some scans done for the game tommorow, but I've been busy tinkering with thisagain...

Speaking of
this, can people test this and tell me what kind of frame rate they're getting? Bottom left of the screen.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/7/08 04:23 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Speaking of
this, can people test this and tell me what kind of frame rate they're getting? Bottom left of the screen.

Around 40fps. Looks great with textures, what are you planning to do with it?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/7/08 04:23 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Speaking of
this, can people test this and tell me what kind of frame rate they're getting? Bottom left of the screen.

It's fluctuating (sp) so much I can't tell the exact framerate, it varies from 30-something to 50-something. Sometimes I think I can make out a 6 as well.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

new song! vote 5 all of you >:(

and Ghost-Hunter is out. go check it out in my userpage and vote 5 =D

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/7/08 05:30 PM, Blackfang wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 85439

Wow, sounds like a great backround music for a village surrounded by water, but it didn't loop =(

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

Eyeballing game

How well did you do?

I found that im good at finding a circle's center yet horrible with triangles and angles. :(

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

At 11/7/08 05:53 PM, Luis wrote: Eyeballing game

How well did you do?

i got 2.6 :D

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Nov 7, 2008

I was almost perfect with circles and finding 90 degree lines, but triangles were pretty bad for me.

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

always behind schedule.

BBS Signature