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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 17:09:10

At 9/6/08 04:37 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: The truth.

I totally agree. That's why these days I try to avoid needing to use transparent PNGs and any flash or ActiveX of the sort (I know the png hack, but better safe than sorry.)

Also having standards compliant html and css is important. Make sure you use the w3schools checker thing.

Yum yum actionscript

I've been playing alot with physics and such lately. Check this thing out that I made. It's gotta be the best physics based thing I've made in Flash :D

Use the arrow keys and Mouse to shoot a grapple hook. I think its pretty fun :D

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/060908/7 9694_swing.php

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 17:36:00

At 9/6/08 05:09 PM, RyanPridgeon wrote:
Yum yum actionscript

I've been playing alot with physics and such lately. Check this thing out that I made. It's gotta be the best physics based thing I've made in Flash :D

Use the arrow keys and Mouse to shoot a grapple hook. I think its pretty fun :D

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/060908/7 9694_swing.php

lol I found a glitch, so I went to the top only to find a penis waiting for me. So I leaped on top of it, only to find when I entered into the testicles it flung me high into the air.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 18:22:40

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/060908/7 9694_swing.php
lol I found a glitch, so I went to the top only to find a penis waiting for me. So I leaped on top of it, only to find when I entered into the testicles it flung me high into the air.

lol i didnt find that.

but this game could make a nice bionic commando remake in flash.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 18:22:46

At 9/6/08 05:36 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: lol I found a glitch, so I went to the top only to find a penis waiting for me. So I leaped on top of it, only to find when I entered into the testicles it flung me high into the air.

Its not a glitch. You're just being ejaculated.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 18:27:33

At 9/6/08 02:22 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote:
At 9/6/08 02:17 PM, Paranoia wrote: There's something fantastic about creating a Civilisation dedicated to scientific and philosophical discovery of the highest magnitude, all while sitting in your boxers eating crisps.
Paranoia, try having a look at Civilization Revolution - you'll vanish for days. It's like they went out of thier way to streamline everything.

The last thing I need right now is more distractions. I've got a to-do list the length of a small country, but I'm too apathetic right now to do anything about it :/ I've got to finish a short-but-serious game, make moderate headway on an epic project before heading to Durham, find and read a few Shakespeare plays and some metaphysical poetry out of guilt for not taking a Lit degree and watch a couple more Kurosawa films.

I also need to have a few intensive games of badminton so I'm at a state of only-sucking-slightly by the end of the month, keep up with doing a decent number of sit-ups and weight lifts in a desperate attempt to will my muscles out of atrophy, play through Final Fantasy VII, make sure all my bank and application stuff's in order and find as many radio programs to listen to on iPlayer while doing Flash work.

Also, I've got to form some reasonable political views which don't just consist of hating everyone (especially Tories), get into the habit of reviewing films and stuff so I've got something to stick on my site, work out what I'm actually going to do once I've finished my course (the plan at the moment is just 'stay in education for as long as humanly possible'), assassinate the entire Labour front bench and try and arrange some sort of 'goodbye for a while' round of drinks with everyone I've ever been friends with.

Then I've got to actually get into some bands instead of just kind of liking most things (especially towards the heavy metal end of the spectrum), expand the range of drinks I like, learn how to cook some stuff, learn how to moonwalk (don't ask why) and formulate some sort of strategy for extending my course for as long as possible.

I've got about three weeks.

Also, I can't get any sleep because my brain's decided to spend night times formulating a script and shot-by-shot storyboard for an over-the-top, eccentrically directed British action film set in Leeds.

Religion kinda threw me off in Civ 4 it must be said.

They've got to keep adding new concepts otherwise a certain group of hard to please critics keep crying about lack of originality :/ Besides, I like having an additional excuse to declare war.

Right now I got destroyed in too games for declaring stupid, pointless wars I couldn't possibly win. Last time I got dragged into a fight with America by Russia, despite the fact that Russia was on a completely different continent and I was already fighting a war on two fronts.

Did you get to looking for more Metalocalypse?

A little :P That's on the list too.

King Kong

I'm watching the end of it on ITV now (the 2005 one). I wasn't expecting much, especially since Charlie Brooker said it was crap. I'm pleasently surprised.

Basically, imagine all of those films with really overdo their unrealistic CGI and end up looking comical. Now, imagine that, but with even more CGI added, to the point at which it goes past the level of being overdone and reaches a whole new level where it's suddenly awesome again. Basically, this film does for CGI what Ichi the Killer did for violence, and if you don't get that reference then buy Ichi the Killer now!

It's hypnotic to watch. It's like they gave a bunch of hack scrip-writers a new drinking game where they had to consistently outdo each other with insane visuals, then got the last one to succumb to brain damage to write down what he thought the most retarded thing he'd just heard was.

"T-Rex fight? I say we have two of them!"
"Pfft, how about two, then an additional T-Rex to appear while Kong's juggling the heroine?"
"OK, but all of them get knocked into a ravine"
"All of them? They should keep fighting"
"OK, OK, they get knocked in, but then start swinging from vines like flying, killer dinosaur jaws of death"

It's insane. There were at least eight points in the film where I literally starter shouting OH, COME ON! at the screen.

I can't work out whether it was made as a serious film, or a stunningly ingenious and ironic critique on the entirety of modern cinema. I've got to watch it again with the latter in mind :/

What do you guys think?

also, making long, pointless posts is another method I've got of wasting time...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 18:41:04

That's quite the long post you got there. Compensating?

King Kong
Visually it's a brilliant film, that's about it. It's a good film, but it isn't great. At first I thought that casting Jack Black as the main character was a mistake, but his performance surprised me in a positive way. The movie kinda feels like Peter Jackson threw 500 million bucks of revenue from the Lord of Rings movies on the WETA guys and gave them a carte blanche. It's also way too long...

Any of you guys feel like beta-testing a small game a couple of days from now? It's the avoider game I posted a couple of weeks back, I've working on it the past few days and it looks like this is going to be the first solo project I'm actually going to finish in years. I'm a happy guy.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 18:44:28

At 9/6/08 06:22 PM, Masterswordman wrote:
At 9/6/08 05:36 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: lol I found a glitch, so I went to the top only to find a penis waiting for me. So I leaped on top of it, only to find when I entered into the testicles it flung me high into the air.
Its not a glitch. You're just being ejaculated.

LOL, I put the penis there but I never got to it. Well done for doing so!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 18:50:33

Xeptic I'd be happy to beta test for you. School shouldn't get in the way as I still have like 5 hours after school to do stuff.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 19:10:15

I'm planning on releasing a new game and starting a new website on my 8,000th post. so don't miss it. :3 thanks for the mod who deleted my posts (guess it was keith)

also, im starting a petition to stop paranoia from making such long posts. we all know you're cool and we would love to read your smart posts but srsly, tl;dr.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 19:11:44

...and why were your posts deleted?

Good luck on hitting 8000 again, i haven't even hit 250...

------------------Serving the bored and insane since 2004.------------------------------

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 19:25:42

At 9/6/08 11:39 AM, ReNaeNae wrote: ...yeah, sometimes we get so caught up in our own reflections (in mirrors, glass... any reflective surface, really) that we miss all your "This is Flash, No Girls Allowed" signs. Next time try glitter! ;D

You made my roflol, you get a cookie.

*insert cookie here*

Uhm so, yes. I'm teaching animating stuff, because I can't start teaching them Actionscript if they don't even know the basics to programming, so I guess I'm stuck :P Altough I came with a few ideas today, because I actually met a dead end on where it comes to "animating practices". Since animating isn't that much as getting to know the methods, but as to practice :3

So I guess I'll start with more specific stuff, lip synch, character design, character walking, background design, stuff like that. Working with PS and DW, :P I'm gonna extend the course on pure bollocks.

Also, two weeks till payday. :D yay.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 19:29:42

At 9/6/08 07:10 PM, BrotherToast wrote: also, im starting a petition to stop paranoia from making such long posts. we all know you're cool and we would love to read your smart posts but srsly, tl;dr.

I can't help it :P I start typing stuff, and before I know it I've been sat here for two hours and people are shouting at me :(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 20:21:21

At 9/6/08 07:29 PM, Paranoia wrote:
I can't help it :P I start typing stuff, and before I know it I've been sat here for two hours and people are shouting at me :(

You're the reason my movies are delayed!

omgnoimjustkidding! i dont mean that.... im sorry :(


okai we is friends again =D

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 21:04:28

At 9/6/08 06:22 PM, funkycaveman wrote:
http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/060908/7 9694_swing.php

I found a glitch, at the beginning, cross the water pit, and if you go straight to the wall there are like 2 blocks right above you right? I got onto the rightmost single block, it sent me so far out and to the side and everything was white... it was weird O.o

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-06 21:34:50

At 9/6/08 06:44 PM, RyanPridgeon wrote:
At 9/6/08 06:22 PM, Masterswordman wrote:
At 9/6/08 05:36 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: lol I found a glitch, so I went to the top only to find a penis waiting for me. So I leaped on top of it, only to find when I entered into the testicles it flung me high into the air.
Its not a glitch. You're just being ejaculated.
LOL, I put the penis there but I never got to it. Well done for doing so!

YES! I was the first man to be ejaculated out of a penis not even the creator could get to. I'm so proud.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 02:41:35

At 9/6/08 05:09 PM, RyanPridgeon wrote: Use the arrow keys and Mouse to shoot a grapple hook. I think its pretty fun :D

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/060908/7 9694_swing.php

You can make the grapple feel more like a grapple by using a curveTo instead of a lineTo when the distance between you and the point of contact is less than the length of the grapple (also loosen up the controls a bit too so he bounces around more).

How I did this for aether was

if it was less, I computed 2 lines instead of 1, that together would add up to the total length of the string and end up at the point. So a bit of pythagorean theorem.

------------------------- <-100 pixels (use your imagination)

-------|-------- <- 60 pixels, midpoint marked.

the height above the line to bend it to is the pythagorean theorem. Each hypotenuse should be equal to length/2 (use some simple math to find the height now). Then use a curveTo from anchor to character, using the point you just computed as the control point.

To solve the problem that there's 2 possible points that can work (one above and one below the line) I saved the old position of the control and just tested which new point was closer to the old point.

It works like a charm, and is a great way to make an illusion of a rope without actually using any rope physics.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 05:53:27

How to make the line look better

Thanks, I'll try that out in a bit. Next up is ragdolls! :D

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 07:54:39

At 9/7/08 02:41 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
It works like a charm, and is a great way to make an illusion of a rope without actually using any rope physics.

Thing is glaiel, the rope in aether isn't all that easy to use. It's really weird that by pulling up and going in one directin, you would actually swing that way. The game was nice and all, but those silly faux physics made it really hard for me to grasp the controls, more so on the planets than in space.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 08:08:03

At 9/7/08 05:53 AM, RyanPridgeon wrote: Thanks, I'll try that out in a bit. Next up is ragdolls! :D

I've heard they're hard, good luck. I think a while ago I saw a thread that explained them a bit, not an AS: Main topic, someone asking for help I think.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 09:57:25

Had the house to myself for the entire night. I tried callin' friends over but, everyone was busy or "might" come over. Ended up getting drunk by myself for the first time and became quite sad, depressed, and violent. An alarm wasn't turned off so I woke up at 6:30 am with 6 hours of sleep (around 12:00 I passed out on my bed mumbling about my hatred for life at the moment.)

Now I sit here, still alone, hung over, dry, with no friends, and simply just waiting for people to come home only for me to continue to sit here...

I've realized simply acting nice and happy all the time isn't good enouph for me. I've been forcing myself to be positive since the end of July, ignoring the bad, fixing drama quick without fully fixing it, and overall lieing to myself, my feelings, and my heart. Acting like this can bring you happyness and make you loved, but it's not the kind of happyness and love I'm after.

I have a good hobby, I'm fine with my life, I'm in Uni and "going somewhere", I have lots of friends and lots of places to chill... but I still don't have the one thing that matters to me - someone who I can hold at night, someone who I can talk to about whats bugging me, someone who says "Everythings gonna be okay." to me for a chance.

Yeah I smoked some resin I scrapped from one of my bowls here and had to get these feelings out and this forums always helped. :3

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 10:04:07

At 9/7/08 09:57 AM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: but I still don't have the one thing that matters to me - someone who I can hold at night, someone who I can talk to about whats bugging me, someone who says "Everythings gonna be okay." to me for a chance.

If it's any comfort to you, you'll always have us <3 everything's gonna be okay

except you can't hold us at night :p

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 10:12:30

You'll find someone, duder. Its just a mater of time as with most things. Get out there and find her, sir. Or him if that's what you truly desire ;) There is no point lying to yourself and your feelings, its just gonna backfire and you're gonna end up feeling worse like you have. I know this from experience. Now my best friend tends to do it. She tells, me shes fine when shes clearly not and I know something like what happened to you will happen and I hate it. But back on topic, THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS IS WAITING FOR YOU MR DUDER! GET OUT THERE AND FIND HER. She'll like you, even without a mullet :3

Dunno if you guys noticed my absence for 2 or so weeks, that was due to relationship troubles and I couldn't be bothered with flash or NG. But it actually did me good as I've been working harder on my sites and flash more than before ;D


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 10:29:13

At 9/7/08 05:53 AM, RyanPridgeon wrote: Thanks, I'll try that out in a bit. Next up is ragdolls! :D

Here's a great article about Advanced Character Physics needed to make a ragdoll: http://www.teknikus.dk/tj/gdc2001.htm

From that alone I learned the basic logic behind physics. If you look on my first post on this account you can see how it went with my first experiment after reading that article. Good luck!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 11:07:08

I feel loved. C:
Thanks a shitload. Ya cheered me up. ^^

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 11:14:11

Here's a great article about Advanced Character Physics needed to make a ragdoll: http://www.teknikus.dk/tj/gdc2001.htm

From that alone I learned the basic logic behind physics. If you look on my first post on this account you can see how it went with my first experiment after reading that article. Good luck!

you have got to be kiddin me :)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 12:15:33

At 9/7/08 11:14 AM, funkycaveman wrote:
Here's a great article about Advanced Character Physics needed to make a ragdoll: http://www.teknikus.dk/tj/gdc2001.htm

From that alone I learned the basic logic behind physics.
you have got to be kiddin me :)

Its funny cuz he's not!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 13:03:19

At 9/7/08 11:07 AM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: I feel loved. C:
Thanks a shitload. Ya cheered me up. ^^

You should feel loved cuz we all love you!

Not as much as when you had the mullet but...Hah :P.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 13:33:28

At 9/7/08 10:29 AM, hesselbom wrote: Here's a great article about Advanced Character Physics needed to make a ragdoll: http://www.teknikus.dk/tj/gdc2001.htm

That looks great, when you post more work PM me a link.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 13:46:54

Pff, duder, you think YOU have problems..

Today my parents decided that i'm not good enough for them. I got decent results in my GCSEs, but they seem to think i'm a failure. Apparently an A* , 2 As and a million Bs is not good enough, so now I ended up getting angry, and I'm moving out.

Im sick of shit, and i cant stand it any more. I think im gonna have to scrape some money together and try to hold out through my A levels.

I have 2 months before I turn 17. 2 MONTHS.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-07 14:46:34

At 9/7/08 07:54 AM, Coolio-Niato wrote:
At 9/7/08 02:41 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
It works like a charm, and is a great way to make an illusion of a rope without actually using any rope physics.
Thing is glaiel, the rope in aether isn't all that easy to use. It's really weird that by pulling up and going in one directin, you would actually swing that way. The game was nice and all, but those silly faux physics made it really hard for me to grasp the controls, more so on the planets than in space.

? What do you mean that pulling up makes it hard to use? All the controls are up makes you move up (if there's gravity it basically reduces the effect of gravity), down makes you move down, and left and right make you move left and right. Then the rope pulls you in. I really don't see how that's a weird funky control scheme or anything..... Any suggestions for future development though?