At 10/21/08 03:09 PM, dELtaluca wrote: i'd well come to iceland
You can probably get there for about 50p at the moment, with their economic collapse and all :P.

At 10/21/08 03:09 PM, dELtaluca wrote: i'd well come to iceland
You can probably get there for about 50p at the moment, with their economic collapse and all :P.
Halloween Content
Well i dont have a constume or anything, but im working on a halloween game. heres the main menu. also in my userpage. cough cough comment.
Halloween content
I was working on something with an artist, they gave up on it about a week ago, and I gave up on it yesterday.
At 10/21/08 03:46 PM, Blackfang wrote: Halloween Content
Looking good, what's it about?
At 10/21/08 03:46 PM, Blackfang wrote: Halloween Content
Well i dont have a constume or anything, but im working on a halloween game. heres the main menu. also in my userpage. cough cough comment.
looks good :) i commented :D
At 10/21/08 02:38 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote:
Boo! You picked the lame side of Canada. Come to B.C. we have drugs and cookies.
Plus you'd laugh your ass off at the attempts the governments making here to "clean the streets" and make everything fancy.
Woo BC! I live in Manitoba currently but I'm moving to BC when i graduate (next year) for University =D
I say we have one in the Lake district! (Meet) Delta and Paranoia (if he were here) and others probably agree. They only have to go across 1 or 2 county's and I get to stay within 30 miles of my house :D Seriously though theres no such thing as a sunny day in Britain.
Is still amazed that an 11 year old has the time/ can be bothered to go on Newgrounds.
At 10/21/08 02:42 PM, Senti wrote:At 10/21/08 01:10 PM, Blackfang wrote: Thats a wonderful idea Lu. Especially that Philly one. If you have that then i can go ;)Don't bother, he'll call and call and make all sorts of roller coaster promises...then won't show. HE'S DONE IT BEFORE
yeah we were on stickam the whole time. lmao. if you were on ng at all youd have known my activities. You woulda been bored so i thought id spare ya.
is anybody making any flash for the big event, any previews or comments on it, what do you think will win number one?
At 10/21/08 05:09 PM, Luis wrote: yeah we were on stickam the whole time. lmao. if you were on ng at all youd have known my activities. You woulda been bored so i thought id spare ya.
That stickam was great. I was watchin' 'n' luffin' ya, Lu.
At 10/21/08 05:05 PM, tommattox wrote:Is still amazed that an 11 year old has the time/ can be bothered to go on Newgrounds.
I just joined to host my flash, but then a few months later I went back on to check out the forums. Now I'm a sad little shit.
At 10/21/08 05:13 PM, mwmike wrote: I just joined to host my flash, but then a few months later I went back on to check out the forums. Now I'm a sad little shit.
I agree. Naah only joking. By the way thanks for having the link to on your site. Now I get an almost invisible subdomain and crappy free hosting :D Only the front page is started but check it out. Please note that I cannot draw :S .html
Lol: A&feature=user Check out this guys channel and his other stuff. Blame halo 3, bad grammar, this one that I've linked and I wanna be a pop star are my favourites.
Saints row 2: Just came in the mail today and its awesome! Miles better than GTA IV. I spent all night on it which means I'm now sat with nothing done for my pieces of coursework/ various essays. Blargh!
here is my menu for the animation:
comments, but its complete now so i cant change anything.
At 10/21/08 05:13 PM, funkycaveman wrote: HALOWEEN FLASH
is anybody making any flash for the big event, any previews or comments on it, what do you think will win number one?
Catoblepas' "Fucking Kids" has made a few waves, supposedly it's being looked at by the FBI and they're going to seize his computer and rape him... oh dear. Some people are getting pretty full on about it. /212328
I'm thinking "Jerry and the closet" has got it at this stage.
Catoblepas' "Fucking Kids" has made a few waves, supposedly it's being looked at by the FBI and they're going to seize his computer and rape him... oh dear. Some people are getting pretty full on about it. /212328
I'm thinking "Jerry and the closet" has got it at this stage.
lol, i dont think it will get past the portal, but it would be funny tho!
theres no theme for halloween but tom said make it scary?
What's Everyone Doing For Halloween?
Since we've already been talking about it, I thought I'd make a topic.
Anyway, I have my costume, I'm a pimp :P. I'm just gonna go hang out at the holiday inn (they have like the party there and stuff) and just hang out with people. I went trick or treating last year but I don't think I'm going this year. Oh, I'm also going to the college because they have a really good haunted house...Well, by really good, I mean better than the Holiday Inn's.
Haha why does everybody hate you?
@ Xeptic- ITS A SECRET. No biggie though its only a minigame
Ok, screw my last topic. This one is more important.
April Fulp is PREGGERS!
Yeah, really, go wish April and Tom congratulations. here
oh shit, i forgot to make halloween games.
my FIRST HOLIDAYS OF THE YEAR are coming up next week... FINALLY ! there's so much fucking pressure here that it's very hard to work on a flash project calmly... some days i just didn't wake up in the morning and slept through all the morning classes lmao
im angry
also, im fucking angry that i can never get good donuts. I WANT SOME GOOD DONUTS FFS! why the fuck aren't there any donuts in france, just another reason to move to another country ..
You live in France Toast? i never knew that!
Halloween Content
K heres the last version of the main menu. The fog moves slowly left, giving it a scary effect.
At 10/21/08 07:18 PM, Blackfang wrote: You live in France Toast? i never knew that!
Halloween Content
K heres the last version of the main menu. The fog moves slowly left, giving it a scary effect.
that totally scared the shit out of me lol
At 10/21/08 07:18 PM, Blackfang wrote: You live in France Toast?
Lawl, French Toast.
Anyway, BlackFang. Thats a great menu, you should post the swf so we can see the mist.
Halloween Hijinx
I'm not sure what my plan for this year is, but a few years ago I hit upon a pretty good idea. I showed up at a buddy's Halloween party absolutely dressed to the nines; full pinstriped, 3-piece suit, black tie, hair slicked back, the whole thing. I would slip in and out of groups mingling about the party, and eventually someone would inevitably ask me what I was.
"Well," I would start, then in one smooth motion draw a cap gun from my suit and level it between their eyes, "I'm a hitman." Then I'd pull the trigger.
I ruined a couple of costumes that was great.
At 10/21/08 07:34 PM, NG-Unit wrote:At 10/21/08 07:18 PM, Blackfang wrote: You live in France Toast?Lawl, French Toast.
LMFAO! Toast did you pick that name on purpose SOLELY for that joke?
Also yeah i like both of the menu's, hope they both turn out well =D im not making anything for halloween :(
NG Sketchbook Tour 08
What happened to it? Haven't seen updates in ages.
At 10/21/08 08:18 PM, Duchednier wrote: LMFAO! Toast did you pick that name on purpose SOLELY for that joke?
I'm pretty sure he moved to France like 2 years ago :p He used to live in Israel.. somewhere.
At 10/21/08 06:50 PM, NG-Unit wrote: Yeah, really, go wish April and Tom congratulations. here
Why is noone talking about this? Gah!
I've known for a while, it's been hard keeping it secret, it's awesome isn't it? =D
Sup, bitches :)
ugg multiplying 2 16-bit numbers into a 32-bit number on an 8-bit processor in assembly is so annoying.
Yet somehow i got it to work right on the first try... I have no idea what I was doing but I guess it worked.
At 10/22/08 12:52 AM, liaaaam wrote: I've known for a while, it's been hard keeping it secret, it's awesome isn't it? =D
You and tom must be really tight.
Glail, please explain how you would do that >_> Or not, if it's really difficult which it sounds like it is. I mean, how can an 8 bit processor store a 32 bit word at all? :o
At 10/22/08 01:17 AM, BoMToons wrote: You and tom must be really tight.
Like a fish.
Sup, bitches :)
April Is Preggers!
I think tom would be an awesome dad :D And April an awesome mum of course :3