At 9/6/08 02:22 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote:
At 9/6/08 02:17 PM, Paranoia wrote:
There's something fantastic about creating a Civilisation dedicated to scientific and philosophical discovery of the highest magnitude, all while sitting in your boxers eating crisps.
Paranoia, try having a look at Civilization Revolution - you'll vanish for days. It's like they went out of thier way to streamline everything.
The last thing I need right now is more distractions. I've got a to-do list the length of a small country, but I'm too apathetic right now to do anything about it :/ I've got to finish a short-but-serious game, make moderate headway on an epic project before heading to Durham, find and read a few Shakespeare plays and some metaphysical poetry out of guilt for not taking a Lit degree and watch a couple more Kurosawa films.
I also need to have a few intensive games of badminton so I'm at a state of only-sucking-slightly by the end of the month, keep up with doing a decent number of sit-ups and weight lifts in a desperate attempt to will my muscles out of atrophy, play through Final Fantasy VII, make sure all my bank and application stuff's in order and find as many radio programs to listen to on iPlayer while doing Flash work.
Also, I've got to form some reasonable political views which don't just consist of hating everyone (especially Tories), get into the habit of reviewing films and stuff so I've got something to stick on my site, work out what I'm actually going to do once I've finished my course (the plan at the moment is just 'stay in education for as long as humanly possible'), assassinate the entire Labour front bench and try and arrange some sort of 'goodbye for a while' round of drinks with everyone I've ever been friends with.
Then I've got to actually get into some bands instead of just kind of liking most things (especially towards the heavy metal end of the spectrum), expand the range of drinks I like, learn how to cook some stuff, learn how to moonwalk (don't ask why) and formulate some sort of strategy for extending my course for as long as possible.
I've got about three weeks.
Also, I can't get any sleep because my brain's decided to spend night times formulating a script and shot-by-shot storyboard for an over-the-top, eccentrically directed British action film set in Leeds.
Religion kinda threw me off in Civ 4 it must be said.
They've got to keep adding new concepts otherwise a certain group of hard to please critics keep crying about lack of originality :/ Besides, I like having an additional excuse to declare war.
Right now I got destroyed in too games for declaring stupid, pointless wars I couldn't possibly win. Last time I got dragged into a fight with America by Russia, despite the fact that Russia was on a completely different continent and I was already fighting a war on two fronts.
Did you get to looking for more Metalocalypse?
A little :P That's on the list too.
King Kong
I'm watching the end of it on ITV now (the 2005 one). I wasn't expecting much, especially since Charlie Brooker said it was crap. I'm pleasently surprised.
Basically, imagine all of those films with really overdo their unrealistic CGI and end up looking comical. Now, imagine that, but with even more CGI added, to the point at which it goes past the level of being overdone and reaches a whole new level where it's suddenly awesome again. Basically, this film does for CGI what Ichi the Killer did for violence, and if you don't get that reference then buy Ichi the Killer now!
It's hypnotic to watch. It's like they gave a bunch of hack scrip-writers a new drinking game where they had to consistently outdo each other with insane visuals, then got the last one to succumb to brain damage to write down what he thought the most retarded thing he'd just heard was.
"T-Rex fight? I say we have two of them!"
"Pfft, how about two, then an additional T-Rex to appear while Kong's juggling the heroine?"
"OK, but all of them get knocked into a ravine"
"All of them? They should keep fighting"
"OK, OK, they get knocked in, but then start swinging from vines like flying, killer dinosaur jaws of death"
It's insane. There were at least eight points in the film where I literally starter shouting OH, COME ON! at the screen.
I can't work out whether it was made as a serious film, or a stunningly ingenious and ironic critique on the entirety of modern cinema. I've got to watch it again with the latter in mind :/
What do you guys think?
also, making long, pointless posts is another method I've got of wasting time...