At 9/23/08 03:45 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:At 9/23/08 12:46 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: the trial doesnt pop in till november.That's complete wank as the CS3 trials are no longer available.
really?! where will we link teh n00bs?
At 9/23/08 03:45 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:At 9/23/08 12:46 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: the trial doesnt pop in till november.That's complete wank as the CS3 trials are no longer available.
really?! where will we link teh n00bs?
At 9/23/08 03:50 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: really?! where will we link teh n00bs?
At 9/22/08 06:53 PM, NG-Unit wrote: Denvah
I just got back from Denver, it was pretty awesome. We stayed in a 2 story hotel room which was awesome.
Then we went to the Broncoes/Saints game. We sat by this kinda douchish dude who got way to into the game.
At 9/23/08 04:09 PM, Blackfang wrote:At 9/22/08 06:53 PM, NG-Unit wrote: Then we went to the Broncoes/Saints game. We sat by this kinda douchish dude who got way to into the game.YEAH DUDE! DENVER BRONCOS FTW!
You were that douchish guy, weren't you?
At 9/23/08 09:49 AM, patu1 wrote: Rants
People stop ranting so much...and keep your rants shorter...
parents neer technology
My parents are both elctronics enginers so pawnd...
stupis subjects
i have to get at least 55 at arabic to get my bagrut (kinda like mid terms..) so i have to get privete lessons
Dude can you learn to spell please?
And tommatox stop complaining a essay a month is NOTHING.
I get an essay a week, and a test every two days.
Sorry, double post
I have the perfect answer for long essays: Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
PM me for info... ;)
Blackfang: Complaining is how I roll :P Also Alpharius prevented you from double posting :P Seriously though if it was writing stories no problemo. What I find ridiculous is I'm already getting an A so theres no real point in just making me bored since I'm already almost at the highest level. Also now we're studying Shakespeare which sucks :(
Toast: Give me tests any day. Unless their in French : / Or are you in a "special" section?
Once again toast managed to miss my posts while spotting the one I wasn't bothered about him replying to. You complained about the website thingy then I posted saying I will then you missed it again!
!TOAST READ ABOVE! *siren^ I will aid you on your quest for "teh 1337 webzorz!" sorry couldn't resist the urge :D
At 9/23/08 04:17 PM, tommattox wrote: Blackfang: Complaining is how I roll :P
hell yeah. I'm in a bad mood and i just had to complain. Seriously school shouldnt start at 6:30. i need more sleep. i wish it could start at 10.
At 9/23/08 03:50 PM, ArthurGhostly wrote:At 9/23/08 03:41 PM, Toast wrote: LOL! i pretty much got a test every two days.Tests are over and done with within like... an hour or so.
Essays take forever.
oh i see what ur talking about. we have those too.
and tom, I don't know what you mean by "special section" but im definitely not mentally handicapped. im in an international school though, so yeah english section.
At 9/23/08 04:17 PM, tommattox wrote: Blackfang: Also Alpharius prevented you from double posting :P
Mwahahahahaha stop the double post!!!
Toast: Give me tests any day.
I agree, I prefer tests, cause then my teachers assume our class will take the whole hour but really we finish in about half of it and the rest of the time I sleep. Then no homework!
At 9/23/08 04:16 PM, SweetSkater wrote: I have the perfect answer for long essays: Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
PM me for info... ;)
dude who needs that? i took some tests and apparently i have over 120 WPM (words per minute). i can probably type 10 times faster than i speak in english.
At 9/23/08 04:47 PM, Toast wrote:At 9/23/08 04:16 PM, SweetSkater wrote: I have the perfect answer for long essays: Dragon NaturallySpeaking.dude who needs that? i took some tests and apparently i have over 120 WPM (words per minute). i can probably type 10 times faster than i speak in english.
PM me for info... ;)
HAHA, then you have a speech impediment.
You can use this thing so much faster than typing, all you do is talk.
What a stupid thing to say.
At 9/23/08 04:48 PM, SweetSkater wrote: HAHA, then you have a speech impediment.
You can use this thing so much faster than typing, all you do is talk.
What a stupid thing to say.
I can probably type faster then I can talk, so it's not very stupid.
Just 15 days 'till the reg lounge's suparr 1337 page.
At 9/23/08 04:51 PM, Alpharius120 wrote:At 9/23/08 04:48 PM, SweetSkater wrote: HAHA, then you have a speech impediment.I can probably type faster then I can talk, so it's not very stupid.
You can use this thing so much faster than typing, all you do is talk.
What a stupid thing to say.
And those who can't talk fast, type, and those who can't type, teach gym!
No offence to all gym teachers out there >.>
At 9/23/08 04:48 PM, SweetSkater wrote: HAHA, then you have a speech impediment.
You can use this thing so much faster than typing, all you do is talk.
What a stupid thing to say.
i don't speak english fast because it's not my native language ok, deal with it. i still bet i type faster than anyone on the flash forum talks
At 9/23/08 04:54 PM, mwmike wrote: suparr
You spelt "Subpar" wrong
GODDAMNIT TOAST: you missed it or ignored it again. Also by special I meant English section but didn't want to say English in case I looked like an idiot if your native tongue wasn't English.
Blackfang: Indeed old bean :D
Alpharius: Keep up the good work ;D
Learner test: I am a logical learner apparently ventory/questions.asp?cookieset=y
i didnt miss ur post. what's ur website idea?
At 9/23/08 04:56 PM, tommattox wrote: Learner test:
Here's my results; there were very few i could answer midway on, it was either 0 or 2 for the vast majority of them :P
At 9/23/08 04:55 PM, Toast wrote: i don't speak english fast because it's not my native language ok, deal with it.
I can understand that, this Dragon NaturallySpeaking is in French also ;).
How about this, i bet no-one here can type faster than they can speak in their native tongue. I GUARANTEE that no-one can!
At 9/23/08 05:12 PM, SweetSkater wrote:At 9/23/08 04:55 PM, Toast wrote: i don't speak english fast because it's not my native language ok, deal with it.I can understand that, this Dragon NaturallySpeaking is in French also ;).
How about this, i bet no-one here can type faster than they can speak in their native tongue. I GUARANTEE that no-one can!
well why dont u log on skype or something and read a text to me and ill type it. im sure i can keep up with you. also, if you speak too fast NaturallySpeaking will make more mistakes. You gotta speak clearly. and btw, my native language is hebrew. I speak french with a terrible accent lol
At 9/23/08 05:05 PM, dELtaluca wrote:At 9/23/08 04:56 PM, tommattox wrote: Learner test:Here's my results; there were very few i could answer midway on, it was either 0 or 2 for the vast majority of them :P
We had to do that lame ass test in Year 10 :/ From what I can remember, I think I've moved more towards social and away from logical over those four years...
Jack of all trades I guess :P
At 9/23/08 05:27 PM, Paranoia wrote:At 9/23/08 05:05 PM, dELtaluca wrote:We had to do that lame ass test in Year 10 :/ From what I can remember, I think I've moved more towards social and away from logical over those four years...At 9/23/08 04:56 PM, tommattox wrote: Learner test:Here's my results; there were very few i could answer midway on, it was either 0 or 2 for the vast majority of them :P
Jack of all trades I guess :P
lmfao im the opposite of you. I got 15 on logical and solitaire and pretty low on everything else. I didn't answer all the questions with 100% honesty but I felt that the questions asked could not reflect me correctly.
At 9/23/08 04:55 PM, Toast wrote: i don't speak english fast because it's not my native language ok, deal with it. i still bet i type faster than anyone on the flash forum talks
I'll take that challenge. ;D
So thanks to Adobe being such a bitch to me, I had to get a refund on my CS3 buy, so fuck that. I asked my brother (who's now in college) if he'd pick me up a copy for $250, but then found out just today CS4 comes out very, very soon (or so I heard from ze forumz). I called him basically right before he was going to buy it and am having him ask when they get a shipment of CS4 copies, so luckily for me, I'll get it really early right when it comes out, plus it will allow me to not pay the $200 - 250 I was ABOUT to pay for CS3, which would have sucked big dick ... if you know what I mean....?
...and this is my fag...
At 9/23/08 05:53 PM, El-Presidente wrote: So thanks to Adobe being such a bitch to me, I had to get a refund on my CS3 buy, so fuck that. I asked my brother (who's now in college) if he'd pick me up a copy for $250, but then found out just today CS4 comes out very, very soon (or so I heard from ze forumz). I called him basically right before he was going to buy it and am having him ask when they get a shipment of CS4 copies, so luckily for me, I'll get it really early right when it comes out, plus it will allow me to not pay the $200 - 250 I was ABOUT to pay for CS3, which would have sucked big dick ... if you know what I mean....?
Ah yes, big dick.
I now understand
But seriously, you're one damn lucky guy. To bad I won't be getting CS4 for a couple of months because like a billion godly video games come out in October.
At 9/23/08 06:06 PM, Alpharius120 wrote:
a billion godly video games come out in October.
Oh do tell, i am interested and too lazy to google em. What praychance games might these be?
At 9/23/08 09:27 PM, Duchednier wrote:At 9/23/08 06:06 PM, Alpharius120 wrote:a billion godly video games come out in October.Oh do tell, i am interested and too lazy to google em. What praychance games might these be?
Well, you got Fable 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, Saints Row 2, Fallout 3, Deadspace, it's next to Gears of War 2, Little Big Planet, also next to Call Of Duty: World At War, Line Rider 2: Unbound, and alot of other ones.
I'm gonna be poor D:
CS4 is coming out soon? anything interesting about it?