New puzzle game engine
I'm really enjoying making these simple puzzles. Here's something I did that sparked my curiosity. I was trying to calculate the probabilities for each best move you could make in Mastermind game and I ended up coding the engine of the game for fun. So far it's fully functional (although it needs to be poished if I want to submit it to NG) and it only contains 15 lines of actionscript. that's right, 15 lines!
Here's a link
read these instructions first: the grey fields represent the text fields in which you type the code. The code is a number of 4 digits, each digit can be a number from 1-6 and no digits are repeated in the same code. So the code would be something like 4125 for example, or 6532. Type a 4 digit number in the text field and press the white button to check which digits are in the right position, or just present somewhere in the code but not in the right position. the log will keep track of your digit entries.
I'm having a great time making those puzzles. If anyone has ideas for more challenging, complicated, and interesting puzzles please let me know! they are very quick and fun to make.
note: on average I manage to crack the code in around 4-5 times, try to see how many tries it takes for you. fun thing i will try to code now is a bot that tries to guess the code in the least possible amount of times, run it 1000 times, and see the maximum number of tries that a game with any starting guess can take .